Etcetera for May 2024

Dear Editors,

Thank you for Ron Wencer's history article in the March newsletter. We appreciate his extensive local research and its inclusion in the March edition.

Please pass our appreciation along to Ron. 

Austin Bowles, '61
Eileen Frawley Bowles, '61

Thank you for your welcome comments.  What a nice surprise it was to receive them! ~Ron


I am glad you were able to receive our appreciation. Eileen and I left Hicksville to go to college and never returned, but our childhood, even though less than a quarter our lives, was the most formative. We went to Nicolai Street and Old Country Road Schools prior to Jr. and Sr. HS.

We did get back fairly often as our parents remained, but once they died, less so. My family, which was smaller to begin with, is scattered. Eileen still has a brother in Hicksville and another in Suffolk county. However, it has been a few years and for various reasons the time between each visit is longer and longer.




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