Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
A note to our alumni: I do not have the power to simply change a member's email address. If you change your email address, you must re-subscribe using your new email address. Use the subscription box where it says Google Group on the HixNews homepage on the left and below the picture of the high school. Type your email address into the box and hit subscribe
Henry Lichtenstein
We have to make an appeal to all you wonderful alumni who are helping sustain the newsletter.
The editors are anxious to see more stories about your experiences in Hicksville, and, at the same time, would love for your follow-up correspondence to be more direct. By direct we mean, who sent the email; the email address of the sender; the nature of your response; is it a question, or is it a statement?!
We get so many responses, it sometimes is totally impossible to ascertain who is asking the question or doing the writing.
Please help. Can you do that? We, then, can be more effective. We love effectiveness.!!! Can you tell?
The Editors
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Class of 1962 50-Year Reunion
7PM -12AM HOLIDAY INN, Plainview , N.Y.
Please be sure Karen Hubner Jenkins has your current e-mail address (
Our Reunion Website 62.hixreunion.com
UPDATE!!! - Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project
Our hearts are heavy this month as we mourn the passing of Dennis Naso, HHS 1961. Dennis was one of our Veterans with Foreign Active Duty Service to his credit, but more importantly he was a wonderful family man and friend to many of us. He will be well remembered for many things, including his contributions to his class both during high school and as an alumna.
As for new names during the past month, October was slow with only 9 names added to bring our current total to 1,685 individual Veterans who served our country during the Vietnam War Era. However, excellent progress was once again made in filling in missing data on the list.
With regard to the missing data (as noted by red question marks on the List of Names), it is very important to review the list for missing information or existing information that needs correction, even if you don't have new names to send us. Please email me if you can help us fill in these blanks. High school class year has been specifically noted, where we have it, to make this review easier for you by quickly scanning the list for people you may know. Please pitch-in to make this Project a success.
In addition to building and working to complete The List of Names, much still needs to be done; including site selection, approval by local authorities for site use, final design, fundraising, construction of the Memorial and finally its dedication. As previously announced, Bill Walden is leading our efforts at the local level in Hicksville to make these important elements of The Project happen.
As with past issues of HixNews, please see the Honoring Our Veterans Section of this issue for the latest project information and to access the List of Veterans Names and what you can do to help this list grow, so that no one who deserves to be included is missed.
On behalf of The Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
So much was happening in September for the newsletter staff other than publishing the Newsletter. Suffice it to say that we neglected to wish ourselves a Happy Birthday and to pay respect to Holly Horton. So...
Happy Birthday To Us!

HIXNEWS starts its 11th Year
A Tribute to Holly Horton
The untimely death of Holly Horton in 2000 saddened our hearts. She was a very spirited person who enjoyed life and enriched those she touched with unselfish commitment. Holly was instrumental in bringing Hicksville High School together again just prior to a mega reunion, organized by Anton Mure and Rich Delia that was attended by a wide variety of alumni in September of 2000. Holly authored a mailing list that she put onto a website. Her updates of names and addresses were eagerly anticipated and were augmented with tidbits of trivia that was the result of feedback from others. She put up special photographs that we all enjoyed. That effort united a wide bracket of HHS students. She did this because she wanted to give back special moments to others by providing a source that could be accessed by all of us. The only thing missing from that reunion was Holly herself who looked forward, with obvious anticipation, at the prospect of seeing some old friends and sharing remembrances of times past. It was several days prior to the reunion when an uncontrollable asthma attack ended her life; a tragedy in itself for a person who battled this malady all her life just to survive.
A fitting way to pay respect to Holly was to continue what she started. That challenge was accepted by Pat Koziuk Driscoll (Class of 1956) and Linda Piccerelli Hayden (Class of 1960). They have done this out of respect for Holly but also because they see the enjoyment others realize from their effort. It's a way to introduce coming events; such as reunions for various classes. It's an avenue for contacting friends and sharing information that we all treasure. We have the capacity to put up pictures at various web sites for all of us to enjoy. In other words, the newsletter is a perfect vehicle for keeping people apprised of "what's happening!"
Bob Casale, Class of 1961
Attention Class of 1961 and whoever else is interested. There is an updated presentation of photos from the 1961 Fifty Year Reunion that was held on September 17th.
Go to the Photo Gallery to view the pictures that include a flashback to the reunion of 2004.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Levittown Community Church , located at 100 Periwinkle Road in Levittown , is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Tribute to Veterans Benefit Concert on Wednesday evening, November 9th at 7:30 pm.
Levittown was built after WWII to give our returning servicemen affordable homes, houses of worship, schools for their children and a community in which they could raise their families. We are a town started by veterans, so it's only fitting that we should join together in appreciation to celebrate and honor our veterans and active service members who have sacrificed so much for our country's freedom and safety.
All veterans and their families are invited as our special guests. We would like members of Levittown and surrounding communities to come and enjoy the evening while, at the same time, showing support for our veterans and active military members. Our 2010 Tribute was a huge success, with approximately 300 people attending. The price of admission to this benefit is the donation of at least one of the items listed below. Last year we collected thousands of needed items that were donated to the VA in Northport, Soldiers' Angels and a local 'Stand Down' for homeless veterans. Many of these organizations have supplies that are currently running low. Let's all get together on November 9th and show how much we appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of our service men and women, both past and present, by donating as many of the following items as we are able:
Bar soap; bristle hair brushes; combs; coffee (cans); denture adhesive (medium size Fixadent or Poli Grip); deodorant (medium size); gloves (ladies and mens); lap blankets (36' x 48'); lip balm; disposable razors; laundry detergent powder; liquid body soap/body wash; postage stamps; shampoo; slipper socks; supermarket (local) food gift cards; sweatshirts/sweatpants (S,M,L); toothbrushes; toothpaste (small and medium tubes). Additional Items for Female Veterans: Underwear (S,M,L); decorative pins; scarves; moisturizers; hair trinkets; PJ's/nightgowns; slippers (non-slip).
Financial donations are welcome as well and will be distributed to various veterans' organizations that we have learned of while working on this exciting project. To date, the corporate sponsors who have generously donated to this benefit consist of Astoria Federal Savings and Loan in Levittown , Dalton Funeral Homes, Ferlise Photography Studio, and South Levittown Lanes.
A few of the performances for this benefit concert will include: duet by Debbie Desroches and Diana Maslauskas, solo by Mikayla Desroches; a choral group from Division Avenue High School; our own Bob Koenig; the joint choirs of Levittown Community Church and Parkway Community Church in Hicksville; Alexis Seminario; and our special guest (her uncle), Pat Seminario, whose song 'Freedom's Cry' was the inspiration for our first Tribute. Some of the organizations involved will include: the American Legion; Levittown Community Council; Levittown Historical Society; Soldiers' Angels; and the Veterans Health Alliance of Long Island.
Please join us for a wonderful evening of celebration on Wednesday, November 9th. Doors will open at 7:00pm, and the Tribute will begin at 7:30pm. Refreshments will be served following the evening's performances affording a time of fellowship. We are located in the flower section of Levittown at 100 Periwinkle Road .
For further information, or if you would like to make donations before the event, please call the church office at (516) 735-6550, Monday through Friday from 9am ' 1pm. You may also contact us via email at
Buffalo Bob, et. al.:
I nominate Dennis Dias, Class of 1964, for the HHS Hall of Fame. "Denny" is one of the founding members of the group Steely Dan. I would like everyone to celebrate his contributions to modern American music. His bio page on Wikipedia relates a great deal about him. In addition, many of the class of 1964 will remember his stellar guitar playing for the Spring Concert West Side Story.
Dennis Listort '64
Please go to the Hall of Fame Page to see more about Denny!
2 Great Shows * 1 Night Only
Mirelle's, 170 Post Avenue, Westbury , New York
Saturday, November 5, 2011, 9pm to Midnight
Mirelle's has a full dinner menu or you can just have drinks!!!
Large Dance Floor
Live Broadcast From B-103 Oldies Station
$20.00 All Night Admission
For additional information please call 516-338-4933 or visit www.drksmotownrevue.com
Hope to see you all there!!!
Also Don't Forget
Date: 11-9-11
Where: Mohegan Sun, 1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard, Uncasville , CT
Details: The Wolf Den @ Mohegan Sun, 7PM-11PM
This is from David Teitel '68