The Battle

After the Siege of Boston on March 17, 1776, the British decided to seize control of the strategic Port of New York to isolate New England. British General Lord William Howe, under the protection of the British fleet, moved to occupy New York.  With British soldiers arriving, Washington stationed one-third of his troops on Long Island and erected fortifications in Brooklyn Heights.  Those fortifications were occupied by Major General Nathanial Green and his men. 

As for the British, Howe was encamped on Staten Island with 30,000 British soldiers and Hessian mercenaries. They attacked the south beaches of Long Island on August 22, 1776. The Americans had 9,000 men. Unfortunately, just before the attack, General Green became ill. He was replaced by Major battle of long islandBattle of Long Island, Delaware 1st RegimentGeneral Israel Putnam who was not as capable. Putnam had 6,500 men in the primary position; the rest were placed to block the three roads leading to the Heights.

British troops were divided into three assault groups by General Howe, one group for each road.  After midnight on August 27, Howe’s central and left columns marched forward. Putnam pulled troops to deal with the British threat, leaving the right road undefended. The Americans were outnumbered and neededbattle of long island marylandBattle of Long Island Maryland Regiment to retreat to the main defense line.  The first Maryland regiment allowed hundreds of Americans to escape the defenses at Brooklyn Heights. 

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