Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Three new donors in August brought in an additional $300, for a new total of $16,637. While the summer donations have been slow, this was a nice pickup from July. Total donations are now just under 67% of our $25,000 goal to build, place and maintain the Memorial.
With 156 donors, we have still received donations from less than 10% of the HixNews readership. So, if many of you who have yet to donate can spare as little as $10, we can easily achieve our goal. Please remember, all donations are tax deductibile.
An alphabetical list of donors through August, along with details you will need to mail your donation, can be viewed in this month's MEMORIAL UPDATE in the Honoring Our Veterans section of the newsletter.
One new name was added to The Confirmed List of Names in August, for a new total of 1,908 names. When you visit this month's detailed UPDATE, please remember that clicking on the two links near the bottom of the page will bring you to the complete Confirmed and Unconfirmed Lists of Names as of the end of June. And, If you have any new information to send us, please email it to me at
We hope all of you will have a very enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962
The Newsletter
Photo Gallery
Katie Holmes (1999 and 2015)
Neil Patrick Harris (1993 and 2015)
Fran Drescher (1997 and 2015)
Helen Hunt (1995 and 2015)
Sarah Michelle Gellar (1997 and 2015)
Matt LeBlanc (1995 and 2015)
Tom Skerrit (1999 and 2015)
Heather Locklear (1996 and 2015)
Fred Savage (1990 and 2015)
Charlize Theron
Brad Pitt
Nicole Ritchie
Sandra Bullock
Click here to see other photos
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- 1: Joe Pitchell; Janet (McMenamin) Butcher
- 2: June (Olsen) Cullen; Joanne (Picari) Skelly
- 3: Doreen Cluxton; Peggy Maier
- 4: Patty (Bryan) Carstons; Pat (Meehan [Kelly]) Welles; Harry Butcher; Michele Lauer-Bader
- 5: Stu Orton; Maureen (Carey) Ostroski; Frances Kosinski
- 6: Marcella Yenick; Tom Mullin
- 7: Patricia (Kozak) Koch
- 8: Doris (Williamson) Tully; Sue (Kotowski) Athenas
- 9: Irene (Evans) Beresford; Arlene Klein; Barbara (DiBella) Dowd; Peggy (Gesslein) Rybak
- 10: Susan Weber-Fishkin; Mary Jo (Crabtree) Morrow
- 11: Chris Thiel; Charlie Alesi
- 12: Bonnie (Scharr) Papes; Helen (Luna) Carr; Jerry Fischer
- 13: Claramae (Gross) Ceravino
- 14: Joe Carfora; Jim Dolan; Phil Servedio
- 15: Pete Foster; Larry Senn
- 16: Gail (Fraser) Hagstrom
- 17: Dianna White; Dave Baldwin; Harry Berkowitz
- 18: Karen (Hubner) Jenkins; Arlene (Richards) Wellbrock
- 19: Tina (Gardner) Kwiatkowski; Geralyn Manning
- 20: Ron Palmer
- 21: Santo Carfora; Steve Wagner
- 22: John Cunningham; Jim Cunningham; Ron Landau
- 23: Don Myers
- 24: Michael Patoka
- 25: Bill Canham; Frank Lombardi; Susan (Donner) Merkler
- 26: Alice (Hertel) Florentine
- 27: Kathie Sumrow
- 28: Gail (Fallon) Hessel; Gerry Dizinno; Denise (Eisele) Felipe; Bill Claudy
- 29: Joan (Malfatti) Morgan; Tom Reilly
- 30: Art Lembke; Joan (DeJohn) Brite; Jan (Breeden) Manaskie; Cathy (Ofenloch) Gensinger; Kevin McHugh
- 9/01/1984: Karen and Herb Finkelman (MD)
- 9/02/1990: Jack and Lauri Bellan
- 9/04/1965: Karen (Hubner) and Myron Jenkins (L.I.)
- 9/05/19??: Alan and Margaret Nave (FL)
- 9/06/1997: Rose (Oswald) and Chris Colasunno (VA)
- 9/06/1980: John and Carol Ann Ohrnberger (VA)
- 9/07/19??: Sandi (Notov) and Stan Katz (CO)
- 9/08/1956: Barbara (Fellows) and Charlie Cava (FL)
- 9/08/19??: Denise (Eisele) and Juan Felipe (FL)
- 9/09/1961: Irene (Evans) and Milton "Gene" Beresford (L.I.)
- 9/09/1962: Jean (Goettelmann) and Jack LaPointe (FL)
- 9/09/1978: Terri (Ellis) and Steve Riscica
- 9/10/1966: Barbara (Barnett) and George Edwards (NY)
- 9/10/1977: Jan (Bartlett) and Arthur "Woody" Wood (HX)
- 9/11/1982: Mr. and Laurie (Maurice) Churchill (PA)
- 9/11/1982: Leslie (Becker) and Jeffrey Hecht (IL)
- 9/13/1958: Rudy and Dolores (Etzel) Frey (FL)
- 9/13/1969: Judy (Diers) and Richard Maggi (FL)
- 9/13/1970: Cheryl (Canfield) and Bob Ward (FL)
- 9/13/1980: Noel (Horowitz) and Greg Heinz (IL)
- 9/13/19??: Tom and Sandy Reilly (AZ)
- 9/14/2005: Ginny (Wills) and Jack Wyer (FL)
- 9/15/1956: Joe and Jacquelene (MacLean) Bausk
- 9/15/1984: Howard and Alison (Weiss) Bell (L.I.)
- 9/19/1970: Lorraine and Bob Briell (OH)
- 9/20/1969: Claire (Gross) and John Ceravino (L.I.)
- 9/23/????: Elke and Richard Ollins
- 9/23/1961: Ed and Mary (Fuller) Osborne (CO)
- 9/24/1994: Maria (Gargano) and John DiPasquale (NY)
- 9/24/2006: Tommy and Susan Sullivan (L.I.)
- 9/24/19??: June (Sass) and Rudy Reeve (CA)
- 9/25/1999: Sharon (Murphy) and George Simon
- 9/29/19??: Vivian (Goodman) and Ralph McCraw (FL)
- 9/30/19??: Susan (Ambrico) and Jeff Smith (CA)
Memory Lane
Coney Island
Casale's Corner
Passed along to Bob Cheeseman from a friend
While being a "Helicopter Crew Chief Instructor" at Fort Eustis , Virginia , I'd go to Washington DC , with a few buddies almost every weekend. We'd do the Smithsonian and other museums. On the way back to Ft. Eustis (125 miles), we'd often stop for something to eat.
One time, it was getting late. We landed in Falls Church , VA. We saw an old general store that was still open. We walked around on the old creaky floors looking for Frito's or something? I came across, an old wire frame post card holder. It was full of WWII post cards ... penny a piece!
I asked the guy, "How much do you want for the Post Cards?" He said, "A penny. They have been here ever since he was a kid." I counted them ... 300 plus. I gave him $4.00, and I got the rack, too.
In San Diego , I sold a bunch for $1.00 each. I still have a bunch to hand down.
I know some of you are too young to recall these posters and WWII, but they were a part of my life and others who are now "older than dirt".
These are great. Pass them along, especially to your older e-mail friends. I wonder whatever happened to this kind of thinking. I got a lump in my throat when I read this. I "grew up" thinking: patriotism, it is the AMERICAN way!
I am glad to see that somebody saved them. The statement at the end says it all! These were our parents. What in God's name have we let happen ? I guess we are the last generation to see, or even remember anything like these!
Whatever happened? 70 years of "progressive" education happened! Political correctness (or "re-education") happened.
Lack of God's name happened.
Lack of personal responsibility happened.
Lack of personal integrity and honesty happened.
Lack of respect and loyalty to our country happened.
Lack of being an American happened.
Did all of these things die along with common sense?
I for one am still proud to be an American! If you are too, pass this along, so others can show their pride. In English please!