Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
EXTRA!! EXTRA!! - All HixNews Readers
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project Update
147 new names were added in February for a new total of 1,286!!
The past month's contribution again came largely thanks to the work of one of our Alumni in collaboration with the Hicksville Public Library Historian. With the continuation of this effort and the additional contributions of our entire Alumni, we expect the list will continue to see much growth in the months ahead.
Please see the Veteran's Section of this issue for the latest information on the project and what you can continue to do to help its success.
It's also more important than ever (even if you don't have new names to send us) to review the list for missing information or information shown in red that needs correction or clarification. Please send me an email if you can help us fill in the blanks. High school class year has been specifically noted, where we have it, to make this review easier for you to scan the list. We made a nice dent in filling in the blank information in February, so let's all pitch in to continue to do that!
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
Hicksville Alum Announces Small Business Financing Seminar
Hicksville Alum Roz Goldmacher ('71), President/CEO of the Long Island Development Corp. announces a seminar for small business owners on financing for small business- providing information on conventional sources of funding, federal funding (SBA), NYS funding, micro loans and other alternative sources of financing for entrepreneurs today. March 10, 2011 8:30 AM at 324 South Service Rd., Melville-lower level. FREE! RSVP 866 433 5432. The seminar is being run by LIDC, a nonprofit economic development organization serving LI entrepreneurs for over 30 years. Roz will be one of the speakers at the seminar.
Roslyn D. Goldmacher
President & Chief Executive Officer
Long Island Development Corporation
Corporate Headquarters
45 Seaman Avenue Bethpage NY 11714
Phone: 866 433-5432 Fax: 516 433-5046
LIDC/GNYDC- 501(C)3 family of nonprofit economic development organizations providing low cost loans and free technical assistance and education/seminars for small businesses, nonprofits and others in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, NY. Please visit www.lidc.org for more information.
Hi everyone!
Just a quick note to let you know that last December this senior citizen booked the ABC-TV Reality Show, "What Would You Do?" with John Quinones. The episode is called, "The Workout from Hell." Along with another actress, I had to disrupt a Silver Sneakers senior citizen gym class and they weren't too happy about it until John and the cameras showed up. It was a little uncomfortable but fun too and the seniors were terrific! I'm told it should air at 10pm on WABC-TV, (Ch. 7 in NYC), on Friday, March 11th. So, if you have time, please tune in.
Best to everyone, especially the class of 1956!
Harri Molese
Hicksville High School FIFTY YEAR REUNION, 1961 - 2011
September 17, 2011
Islandia Marriott Long Island, 3635 Express Drive North, Islandia , New York 11749 USA
Phone: 1-631-232-3000, Fax: 1-631-232-3029, Toll-free: 1-800-228-9290
The Reunion Committee includes:
- Diana Urena Carasa
- Dennis Naso
- Vincent Luna
- Ann Cassese Costantino
- Pam McAlarney
For information, write to Dennis