The Newsletter

Recently I read your article about the get-together football game. It sounded like it was much fun for old classmates to come together for an informal reunion. However, may I throw out a similar idea where classmates of ALL ages can reunite and still have a good time. What about having a bowling reunion where we can have sort of a "midnight bowl" bowling 3 different amusing games? If the editors feel this is a feasible idea, I would be happy to help organize it. By the way, I think you are all doing a great job every month putting this newsletter together. To all Hicksville classmates, hope you have a healthy and Happy New Year.

Mike Bisaccio '61

For car buffs........Sit back and enjoy this. Very well done.

While reading the Jan. edition, there was an article about Gerry Manning. I used to baby-sit for her. I lived at 25 Garden Blvd. My name is Anita (Uhlich) Basile. Class of '58. I live in Windham, NH. I visit LI on a regular basis. I have kept in touch with many of my classmates. We all have dinner together when I visit. I would love to hear from others. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hi guys,

Herb Pearce and I might have been an item through most of our years at Hicksville High School, and we're still good friends today, but last time I looked I wasn't married to him, which is how it looked in the "looking for" ad in January. The ad should read Tommy Burns (61), Kathie Kennedy (62) and Herbie Pearce (62) are looking for Pete Gillette (62). English grammar was never one of Herbie's strong suits...but he's a great photographer.

: )Kathie Kennedy (62

Hello Wonderful Editors!

Thank you for the newsletters!

I have two things to add to the vet's benefits: 1. There are benefits for widows and children. Unfortunately, I experienced the 'widow situation'. 2. Also unfortunately, the VA sometimes does not come through with what is due to vets and/or their dependents, so using an organization such as the DAV, VFW, etc., can be very helpful. The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organization helped me get through this, informed me of the benefits, helped me apply and get approval. Best wishes to all for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Joan Komar Langlois '61


As I said in the other email, Frank [Koziuk] and I stay in contact via emails and we went to school together since Lee Avenue.

I noticed that you post web sites as my cousin's is on the HixNews site and I am a photographer that would love to avail myself to all the events that Hicksvillians have in their lives. As a professional photographer it would be fun to connect with my old friends and photograph their anniversary parties, their children's weddings and even grandchildren--gads are we that old? And any event that needs a great photojournalistic and creative approach. My web site is: and I will give discounts to all Hicksville Grads.

Once in the site, one can view many different genres of my artistry from Events and journalistic assignments to some great gift ideas, such as Boudoir photos for their special someone.Thanks so much for considering including my web site on the Hix News site.

Rochelle Riservato, Class of 1967

Editors of HixNews,

Tell Ms. Olson, who was looking for Mr. Redican, who taught senior English at our Hicksville High, that he is retired and living in Massapequa, NY.Several yrs. ago while working in New Island Hospital, which was called Mid-Island Hospital, I ran into him. His neighbor was a patient and Mr. Redican was picking up his neighbor for discharge.

I hope this helps Ms. Olson.

Naomi Groont Doudera-- class of 1973

Thanks to the HixNews, I reconnected with my family -- cousins -- and Bob Casale, related by marriage --- good site.

Arnie Hausler

Hi my name is Jane Schaeffer Dietrich. I am married 46 years to Robert Dietrich. We both graduated from Hicksville High School. Bob in 1958 and myself in 1960. I would appreciate you sending me anything I need to enroll. My parents also graduated from HHS; Charles Schaeffer and Helen Easher. I'm not sure of the years.

Thank you,
Jane Dietrich
You've given us all we need, except your current state of residence. Ed.

The newsletter has received an address for Bill Corrigan but not an update on his condition.

LAS VEGAS NV 89113-1335

Hi -

Thanks to Chris Polansky '60 I am a new reader: Jeanne (Kranz) Petersen '63 (MA)

Moved to MA in 1974. Spent appr 5 years in Middleboro MA, almost 20 years in Carver MA and the last 9 in Falmouth on Cape Cod. Husband Richard (Bethpage '64) and I have three sons and five grandchildren.Lived on Cliff Drive in Hicksville and attended East Street School. I'd like to say hi to Eddy K and Judy F.

Family, Friends & Classmates,This is the first time I've been on line since December 12th. I just deleted 226 e-mails. I'm not up to e-mailing at this time. I've had 3 operations since the 13th of December; one on Christmas Eve. I'm going in the hospital on the 16th of this month for a prostate operation and will be in the hospital for 5 days. I don't know when I'll be back on line again. Right now I feel very light headed and weak. Some is from the meds and some I guess from the 3 operations. Finding it hard getting my strength back. It's now noon and fighting to finish this e-mail so I can get a bite to eat and take a nap.

I want to thank you all for your concern & prayers. Stay healthy and enjoy every day.

Art Lembke, '49

If you would like to send Art a card:
12317 Firtree Ln
Bowie, MD 20715-2511

Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:54 PM
Subject: Update!

Family, Friends & Classmates,I'm not up to looking at or answering e-mails as yet. First time on line since before my last operation. Recovery is taking longer than I thought. All the doctors told me with 3 operations in the same area it's going to take a while. Children reminded me age also has something to do with it. I felt 26 right before the operations, how could I have aged 50 years in 5 weeks. Losing 22 pounds didn't help, but I'm working on getting them back. Have 8 back, up to 158. Still feel a little week.

All 3 operations were successful and I was surprised how well I'm doing without a prostate. While it was a rough 5 weeks. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Hopefully in the near future I'll be up to reading and answering your e-mails.

I want to thank everyone for their phone calls, cards and prayers. Never having been through anything like this before I never realized how important they were in getting me through the rough times. For those of you that are in good health, all I can say is enjoy every day, you never know what's around the corner. For those in poor health my prayers are with you.

Keep in touch,

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all have a happy, healthy and successful 2008!

If you're home on Thursday, February 28th at 10pm, you can, (so the production company tells me but who knows for sure), catch this senior citizen on The Discovery Times Channel, (whatever number that channel is in your part of the country). In a re-creation, I play real-life California serial killer, Dorothea Puente, on the weekly program, "Most Evil - Women Who Kill." Dorothea Puente killed 9 people that they know of for their Social Security/Disability checks. She received a life sentence at age 61 back in the early 1990's and is serving her sentence in Chowchilla Women's Prison in CA. "Most Evil" is a continuing program with new episodes starting Thursday, January 31st. However, unless you're Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, or the like, it's difficult for an actor to find out exactly what day/date/time a segment will air, but I'm keepin' the faith!

All best wishes,
Harri Molese - Class of 1956

Hi there,

I wanted to share another get together of friends just a few weeks ago. We have not seen each other since 1958 and even so, we were able to pick up conversations as though we talked the week before.

We met at my permanent residence - a condo in Boynton Beach, Fl when Rita Mallet was visiting a friend. She flew in from Conn. and Marcia Rubenstein was spending the winter months in her condo - also in Boynton Beach. She lives in Ft. Lee NJ.

We would love to hear from anyone who lives in Palm Beach County, Fl so we could all get together. We are hoping that a reunion is scheduled for sometime before Sept. - before the winter chill settles in.

I can be contacted by email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 561-254-4405.


'Your Sunshine Connection'
Southeast Realty Equities -broker assoc.
561-254-4405 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Linda Frimmer, Marcia Reubenstein, Rita Malle

Here is a note received by Bob Casale re: Anthony Genovese, '61 (FL):

Anthony is doing GREAT!! It's a miracle and an answer to many prayers. His neurosurgeon discharged him yesterday & gave him the OK to drive. I'm a bit nervous about that taking into consideration that he will be driving his Shelby, but I know he will be cautious. He went back to work on a part time basis 2 weeks ago. He still needs physical & speech therapy 2-3 times a week. He does have some memory loss and some trouble with getting words out. He knows what he wants to say, but sometimes they get stuck. The doctor is amazed at his recovery so far since it's only been 3 months since his accident. The future looks wonderful & we are both very thankful to God & everyone's prayers. The Lord listened. Thank you for your concern.


Hicksville Tidbits

Kevin Kolm Honored

Hicksville honored one of its alumni on Sunday, October 21, 2007. A third generation Marine, Kevin Kolm, was honored, posthumously, when a park, home to the Hicksville American Soccer Club, was renamed in his honor. The park is located at the intersection of Old Country Road and Plainview Road.Kevin, a 1998 graduate of Hicksville High School, was killed by hostile fire in Fallujah, Iraq, on April 13, 2004. His father, Thomas, was a marine corporal who served in Vietnam and his grandfather, Ralph, served in the Second World War."Kevin is a true American Hero," Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto said. "He paid the ultimate price serving his country."


Senior citizens on a fixed income should please make note of the following. The Nassau Rx card provides a great discount, averaging 24 percent, for those who do not have drug insurance. Approximately 40 percent of card users are over 65 years old, according to the latest numbers received from Caremark, the program administrator. When total drug costs of seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D exceed $2,400.00 per year, they hit the coverage gap, commonly referred to as the "doughnut hole." They then have to pay 100 percent of drug costs until their out of pocket costs reach $3,850.00.The Nassau Rx program is the largest one of its kind in the nation. Other cities, including Los Angeles and New York City have contacted Nassau County Comptroller Howard Weitzman's office inquiring on how to initiate a similar program.There are versions of the program that have begun in many counties in New York State and around the country. County residents who wish to obtain a Nassau Rx card or project information can call toll free at 1-877-321-2562 or visit

Toy Donation

Many thanks to the maintenance crew from Hicksville High School. They fought slippery conditions and freezing rain to load up a box truck with more than 1,600 books and 500 toys donated by the students, staff and community members in memory of Sarah Grace Weippert. They also helped Maureen Bright, Superintendent of Schools, delivering the toys to Winthrop University Children's Cancer Center, Nassau University Medical Center and the Schneider Childrens' Hospital.

Congratulations New Fire Chiefs

Hicksville Fire District Commissioner Charles Hearon had the privilege of swearing into office 3rd Assistant Chief Frank McGeough, 2nd Assistant Chief Chris Moskos and 1st Assistant Chief Edward Korona Jr, and Chief of Department Robert Lang. Congratulations to all on the winners.

The article that appeared here about the purchase of a new fire truck is in error. Here is what Commissioner Hearon had to say, "This article was a mistake. The department is LOOKING at that truck and we are just in the early stages of replacing company six's truck. It will be a couple of years before it happens. Sorry about that. I don't know who sent it in but it is wrong. They may have got it from the Hicksville illustrated paper."

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