Full Circle

It all came full circle as I sat in the CVS Pharmacy 55 years later. As we chatted about our past and where we were now in life,  she told me she had followed my career over the years. She told a story that around the time the movie “Titanic” was released, she was traveling with her niece in Hicksville, and a Fire Chief passed by her car with its lights and sirens. She turned to her niece and said, “I had that fire chief as a student.” They joked about age, but truth be told, Mrs. Grumo was just starting her career as an educator, and I was just starting life. She may remember her students, but I like to think she knew the difference she made in my life.

Of all the people I have crossed paths with over the years, Mrs. Grumo was the one educator that I remember and meant the most to me. 

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