The Hub Some of Us Recall

Michael Dolan's photograph of East Marie Street in 1967
“Old Hicksville 1967” (Digital Photograph Album)
Note: This photo also used for the background of the title block

I was happily surprised to find a picture online that shows the Hub – excerpted below with the diner highlighted – in Michael Dolan’s Flickr album “Old Hicksville 1967.”

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary old building – but now that I’ve looked at scores of photos of rebuilt diners, I see clues that this structure began life as a true diner. The sill height of the row of front windows is unusual for a 1920s commercial building, but it is just right for a diner. Moreover, the facade has no overhanging cornice at the top, an absence that stands out for a 1920s building – but it’s typical for an old diner that has had a new roof added.

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