Football Games
Another weird quirk of living in my neighborhood was the choice of a park/field where we could throw the football around. Our bizzaro choice was a "Foot Stadium" between the intersection of South Oyster Bay Rd., Old Country Rd., and Plainview Rdtiny spit of manicured land between the intersection of South Oyster Bay Rd., Old Country Rd., and Plainview Rd. We fondly called it Foot Stadium. Why we picked a little triangle of land in the middle of three busy roads to play football is beyond me, but it was OURS! A few months later, we really lucked out in regard to our football games. There were two sprawling ranch houses across the street. One was owned by the builder of our home, and the other by his cousin. Both men had sons my age. After a few months, we all became friends. This led to real football games in their backyards. Both yards together made one giant playing field.