Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please see the Honoring Our Veterans tab of this newsletter for a detailed report on the Dedication Ceremony, with captioned pictures, that was held this past Memorial Day, May 30, 2022.

Since Bill Walden and I were not able to be present, we want to especially thank John (Jay) Tranchina and Tommy Sullivan, for their presence and handling of the proceedings.

This project began 15 years ago with roughly 150 names for the Memorial and was expanded to over 1,900 names when the Memorial was built. A Special Thank You goes to Adrienne Dolgin, a Hicksville alumna, who spent countless hours behind the scenes, with the help of the Hicksville Public Library staff, combing old microfilm articles for new names and details.

Also, a Very Special Thank You to our entire Memorial Committee, who contributed names for the Memorial, along with various ideas and other help. In addition to the above mentioned alumni and this writer, they include; Bob Casale, Joe Ingino, Terry Wallace and two members, who unfortunately did not live to see the Memorial built; Carl Probst and Tony Plonski.

We also could not have accomplished this Project without the dedicated help and support of the HixNews editorial staff, for whom we are especially grateful.
Further information on the disposition of names submitted for the Memorial after its construction, along with plans for the final donation of any remaining funds to worthy Veteran's causes, will be published in future issues of HixNews.

On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962

For more details and photos about the ceremony, please visit the Veteran's page

The Newsletter

Photo Gallery

  • galler12There is enough water in Lake Superior to cover all North and South America in one foot of liquid.
  • galler13There's a town in Washington with treetop bridges made specifically to help squirrels cross the street.
  • galler14In 1872, Russia sold Alaska to the Unites States for about 2 cents per acre.
  • galler15It would take you more than 400 years to spend a night in all of Las Vegas's hotel rooms.
  • galler16Western Michigan is home to a giant lavender labyrinth so big you can see it on Google Earth.
  • galler17There's an island full of wild monkeys off the coast of South Carolina called Morgan Island , and it's not open to humans.
  • galler18There's enough concrete in the Hoover Dam to build a two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York City .
  • galler19Arizona and Hawaii are now the only states that don't observe daylight savings time.
  • galler20Boston has the worst drivers out of the nation's 200 largest cities. Kansas City has the best drivers.
  • galler21Kansas produces enough wheat each year to feed everyone in the world for about two weeks.
  • galler22Oregon's Crater Lake is deep enough to cover six Statues of Liberty stacked on top of each other.
  • galler23The Empire State building has its own zip code.
  • galler24The Los Angeles Coroner's Office has its own quirky gift shop called Skeletons in the Closet.
  • galler25The Library of Congress contains approximately 838 miles of bookshelves long enough to stretch from Houston to Chicago.
  • galler26Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubruagungamaugg in Massachusetts has 46 letters and is the longest place name in the U.S. (even though it's based on a joke).
  • galler27The entire Denver International Airport is twice the size of Manhattan.>
  • galler28In 1893, an amendment was proposed to rename the country to the ' United States of Earth'.
  • galler29A highway in Lancaster, California plays the 'William Tell Overture' as you drive over it, thanks to some well-placed grooves in the road.
  • galler30The total length of Idaho's rivers could stretch across the United States about 40 times.


Birthdays & Anniversaries


  • 1: Susan (Voelbel) Dalton; Tom Pilko
  • 2: Lois (Levy) Calame; Bob Ward; Eric Malter
  • 3: Jim Cutropia; Debbie (Fischer) Dowdell
  • 4: Margaret (Wangenheim) Manjarrez
  • 6: Elin (Fischman) Lawrence
  • 5: Lorraine (Miltonberg) Dalaimo; Mike "Mack" Siracusa
  • 7: Bonnie Brigandi
  • 8: Bob DiBartolomeo; David Gaudio; Bill Walden
  • 9: Diane (Scarola) Bayne
  • 10: Karen (Hartig) Shore; Toni (Grundon) Martin
  • 11: Tom Haller; John Sherin; Dennis Listort; Eileen (Ofenloch) Pelcher; Donna Rivera-Downey; Colleen (Shekleton) Sluder
  • 12: Bob Briell; Phil Anselmo; Bob Siegel; Mark Leon
  • 14: John Diers; Richard Adams
  • 15: Roy Rotheim; Bob Jones; Patti (Hickey) Rees; Joan (Claudy); Laura White
  • 17: Roy E. Meier; Anthony Acito; Barbara (Bieniewicz) Dethlefsen; Maryann (Johnston) Dolan
  • 18: Janet D (Stietz) Masi; Alan Nave; Mike Heroy; Jayne M. Trentanove; Torrilee (Christianson) Hill
  • 19: Peter Henneberger; Jeff Feierstein; Maureen (Hanifan) Olsen
  • 20: Glen Olsen; Lisa (Dorais) Wissler; Alice Freeman-Prota
  • 21: Lorraine (Martello) Vito
  • 22: Frank Sprufera; Leslie (Becker) Hecht
  • 23: Ronnie (Gilson) Birk; John Ceravino
  • 24: Dorothy (Kunz) Drago; Michael Endsley
  • 25: Mike Anselmo; Rochell (Heyman) Baron; Frank Smith; Veronica (Gilson) Birk; Eileen (Maldener) Lazarus
  • 26: John D'Antonio
  • 28: Marianne (Sluder) Jones
  • 30: Carolyn (Bartlett) Richman
  • 31: Matthew A. Bruckner


  • 8/??/1988: Rob and Nancy McCotter, (HX)
  • 8/02/1975: Shari (Stockinger) and Wayne Sternberger (MD)
  • 8/03/1969: Les and Karen (Malter) Coles, (FL)
  • 8/05/1980: Arnie and Ronnie Gould (MA)
  • 8/06/1966: Norm and Ann Marie Hicks (VA)
  • 8/07/1976: Beverly (Fetz) and John White (NC)
  • 8/07/19??: Janet & Gerry Dizinno (TX)
  • 8/07/19??: Arthur and Susan Romeo (L.I.)
  • 8/08/19??: Harold and Karen Buttitta (FL)
  • 8/08/1970: Edward and Mariann Coleman (L.I.)
  • 8/10/1974: Bart and Audrey Savino (FL)
  • 8/12/1967: Steve and Diane (Boseling) Baum (PA)
  • 8/12/1972: Gary and Joanne Nadell (TX)
  • 8/12/1972: Herb and Kathy (McMaugh) Pearce (NC)
  • 8/12/1978: Steve and Lorena Markowski (VA)
  • 8/14/1987: Jane (Deveau) and Larry Kalka (MI)
  • 8/15/1959: Alice (Hertel) and Gerard Florentine (PA)
  • 8/17/1947: Bea (Eisemann) and George Baldwin (FL)
  • 8/18/1979: Kathy (McManus) and Phil Bock (NC)
  • 8/19/1978: Bill and Pat Jakabek (RI)
  • 8/20/1972: Joe and Francine Ratto (WA)
  • 8/21/1987: Victor and Joyce Olsen (FL)
  • 8/22/19??: Bob and Terri Cooperman, (FL)
  • 8/22/1965: Linda (Zuckerman) and Jerry Rausch (L.I./FL)
  • 8/22/1970: Santo and Jeanne Carfora (WI)
  • 8/24/1974: Nancy (Lauro) and Mike Fariello (L.I.)
  • 8/25/1968: Stephan and Diveda Spector (FL)
  • 8/25/1962: Ann (Cassese) and Tommy Costantino (L.I./FL)
  • 8/25/1973: Patrick and Barbara Dunne (FL)
  • 8/25/1979: Danny and Kathy Mangialomini (L.I.)
  • 8/27/1967: Pat (Appelman) and Peter Levitin
  • 8/27/1966: Janet & Joe Starpoli (L.I.)
  • 8/29/19??: David and Betty (Grandis) Kerner (CA)
  • 8/29/1964: Ed and Angel (Anselmo) Giannelli (SC)
  • 8/29/1970: Nancy (Carter) and Jim Bosse, (CO)
  • 8/30/1974: Marianne (Sluder) and Bob Jones (NY)
  • 8/31/1975: Cheryl (Totter) and John Kevin Mulholland (HX)
  • 8/31/1996: Charlie and Charla Henningsen (NY)
  • 8/31/1996: Debbie (Patelis) and Rich Kister (NJ)

Casale's Corner


There are only nine questions.

This is a quiz for people who know everything! I found out in a hurry that I didn't. These are not trick questions. They are straight questions with straight answers.

  1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends?
  2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?
  3. f all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?
  4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
  5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?
  6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ' dw' and they are all common words. Name two of them.
  7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?
  8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.
  9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter 'S.'


Today is National Mental Health Day. You can do your part by remembering to send this e-mail to at least one genius challenged person. Okay, my job's done!

Don't send it back to me. I've already failed it once.

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