Memory Lane
Teacher Couples
How many couples can you think of who taught in Hicksville Schools. I had Mr. and Mrs. Howard in 5th grade at Woodland Avenue in the 60's. I don't know if Mrs. Pellerin the music teacher at Woodland was married to Mr. Pellerin the orchestra teacher.
Also, there was a Mrs. Gouse who taught I think 4th grade at Woodland in the early 60s and Mr. Gouse who was head of the music dept? Does anyone remember or know if I am correct?
~ Vicki Berk Mass 1972
Dr. Basil Warner and Mrs. Karen Warner, HHS Math.
Had Basil for Calculus, and Karen for Geometry.
A very odd couple!
Also Grace Graiser and Kenneth Graiser, HHS English. They were both great teachers.
~ Carl Feinman 1972
Dr. Warner looked like WC Fields and told very bad jokes. He was 30 years older than his wife, Karen. ~ David Blaushild 1971
Karen, at one time, was one of his students. ~ Eileen Heym Lutz 1966
They drove in every day from New Jersey. Karen always wore ~ Carl Feinman
Karen's parents lived across the street from me on Gables Drive. Would see them both there often. They all seemed so sad all the time. The parent's would always yell at the kids in the neighborhood if their ball went into their yard. ~ Karen Drake McGee 1977
I had Dr. Warner for Geometry and Mrs. Warner for something (maybe homeroom) had Mr. Aaron for Trig and that was the end of my mathematical career at HHS. I went on to thrive with Calculus and Statistics through graduate programs. So it was a good solid foundation. ~ Christina Darnowski
Dr and Mrs Warner in the high school. ~ Christina Sardi O'Donnell 1975
I had Mrs. Warner for geometry and trig. She was a graduate of class of 61 with my sister who knew her. Mr. Warner was one of her teachers. I remember thinking. You're my sisters age about 30 years old, but you dress like my grandmother. She seemed so much older than she actually was. She was nice enough. ~ Phill Michael Urena 1972
Dr. and Mrs. Warner in HHS. He taught math. I think she did too, but I can't find her in my yearbook. Perhaps she was on sabbatical. ~ Lynne Lombardi 1971
Didn't Dr. Warner own one blue suit that he wore every day? I remember him as a very good teacher. ~ Richard Bowra 1968
Maybe he had several of the same outfit and it appeared that he wore the same outfit every day. ~ Buffalo Bob Casale
Yes to the suit. I had him for AP calculus and thought he was great. She was much younger than he was and there were rumors that she had been his student. ~ Lynne Lombardi 1971
Mr. and Mrs. Pat and Margie D'Ambrosio (taught at Old Country Rd 1953-1985 and was also the district psychologist and she taught at Fork Lane in the 1950s). Also, Hicksville HS English teacher Richard Gentile and his wife, Antoinette Sanna Gentile who was the Italian teacher.Was so funny when rude teenagers used to ask him, "How come you don't have kids?" and he would respond, "Because I'm afraid they might turn out like you!" One time we were reading a short story called "By the Waters of Babylon" and Mr Gentile asked one of the kids they used to call burnouts in the 80s, "So tell me...what do you know about Babylon?" and the kids says, "Not much...but I went there with the bus a few weeks ago."
~ Mary Lombardi Blaney 1986 LMAO
Yes, Vicki. The Pellerin's, the Gouse's, were indeed married couples of the music department. Also, the Abt's. ~ Herb Bradensten 1973
Herb- Who was Mrs. Abt? Which school or subject? ~ Vicki Berk Mass 1972
Don't remember which school but, I believe she was a choral teacher in an elementary school. Hillary Sperber would know in a flash! ~ Herb Bradensten 1973
The Gouses were married. ~ Shari Hinden
I had the Howards. She was Miss Gamzon when she first arrived in 1963. ~ Patricia Cody
I wonder what ever happened to them. I remember the year I had Mrs. Howard she told the class she was "expecting". I guess she was not allowed to say it any other way in those days. ~ Vicki Berk Mass 1972
I remember Mrs. Lynn Breining Carpenter (Art) and Mr. carpenter (Biology). ~ Jeanne Dagna 1977
Forgot about them. Yes, and last I heard they live out east, maybe Riverhead or maybe Greenport. ~ Vicki Berk Mass 1972
Didn't know that. Both great teachers. ~ Christina Darnowski
Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Thinking junior high? He was English and she was maybe Home Ec? ~ Lorraine Jurgens Pilszak