Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Fund Raising: $210 was received in October from two new donors and two repeat donors! This was a slight gain over September. Total donations have now reached $17,326.85, a little over 69% of our $25,000 goal.
The total number of donors is now 165, still a very small percentage of the nearly 2,000 readers of HixNews.
With donations still below 10% of HixNews readership, if many of you who have yet to donate will spare as little as $10 for this worthy cause, we can achieve our needed goal very soon.
Remember, your donations are tax deductible. Just follow the simple instructions below. Your generosity will be very much appreciated.
Donation checks should be made out to:
Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project
And should be mailed to:
Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project
c/o William Walden
245 West 9th Street
Deer Park , NY 11729
An alphabetical list of current donors appears at the end of this monthly update.
Two new names were added in October and the Confirmed List is now at 1,910 names. We still need missing data additions for many names, so we continue to need help from all our readers here!!
As a HixNews reader, please help us by reviewing both lists when you select the "click here" options near the bottom of this update. To save you time, just look for names from your class year and other years you may be familiar with, as a reference and see if you have a new name or some missing data on existing names to email to us. Class years, where known, are specifically shown and missing data is marked in red, to make it easy for you to see what's needed.
The Unconfirmed List was created to specifically insure we don't leave anyone behind from earlier class years (the 1940s and 50s) who served during the Vietnam War Era and deserve recognition. Please see if you can help us establish if these folks served during the Vietnam Era (Vietnam Era dates are shown in the "Memorial Qualifications" section below).
Memorial Qualifications: Overall Qualifications for the Memorial were displayed monthly in this report for a long time and have not changed. If you are a new reader, please check a January, 2015 or earlier issue of HixNews for qualifications.
Here's what we continue to need from each person reading this to do:
Please click on the following link to review the Confirmed List of Names: Click here.
Please click on the following link to review the UNCONFIRMED List of Names: Click here.
If you know of someone who is not listed, or if you have information we are still missing, please email what you have to Joe Carfora at
A hearty Thank You to all of our donors!! As noted earlier, 165 donors have enabled us to achieve a total of $17,326.85. Following is the list of donors, as of the end of October 2016:
Alphabetical List of Current Donors
- Ackerman, Dr. Helen R.
- Andersen, Chris
- Annucci, Dianne C.
- Arroyo, Ann & Frank
- Babenzien, Suzon (Cohen)
- Backman, Stephan
- Beltrani, Frank & Frances
- Bemberis, Ivars & Jeannette
- Bergholtz, Janet
- Berlenbach, Jr., John & Betty
- Bernett Family
- Best, Theresa & Joseph
- Boris, Joan & Joseph
- Brigandi, Arleen
- Brophy, Donald R.
- Brophy, Michael (In Memory)
- Budinich, Patricia & Richard
- Burke, John & Lois
- Calandrillo, Anthony
- Callejas, Ruben & Aramilda
- Canham, William & Rita
- Carey, Jr., Daniel
- Carfora, Joe & Sharon Ann
- Carfora, Santo & Jeanne
- Casale, Robert
- Castagna, Denise & Anthony
- Catanzariti, Gregory & Anne
- Chiappone, Dolores & Robert
- Cheeseman, Robert & Lorraine
- Cohen, Dr. Howard
- Colasuonno, Steven
- Convery, Harold
- Corley, Karen
- Cowell, Paul
- Connelly, Linda
- Cuoco, Gail
- Cullen, Michael
- Davis, Cheryl (Proffe) & William
- Degnan, Ryan & Karyn
- Degnan, Shawn & Robyn
- Degnan, Walter & Karen
- Dethlefsen, Barbara (Bieniewicz)
- Dolan, James & Maryann
- Dunne, Patrick & Barbara
- Faraone, Ed
- Fernbach, Stephen & Nancy
- Fischer, Frederick & Barbara
- Fox, John & Joan
- Fulco, Philip & Valerie
- Fuchs, Michael
- Furgiuele, Peter & Martha
- Galke, Douglas & Mary
- Gallo, Francis & Frances
- Gavin, Thomas
- Germain, Joseph & L. Diane
- Germain, Michael & Elizabeth
- Giannelli, Edward & Angela
- Gill, Thomas & Margaret
- Gordon, Eve
- Gowrie, Karen
- Happel, Neal & Helen
- Hearon, Philip
- Henningsen, Charles & Charla
- Herfel, Jr., Paul & Alcira
- HFD Hook & Ladder Company 1
- Hicksville Class of 1965 Reunion
- Hicksville High Fundraiser - 4/15/16 (cash donations)
- Hicksville High School Alumni Foundation
- Hicksville Veterans Memorial Committee
- Hilton, Patricia & William
- Hoffer, Richard & Patricia
- Huber, Gene & Jo Ann
- Imbrie, Carolyn
- Ingino, Joe
- Jaworski, Brad
- Jones, Robert & Marianne
- Katz, Carol
- Kaye, Nancy & John
- Koziuk, Francis & Kathleen (Day)
- Krummenacker, Michael
- LaFeir, Len & Catherine
- Lake , Robert & Robin
- Lehmann, Ethel & George L.
- Lembke, Arthur & Dorothea
- Levitin, Patricia
- Levitt, Samuel J. (In Memory of brothers Eugene, WWII & Milton , Korea )
- Libert, Elaine M
- Lichtenstein, Henry.
- Listort, Dennis
- Lynn, Sidney
- Maas, Brian
- Madden, Mark & Barbara
- Manelski, Stephen (In Memory of brother Thomas)
- Maniec, John
- Masciello, Michael
- Masone, Robert & Marleen
- McCormack, Ronald M. (In Memory)
- McIsaac, Rev. Robert M. & Margaret
- Melody, Michael & Susan
- Menghi, Ed & Jo Ann
- Moos, Sanford & Marta
- Morton, Thomas & Francis Neri
- Mucchiari, Jean
- Muller, Ray & Maryanne
- Mullin, Thomas & Wendy
- Neely, Judith
- Oehler, Robert A.
- Olivari, Irene & Lawrence
- Olsen, Glen & Maureen
- Osborne, Edward A.
- Osborne, Richard
- Otten, Robert & Leslie
- Peluso, Robert J., Jr.
- Pietras, Robert & Victoria
- Pizzariella, John & Katherine
- Pizzo , Lorraine
- Pohl, Kenneth & Rosemary
- Polanski, Christopher & Barbara
- Polit, Robert & Mary Ellen
- Plonski, Anthony J., Jr.
- Probst, Carl
- Proia, Mildred
- Pugarelli, Frederick
- Quinn, Kevin & Kathleen
- Recine, Vincent & Mary
- Reid, Maureen & George
- Rivoire, Edward & Patricia
- Rizzo, Joyce E.
- Rocek, Ron
- Rossi, Denis
- Roth, Doris & Julie
- Rothschild, Paula
- Rowan, Elke & Donald
- Rozos, Michael & Sharon
- Rozos, John
- Rycar, Judith
- Sacks, Darlene
- Sandler, Marcia & Howard
- Schilling, Leona & Cliff
- Schlosser, Joseph & Jennifer
- Schrimpe, Donna
- Schultz, Dale & Dee
- Sheil, Linda
- Sherburne, William & Marcia
- Siracusa, Lou
- Smith, Stephen & Lenore
- Starpoli, Joseph & Janet
- Steedman, Thomas & Margaret
- Stevens, Paul & Denise
- Strafer, Kenneth J.
- Thurer, Robert & Shari
- Tranchina, John & Carol
- Traub, Richard
- Van Buren, Carolyn (Fischer)
- Volpe-Browne, Dorothea
- Walden, William
- Wallace, Terence K.
- Warshawsky, Peter W.
- Weiss, Harvey & Shirley
- Williams, Robert
- Wink, George W.
- Winkel, Fred & Barbara
- Winkel, Martin
- Woodcheke, Michael & Denise
- Woods Realty (Harold Woods)
Thank you!!
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962
Hicksville High School Dinner Dance
November 19, 2016
The HHS Alumni Foundation appeals to anyone who cares about Hicksville , past or present. All proceeds from our upcoming November 19, 2016 DINNER DANCE. will be donated back to senior scholarships and support of high school related needs and wishes. This dinner dance while sponsored by the alumni foundation is open to all individuals who care about our beloved high school and the Hicksville community. In the past, proceeds from events sponsored by the alumni foundation went to the high school robotics team and the Hicksville Vietnam Veterans Era Memorial. We appeal to all to support this upcoming dinner dance. We are also looking for donation of gifts and prizes for a raffle to be done during this fund raising event on November 19th.
This upcoming dinner dance will be held on Saturday evening, November 19, 2016 from 7pm to 11pm at the Joseph Barry Knights of Columbus hall, 45 Heitz Place , Hicksville . Live music will be provided by the five member Blue Angel band under the direction of Ms. Fran Gippi. There will be music from the 1960s through the present day.
In addition to almost four hours of live entertainment, a wide range of delicious food will be available buffet style plus beer, wine and soda. A cash bar will be available for mixed drinks. The evening will end with coffee and cake served.
Tickets are reasonably priced at $70 per person up until November 1st. After that date has passed, the ticket price rises to $ 75 per person. Mail your check payable the HHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. to John Maniec, 260-12 74th Avenue , Glen Oaks, New York 11004. For further information, either call John at (917) 750-7842 or email him at: