Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Saint Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. St Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. Did you know that he wasn't really Irish? His father was an Italian and his mother was Scottish.

Saint Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland. It is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but there probably never have been - the island was separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the Ice Age.

There are several accounts of Saint Patrick's death. One says that Patrick died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, on March 17, 460 A.D. His jawbone was preserved in a silver shrine and was often requested in times of childbirth, epileptic fits, and as a preservative against the "evil eye." Another account says that St. Patrick ended his days at Glastonbury, England and was buried there. The Chapel of St. Patrick still exists as part of Glastonbury Abbey. Today, many Catholic places of worship all around the world are named after St. Patrick, including cathedrals in New York and Dublin city.

Dear Class of 1968

We had an inquiry from Marc O'Riordan about the possibility of a Fifty Year Reunion for the class of 1968 in 2018. HixNews has heard nothing so please advise if there might be something in the works.A reminder to other classes. Should you decide on having a reunion, let HixNews know so we can help by establishing a reunion website. The door is open to every class. You can check previous websites to see what a great vehicle it was to keep the classes aware of what was happening. See:

Buffalo Bob Casale

65 reunion

Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE

February donations rose to $4,700, up from $3,400 in January and we are now nearing 20% of our needed goal of $25,000 to build and maintain the Memorial.  The number of donors has improved from 18 last month to 26 people, couples and companies or organizations.  Just think where we could be if everyone reading this note donated at least $10 to this worthy cause!  And, all donations are tax deductibile!  To see an alphabetical list of current donors and how you can be one of them, please see our monthly UPDATE in the Honoring Our Veterans section of this issue of HixNews.

One new name was added in February to the Confirmed List of Names, which now stands at 1,894.  We still need the help of all readers to fill in missing data on the Confirmed List of Names and to help us qualify the names shown on the Unconfirmed List.

As in the past, when you visit this month's UPDATE, please remember that clicking on the two links near the bottom of the page will bring you to the complete Confirmed and Unconfirmed Lists of Names as of the end of February.  And, If you have any new information to send us, please email it to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962, Project Coordinator

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