Casale's Corner
Long Island , NY is the largest island, by area, in the U.S. with a population of about 7.7 million in its 118 mile length from New York Harbor to its eastern terminus on the Atlantic Ocean at Montauk Point. It is about 28 miles in width from Long Island Sound on the north to the Atlantic Ocean on the south. Its western end includes the New York City boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn . When Long Island is defined it generally excludes the Queens and Brooklyn sections of New York City. Long Island's political divisions consist of Nassau and Suffolk Counties , 11 towns and 109 villages -- all with their own administrations. The area has had a historical past from the arrival of the first settlers. Here are some interesting photos and facts.
Long Island is the most populated island in the United States and the 17th most populated island in the world. Long Island is more populated than the entire country of Jamaica and of Ireland!
If Long Island was its own state, it would rank 12th in terms of population.
Robert Moses creation of a cars-only parkway system created the modern suburbs of Long Island and influenced a generation of engineers, architects and urban planners across the nation.
The North Shore is known for its large mansions, exclusive vacationing, and rich history of its affluent citizens and architecture. The
Together Nassau and Suffolk counties' nearly 180 fire agencies possess more fire trucks than New York City and Los Angeles County combined.
Suffolk County is the leading agricultural county in New York State based on the wholesale value of its farm products.
Fire Island got its name in the 17th century when it built fires to identify the coastline to the ships in the ocean.
After World War II, the Japanese were nationalized and able to fly to just 5 places in the country with Idlewild Airport (JFK International) being one, which is why Canon, Nikon and Olympus located their corporate offices there.
The Town of Hempstead with 800,000 residents is the largest township in the country, larger than Boston, San Francisco, and Baltimore.
The Nassau and Suffolk population is greater than 20 of 50 states.
Hicksville was the original home of Fudpucker World Airlines, the Worlds only steam powered Airline.
Long Island is the largest college "town" in the US with 175,000 students registered in 21 colleges.
Long Island has the highest level of volunteerism in the world.