Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Hicksville High School Class of 1983 30 Year Reunion
Hey everyone!
I wanted to let you know that the Hicksville High Class of 83 is having our 30 Year Reunion in a few months, and we need to spread the word a bit. Would you be so kind as to mention this in your next newsletter? We also have a Facebook page called Hicksville High School Class of 1983 30 year reunion. The contact email is
Alice Freeman Prota
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014
Place: Holiday Inn, 215 Sunnyside Blvd., Plainview
Time: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Buffet Dinner
Cost: $100.00 per person
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE
Three new names were added in February for a new total of 1,881 names on the Confirmed List.
As previously announced, Reserve and National Guard members are now part of the Memorial, provided they served during the Vietnam War Era and meet all other qualification requirements. We have already added a good number of these names to the Confirmed List, but if you previously submitted your name, or the name of a friend, who under the old rules was turned down and do not currently see that name on the Confirmed List, please help us by resubmitting it to me for reconsideration.
To see the full report on the Memorial's progress, please see this month's update by clicking on the Honoring Our Veterans page of this newsletter. Clicking on the two links near the bottom of the update will bring you to the complete Confirmed and Unconfirmed Lists of Names as of the end of January.
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
The Newsletter
Photo Gallery
Thanks to Cheryl Proffe for the following...
Click here to see other photos
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- 1: Fred Fulco (TX); Carol (Snyder) Ferguson (FL)
- 2: Tom Steedman; Diane (Basse ) Brown
- 4: Den Collins (L.I.); Joan (Brandt) McHugh (L.I.)
- 5: Ed Grams (AZ); Helen (Penner) Ackerman (FL)
- 6: Ron Smith (CO); Cheryl (To er) Mulholland (HX); Michele (Jordan) Kowalski
- 7: Sonya (Teresko) Fluckiger; Tom Gill (HX)
- 8: Dan Knieter
- 9: Jackie (Odell) Carter (FL); Beverly (Fetz) White (NC); Howard Bell
- 10: Anne Marie Wright (NY); Carolyn (Wood) Imbrie (AZ)
- 11: Gary DeFelice (FL); Karen Kelly-LaCarrubba
- 12: Vickie Penner Whitaker (IL); (Sister) Maureen Schrimpe IHM (MD); Cathy (Rowan) Doll (Germany)
- 13: Julia White (FL); Lisa Weller-DiBartolomeo (FL)
- 14: Lynn (McMorrow) O’Riordan (L.I.); Anton Mure (L.I); Jacci (LaSalle) Gallucci (NY); Lois (Sinisi) Endsley (L.I.)
- 15: John Ostroski (FL)
- 16: Steve Baum (PA); Carolann (Luisi) Sale o (HX)
- 17: Albert A. Reeder Jr.
- 18: Chris Andersen (HX); John Ennis; Al Sypher (FL)
- 19: Donald Thompson (L.I.); Joe Milich (CA); Craig G. Bruckner (HX)
- 20: Rick Campbell; Mike McGregor (PA)
- 21: Frank Ventrello (UT); Carol (Ofenloch) Tranchina; Jennifer Bell friend (FL)
- 22: Arthur Romeo (L.I.)
- 23: Joyce (Gabrielsen) Casale (GA)
- 24: Betty Sue (Gardner) Brunell (AL); Jed Schaiman
- 25: Jeff White (CA)
- 26: Valerie (Palmer) Towsley (NY)
- 27: Janis (Bartle ) Wood (HX)
- 3/01/19??: Dona and Eric Malter (NY)
- 3/??/1959: Helen (Wicks) and Ed Boudreau (NY)
- 3/01/1975: Michele (Lauer) and Bob Bader (L.I.)
- 3/02/2003: Pete and Jennifer Foster (FL)
- 3/08/1975: Lisa (Dorais) and Robert Wissler (WV)
- 3/09/1984: Lorin (O’Neill) and Edward Coakley (NC)
- 3/15/1942: Fred and Sonya Fluckiger
- 3/18/19??: Anna May (Powers) and John (Jack) Riddell (AZ)
- 3/21/1970: John and ?? D’Antonio (GA)
- 3/21/1971: Harvey and Judy Olitsky (GA)
- 3/21/1971: Walt and Esther Schmidt (L.I.)
- 3/22/1969: Dave and Janet Baldwin (FL)
- 3/22/1985: Lisa (Weller) and Bob DiBartlolomeo (FL)
- 3/23/1968: John and Linda Mirro (CO)
- 3/25/1967: Susan (Schwartz) and Jerry Serlin (PA)
- 3/26/1988: Pat and Linda Quinn (NY)
- 3/27/1976: Susan (Weber) and Steven Fishkin (L.I.)
- 3/27/1993: Diane (Harvey) and Steve Anderson (TX)
- 3/28/1970: Vi (Mathon) and Bill Reilly (TX)
- 3/29/1952: Milton and Joyce Shoob (L.I.)
- 3/29/1970: Marilyn (Schwab) and Alan Zaretsky (NY)
- 3/29/1989: James and Maureen Shubert (NC)
Memory Lane
Newsletter Throwbacks
February 2003, Volume 3 - Issue 5
Pat Koziuk DriscollDear Friends,
By now, you should have received the change of address notice for the newsletter. That is, except for a few of you who do not check your mail and delete stuff on a regular basis. The reason for the new address
After some experimenting, I found that I could send to 30 addresses. Since there were 369 (now 389) addresses on our distribution list, I had to send it out 13 times! That means 12 times I had to move the message (special edition) from the sent folder to the drafts folder. Then I removed all the addresses and the propaganda at the bottom that Netscape attaches. Then I waited for the address list to open before I could select the next 30 names and send it out again.
I really have enjoyed the last 2.5 years of working on the HICKSVILLE NEWSLETTER and thanks to a suggestion from Arline Barna (1956), I can now send out the newsletter with just one click. So please keep the news coming!
Pat Koziuk Driscoll
June, 2005, Volume 5 - Issue 8
Maddy (Bianco) De Louisa '60Hi Guys . . . . .I'd like to relate a story to you about just how small a world we live in . I'm a grad of '60 and have gotten around to becoming a bus driver in my later years. I was attending a defensive driving class conducted by my new employer along with some other co-workers. During a break, we talked about things like birthdays and hometowns, and come to find out one of the people there was also from
Phyllis Jackson
Judy Marcus 1964I want to thank Phyllis Jackson for finding me. If it were not for HixNews I wouldn't have been found. I guess It would be a good idea to give a brief synopsis of my life since graduating in '64. I became an L.P.N. and then went on to college to finish my R.N. I graduated
Judy Marcus 1964
p.s... I'd love to hear from my old classmates and friends.
Class of '55 Reunion
Casale's Corner
I was picky who I sent this to. It had to be those who might actually remember. So have some fun my sharp-witted friends. This is a test for us 'older kids'! The answers are printed below, (after the questions) but don't cheat! answer them first.....
01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind?________________.
02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. In early 1964, we all watched them on The ____ ___________ Show.
03. 'Get your kicks, __ _________ _______.'
04. 'The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to ___________________.'
05. 'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ________________.'
06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we 'danced' under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the '_____________.'
07. Nestle's makes the very best . .. . . _______________.'
08. Satchmo was America 's 'Ambassador of Goodwill.' Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _________________.
09. What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? _______________.
10. Red Skeleton's hobo character was named __________________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, 'Good Night, and '________ ________... '
11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their______________.
12. The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____________ & _______________.
13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, 'the day the music died.' This was a tribute to ___________________.
14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called ___________________.
15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the ___________ ____________.
16. Remember LS/MFT _____ _____/_____ _____ _____?
17. Hey Kids! What time is it? It's _____ ______ _____!
18. Who knows what secrets lie in the hearts of men? The _____ Knows!
19. There was a song that came out in the 60's that was "a grave yard smash". It's name was the ______ ______!
20. Alka Seltzer used a "boy with a tablet on his head" as it's Logo/Representative. What was the boy's name? ________
ANSWERS: (no cheating!)
01.The Lone Ranger left behind a silver bullet.
02. The Ed Sullivan Show
03. On Route 66
04.To protect the innocent.
05.The Lion Sleeps Tonight
06. The limbo
07. Chocolate
08. Louis Armstrong
09. The Timex watch
10. Freddy, The Freeloader and 'Good Night and God Bless.'
11. Draft cards (Bras were also burned. Not flags, as some have guessed)
12. Beetle or Bug
13. Buddy Holly
14. Sputnik
15. Hoola-hoop
16. Lucky Strike/Means Fine Tobacco
17. Howdy Doody Time
18. Shadow
19.Monster Mash
20. Speedy
Send this to your 'older' friends, (better known as seniors). It will drive them crazy! And keep them busy and let them forget their aches and pains for a few minutes.