Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE

As reported last month, written tax exempt status has finally been received for the Memorial Organization.  Bill Walden is in charge of our fund raising efforts.  Please see this month's UPDATE in the Honoring Our Veterans page of this newsletter for details regarding the fund raising effort to date, along with information on how to send a donation to the Memorial Fund, which will enable us to construct, erect and maintain the Memorial once it is in place.

No new names were added in November and the Confirmed List of Names continues to stand at 1,890.  We still need the help of all readers to fill in missing data on the Confirmed List of Names and to help us qualify the names shown on the Unconfirmed List of Names.

Our appeal continues.  As Jim Rubins did for the Class of '67 in August, if we can get other class presidents and/or reunion committees to provide us with contact information on the Veterans in their respective classes who we are still missing data for, we can get this task completed.  

When you visit this month's UPDATE, please remember that clicking on the two links near the bottom of the page will bring you to the complete Confirmed and Unconfirmed Lists of Names as of the end of November.  And, If you have any new information to send us, please email it to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope each and every one of you and your families enjoyed a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962

main.h6Bill WaldenDear Alumni

It is only fitting that with Veterans Day 2014 arriving on November 11 that we announce that we have finally received our Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project tax exemption. It was the final hurdle that needed to be overcome for the project to proceed. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Joe Carfora and Ken Strafer we can now begin to bring the memorial to life.
The Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial will be located at the Hicksville Middle School's Veterans Memorial Park . On Memorial Day 1990, through the efforts of the veterans organizations of Hicksville, the park was officially named Veterans Memorial Park and a plaque was installed designating it so. Today, there are monuments recognizing the sacrifices of Hicksville residents from WWI to the present day conflicts in the Middle East . The Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial honoring the over 1800 men and women from Hicksville who served during the Vietnam War will be located between the WWI and WWII monuments. All Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies are held at the park.

Semper Fi,
Bill Walden

Donation checks should be made out to "Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project" and mailed to Bill Walden, Cmdr. of Hicksville's VFW Post and Project Team member as follows:

Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project
c/o William Walden
245 West 9th Street
Deer Park, NY 11729Your personal generosity will be very much appreciated.

Attached are a couple of pictures that help define the Vietnam Memorial

Official naming of the park in 1990The plaque as it sits todayWWII Monument Veterans Day 2013Engraver's rendering of plaque

Art Lembke sent in an article about the USS New York. Many of our readers are familiar with the story behind LPD-21 (Landing Pad Dock), but this article on our veterans page reminds us about the history of this now historic ship.

65 reunion

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