Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information on the Class of '63 50th Reunion, please visit

Here's a Class of '63 Reunion update: We're very excited to let everyone know that we'll be adding 1 or 2 more events to the Class of 1963 50-Year Reunion schedule in the next few weeks and the reunion is turning into a weekend that will be remembered! All 1963 classmates and their guests are encouraged to send in their ticket order as soon as possible so the committee can get a better handle on the total number of gifts, premiums and prizes to order. Also by replying early, we can give our tour "hosts" some idea of the number of participants and we can get additional and better "perks" from the Plainview Holiday Inn.If you received a printed invitation in the mail, an order form and reply envelope was included. Don't wait. Send it back today! In addition to payment by check, payment can be made by credit card or through PayPal. If you received an email, there is a link to a downloadable order form that can be printed. There is also a link on the official reunion web site: We would also like to clear up some confusion regarding the dates of our reunion. The "one and only" Class of 1963 50-Year Reunion is happening the weekend of October 11-13, 2013, with the main event scheduled on Saturday evening, October 12th. There are a few people on the social media sites talking about multi-class reunions, rock-n-roll reunions, etc. with dates ranging from June through September. Don't be confused. Our reunion is definitely a "go" and is "on."We look forward to seeing everyone in October!

Your Reunion Committee:

  • Elliot Gorlin
  • Tommy Sullivan
  • Mike Ollins

PO Box 26004
Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
T (702) 375-7089
F (702) 314-8815

Hicksville High School Reunion for the Classes of 1962 to 1969

Date: Sept. 28, 2013
Time: 5:30-11:30pm
Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 1575 Round Swamp Road
Plainview , NY 11803 * USA TEL 1+516-755-5552
Reception: 5:30-6:30pm * Hors D'oeurves & Drinks
Full Buffet Dinner * 7:00pm
Open Bar
High Energy Disc Jockey; Dancing; karaoke; Senior Limbo, etc.
Block of Rooms: $139 (regularly $165)
Tickets: $60.00/person (go to for ticket purchase), $70.00 at the door

  • main.h10Pam Kurth-BakerAnyone who is interested,  they can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • I need Maiden/Last Name, First, Address, Phone, Email and Year they graduated.
  • I will send a personal confirmation to each person who would like to attend.
  • I need this information ASAP

Thank you!!
Pam Kurth-Baker, Class of 1965

Hicksville Rock n' Return Reunion

Come Back...Give Back...Bring Back the Memories,0,259x258/,0,284x223/ you lived in Hicksville and attended any school in Hicksville, June 29, 2013 is the day to celebrate our Hicksville heritage while paying it forward to the next generation of Hicksvillians.

It doesn't mattter what year you graduated, we just hope to see everyone there so we can all party hardy together.

Please note: Due to the insidious impact of liability insurance, tickets may not be available the day of our reunion. So don't delay, get your tickets today.,0,160x214/,0,248x177/,0,236x176/




Linda stasi class of 65 here. I am a columnist and critic at the New York Post and an on-camera co-host with radio host Mark Simone of "What A Week" the NY1 Time Warner news station.

Anyway, I have a new novel out, "The Sixth Station" and will be hosting a wine tasting and book signing on June 11th at the Revue Book Shop at 7:30 pm, 313 New York Ave, Huntington, NY 11743-- (631) 271-1442. I would love for my old classmates (and any Hicksville alum) to know about it and show up. Lots of good French wine!

Please feel free to contact me at this email or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you send an email out, please use the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. address if anyone wants to contact me.

Linda Stasi
Follow me! linda stasi (@lindastasi) on Twitter

Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE

Three new names were again added to the current List of Names in May, for a new total of 1,815.  We're pleased that even at this late date in the Project's time line, new names continue to be added by HixNews readers! 

Gains continue to be made in completing information still missing for many of the people on our List, plus focus is being given to a second List of UNCONFIRMED Names that may qualify if we can confirm active duty service during the Vietnam War Era (February, 1961-April, 1975).  This new list was initiated a few months back, so you can review it without having to scroll through the entire confirmed list of over 1,800 names.  There are now 165 names on this second list and so far only 8 of them have received final disposition.  We expect to make faster progress on this list once a college student is hired for the summer to tackle the National Archives in Washington, D.C. as a reference in attempting to qualify these names.

Please keep up your efforts to review both the Confirmed List of Names and the newer UNCONFIRMED List.  Both are available via two website links located at the bottom of the full Project Update in the Honoring Our Veterans section of this newsletter.  As a HixNews reader, you can continue to be of significant help with the data we are missing, by reviewing both of these lists.  All missing data continues to be noted in red on the List of Names to make it easier for readers to pick up.

Also in the full Project Update, please read about the good progress being made on confirming the Memorial site location at the Jerusalem Avenue Middle School.

On behalf of The Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62

The Newsletter

Photo Gallery


Class of 1961, from left to right: Maryjane Gemuendt, Anne Romano, Roe Marchese

From left to right: Cathy Rowan, Class of 1975, more recent picture of Cathy, at McDonald's in Germany, and son Michael

From left to right: Maureen and Glen Wedding in 2003, Graduation pictures, Maureen and Glen Prom Night

The Fenigsteins

From left to right: Lew Fenigstein, Class of 1961, Rose Fenigstein, Class of 1953, Ira Fenigstein, Class of 1961

Barbara Hoosack Sarluco, Class of 1968

The Backmans

From left to right: Carol, Class of 1960

From left to right: Steve, Class of 1962

From left to right: Paul, Class of 1967


Ginnie Becht Moore, Class of 1971

Lorraine Bracco, Class of 1972, Graduation from Hix High and during her Acting Career

Mike Pakaluk, Class of 1978

Pat Dunne , Class of 1965

Pat was as a player on the 1965 Hicksville High School Lacrosse team


On May 11th, 2013, I was inducted into the South Florida Chapter of US Lacrosse, Hall of Fame. I was an original member of the Miami Lacrosse Club in '73. Was involved in 40 years of club ball and coaching in south Florida.


Birthdays & Anniversaries


  • 1: Michael Calma; Linda (Weber) Staudt
  • 2: Stephanie (Schlegel) Manning (CA)
  • 3: Nancy Glick (NJ); Jane (Deveau) Kalka (MI)
  • 4: Mike Rosenwasser (GA); Virginia (Barricelli) Rossi (FL)
  • 6: Jeanne (Morabito) D'Agostino (LI.); Arthur Hirsch (LI.); Bob Smith (CT); Myra (Rosen) Fox (LI.); Nancy (Carter) Bosse (CO)
  • 8: Lee Neal
  • 9: Ken Arnold (NY); Terry Bisaccio (L.L); Howard Berry; Rod Merkler (FL); Lisa Sachs Evans (PA); Diana (D'Antuono) DePalma-Henne (HX)
  • 10: Ruth (Jordan) Kowalski
  • 11: Linda Zuckerman Rausch; Kathy (McDonald) Corey (MD)
  • 12: Bob Birk (L.L); Ray Strassburger (NM); Carol (Whaley) Rudowsky
  • 13: Lorraine "Chick" (Ciccarelli) Cafaro CU.); Art Pardo (CA)
  • 14: "Butch" Allan (TX); Linda Link (NY); Marty Brandfon (CA); Chuck Coffey; Tom Chupka (LI.); Carl Milenkovi,(FL)
  • 15: Hillary (Reda) Van Scoy (NY/FL)
  • 16: Margaret (Hansen) Dyckman (FL)
  • 18: Lee Lincoln (FL)
  • 19: Steve Backman (FL); Robert Wayne Chernok, Esq (FL); Joanne Gnz (MD)
  • 21: Lillian Manzo-Ramirez (AZ); June (Drummond) DeBaun
  • 22: Michael Cava (NM); Richard Ollins; Cathy Bell (MA) friend
  • 23: Bob Cooperman (FL); Harvey Weiss (ME); Mary (Fuller) Osborne (CO); Gayle (Schoenberg) Wenchell (LI.)
  • 24: Bob Cazares (WA)
  • 2S: Val Pakaluk (HX); George E. Parisi; Priscilla (Tedesco) Reichel
  • 26: Michael (Mike) Linihan (OH); John Peck (L.L); Steve Markowski (VA)
  • 27: Linda Sheil (HX); Judy (Cooper) Schlauchter; Philip Chester (CT)
  • 28: Dolores (Etzel) Frey (FL); Volena (Henningsen) Howe (NY); Deirdre Mac Alpine (NC); Judy Lilienthal (FL)
  • 29: Jack Cisler (L.L); Chris Wilkenshoff (NC)Anniversaries


  • 6/?? /1967: Bill and Marilyn Powers
  • 6/?? /1967: Roy and Gayle(Sanders) Rotheim (NY)
  • 6/01/1952: JoAnn (Watson) and Bill Christiansen
  • 6/01/1957: Ginny (Elwood) and Freeman "Bud" Bowen (Fl)
  • 6/01/1975: Craig and Paula (Jargo) Bruckner (HX)
  • 6/02/1973: Linda (Romagnolo) and Kevin McHugh (NY)
  • 6/03/2007: lew and Linda Fenigstein (NY)
  • 6/04/1967: leslie (Worley) and Bob Smith (CT)
  • 6/04/19??: Joe and Wendy Pitchell (SC)
  • 6/05/1960: Emmett and Loretta Goodman (Fl)
  • 6/06/19??: lynne (Boardman) and Walter lehman (Fl)
  • 6/08/1968: Carolyn (Warfield) and William Palmer, Jr. (VA)
  • 6/09/1985: Jeffrey and Dianna White (CA)
  • 6/09/19??: Murry and Laura Dalaimo (NV)
  • 6/10/1967: Hal and Barbara (Marx) Smith (OH)
  • 6/11/1982: Mike and Debbie (Apple) Heroy (CO)
  • 6/12/1965: Larry and Sandra Baroletti [Ll.]
  • 6/14/1990: Shelley (Garb) and Phil london (CA)
  • 6/15/1963: Mary Ann (Vallina) and Frank Smith (MA)
  • 6/15/1963: Frank and Mary Ann (Vallina) Smith [Ll.]
  • 6/15/1968: Paul and Eileen (O'Halioran) Holmes (Fl)
  • 6/15/1969: Don and Ellen Myers (CA)
  • 6/15/1985: Sal and Doreen DeStefano (NJ)
  • 6/17/2005: Trish and Henry Lichtenstein (NC)
  • 6/18/1964: Dick and Chris (Oberlies) Henningsen
  • 6/19/1994: Jan Greenberg and Gary Dickelman (VA)
  • 6/20/1997: Barbara (Sprufra) and Brent Ruggles (TX)
  • 6/20/19??: Stephanie (Hill) and Kurt Vetter [Ll.]
  • 6/21/1970: Dianne (Gunnigle) and Martin Burkhardt (U.)
  • 6/21/1975: Tony and Carrie Bellacera (CA)
  • 6/22/1968: Robert and Vikki Pietras (Fl)
  • 6/24/1951: Harvey and Shirley Weiss (ME)
  • 6/24/19??: Maureen (Kilkenny) and John Rizzo (LI.)
  • 6/24/19??: Gary and Ann Sanossian (MA)
  • 6/26/1971: Karen (Armstrong) and Dennis Krautsack (TN)
  • 6/26/1976: Kathie (Caddigan) and Mike Siracusa, (KY)
  • 6/27/19??: Deborah (Wayne) and Emil Alcantara (NY)
  • 6/27/1964: Jacci (laSalle) and John Gallucci (NY)
  • 6/27/2004: Elizabeth "Eileen" (Oxenholm) and Don Baxter (Fl)
  • 6/28/1953: Art and Mrs. Lembke (MD)
  • 6/28/1969: Myra (Rosen) and Stewart Fox (LI.)
  • 6/29/19??: Marie (Parisi) and Bill Feraudo (NJ/SC)
  • 6/29/1952: Audrey (Olsen) and Bill lent
  • 6/29/1963: Carol (Murgola) and Jack Cisler (L.I.)
    6/30/19??: Suzon (Cohen) and Sydney Fisher (NC)

Honoring our Veterans


A Soldier Died Today

He was getting old and paunchy,
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in,
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies,
They were heroes, every one.

And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors,
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly,
For they knew where of he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For ol' Joe has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer,
For a Soldier died today.

He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife,
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way,
And the world won't note his passing,
'Tho a Soldier died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories,
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Soldier,
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution,
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise,
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow,
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country,
And offers up his life?

The politician's stipend,
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Soldier,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal,
And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians,
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom,
That our country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever waffling stand?

Or would you want a Soldier,
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Soldier,
Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Soldier,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us,
We may need his likes again.

For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Soldier's part,
Is to clean up all the troubles,
That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor,
While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage,
At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline,

In the paper that might say: "OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING, A SOLDIER DIED TODAY."


A Powerpoint Presentation to honor those who served.

Memory Lane

Westbury Drive-In and other memories

Carol DiNatale Spent many a weekend night here with family, later with friends.

Joseph Esposito Enjoyed sneakin in.

Paulette DiNatale I can still hear the gravel sounds. Me in my PJ's playing on the rides up front under the screen. The smell of popcorn...french fries...and hot dogs. Daddy would put the blanket on the front hood of our station wagon sometimes... and we would lay on our tummies and watch cartoons. Then when the mosquitoes would come out...we would climb into the back seat...and I would fall asleep. A age of innocence.

Claudia Farina Davis Wow I remember those days they were the good old times things sure stent the way they were back then wish we could turn back the hands of time when things were more family oriented life was calm we went to sleep with our front doors open

Dina Marie Jeremy DeLape Best burgers (back in the day)!!

Brian Drier i remember a birthday party i had: wetson's drive-through and "planet of the apes" at the drive-in (westbury?)... ah, yes indeed, those were the days!

Manny Casamassima oh man

Steve Wagner the best burgers on old country road

Denise Flynn Stubberfield 15 cents oh my goodness, remember it well.

Nancy Nemeth Caracciolo America on Wheels

Robert Casale I remember going almost every Friday night. I had my own skates and became a pretty good roller skater over the years. Met some interesting people and one special girl, Andrea Wulcox who lived, I believe, in Franklin Square . Our parents shared taking us there. Remember Jahns next door. We would pool our money and head there for some of the best tasting ice cream.

Ernie Constantine thanks for posting that, Carl. Years ago they had a Levitt Ranch exhibit at the Stony Brook museum. I could have sworn I was in my parents house ! Even had the avocado color living room !

Mary Armstrong Ernie, I went there...It was great...There is also a mini exhibit at Levittown Memorial High School ...You can google it I think, it was wonderful..

Manny Casamassima yepper

Lynne Lombardi There are many errors in the Wikipedia article. Flat out - no mention of the Levitt homes in Hicksville . I seem to recall that they were originally less than $7,100 based on conversations with my parents. Also, I am not so sure that they were designedManny Casamassima they were built because of the gi bill and there were a lot also in HicksvilleCarol DiNatale 1950's home costs were almost $1000 cheaper.Ernie Constantine thought my folks paid $6999

Carol DiNatale The price for 1950 was like $7900...This was a posted ad, so I'm sure the price was probably negotiable. And it probably varied.

Ernie Constantine they moved in June 1950. House on top left was their model

Carol DiNatale We never got an actual Levitt home. We lived off OCR on Lee Place . I liked Levitt homes and all my friends had one.

Ernie Constantine Carol, I think you are correct...I must be getting old.

Casale's Corner

What to take to bed with you - not a joke.

Pretty neat idea. Never thought of it before.


Put your car keys beside your bed at night

Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off.

This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation - Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house. It can save your life.

It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around.

After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that.

And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or prevent a sexual abuse crime.

P.S. I am sending this to everyone I know because I think it is a fantastic idea.

Would also be useful for any emergency, such as a heart attack, where you can't reach a phone. My Mom has suggested to my Dad that he carry his car keys with him in case he falls outside and she doesn't hear him. He can activate the car alarm and then she'll know there's a problem.

Please pass this on even IF you've read it before. It's a reminder.

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