Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information on the Class of '63 50th Reunion, please visit

The editors want to include a "mystery" photo each month. The above photo represents the initial picture for January 2012.

Please email some photos that you would like to include in the "Magical Mystery Photo Tour."

Also, how was your Christmas? Please share some photos of Christmas at your house.

The Editors

p.s. Thanks to Bob Gillette for this idea.

Heart Rescue


We all have walked by the Red Cross sign in airports indicating where a heart machine is located. Do you know what is in them and how to use it? I did not. Try this video and see what you think. If you pick the wrong choice-the man dies-choose wisely!!!This may save a life.... I Just watched this video and was so impressed, that I decided to include it in the newsletter with the hope that it'll save lives (maybe mine, yours or someone you love!). I know what it's like to save a life. I did many years ago at the Drake Hotel in Manhattan

Buffalo Bob Casale

The Newsletter

Photo Gallery

Some Special Photos






Sharon McGuiness Class of 1962


Joe Perrone Class of 1964


Joe and Annemarie, a 1977 graduate of Rome Free Academy

All lifelong friends from Hicksville . I always celebrated Christmas Eve with the Lomnicki family as a child. So, being on Long Island , I went there to surprise them. We talked a lot about the good old days and remembered the memories and love that is still there for all.---Maureen Uss Bensen




Birthdays & Anniversaries


  • 1: Alice McIntosh Rigdon (VA); Tony Toscano
  • 2: Eileen (Walter) Toscano; Rosemary Olivari (NY)
  • 3: Anthony T Masi; Gregory Hicks (NM); Jack Bellan (FL); Muriel (Maas) Froehlich (L.I.)
  • 4: Pete Maiorino (L.I.); Judy Pugliese (NY)
  • 5: Karen (Armstrong) Krautsack (TN); Karen (Taylor) Keegan; Ann Gambaro (VA)
  • 6: Diane Lobel
  • 7: June (Diers) Niedfeldt (VA)
  • 8: David Teitel (NY); Lisa (Calma) Fritz
  • 10: Jack DeVaul (L.I.); Thomas Phon (NJ); Herb Pearce (NC); Jim Rubins (CA); Cheryl Schaeffer
  • 11: Joe Posillico (FL)
  • 12: John W. Cole (L.I.); Robert Pietras (FL)
  • 13: James Carpinone (L.I.); Robert McCotter (HX)
  • 14: Eileen (Wieditz) Moore
  • 15: Susan Spector (CA); David Spector (FL); Jeanne (Goodman) Keliher (FL)
  • 16: Joyce (Van de Merlen) Landau (WA); Victor Olsen (FL)
  • 17: Robert Starke (GA); Jim Fisher (NC)
  • 18: Robert Spector (HX)
  • 19: Gwendolyn (McCue) Schaaf (FL); Stephen Bress (L.I.); Joseph Paesani
  • 20: Kathy (Jacob) Curtin (SC); Jan (Greenberg) Dickelman (VA); Elizabeth Tucker
  • 21: Walt Weller (TN)
  • 22: Rosemary (Moran) Witfoth (FL); Jewel (Olitsky) Umansky
  • 23: Milton Philip Shoob (L.I.); Pat (Kelly) Bruno (NC); Sue (Gilbert) Finder (FL); Frani (Fisher) Rothkin L.I.); Deborah (Wayne) Alcantara (NY); Lisa (Ventrello) Grams (AZ)
  • 24: Terry (Ferrin) White (FL); Rudy Frey (FL); Thomas Larkin (CA)
  • 25: Ed Giannelli (SC); Donna Schrimpe (HX); Sue Froehly Teich (TX)
  • 26: Paul Divan (FL); Frank Anderson (NY); Richie Keliher (FL); Barbara (Jones) Benjamin (CT)
  • 27: Mary (O'Shaughnessey) Cleary (L.I); Ira Woods (NV); Mary Ann (Walkowski) Westervelt (WA)
  • 28: Diana (Urena) Carasa (L.I.); Paul Backman (FL); Patricia (Pezzotti) Vantine (VA)
  • 29: Vinny Leippert
  • 30: Arnie Gould (MA); Anne (Kappel) Byrne (GA); Joan (Mullin) Harknett (NJ)
  • 31: June (Fyfe) Gatten (FL)


  • 1/02/2002: Judy (Frimmer) and Robert Dow (FL)
  • 1/03/1987: Charles and Elizabeth Coney (VT)
  • 1/04/1969: Bill and Linda Walden (L.I.)
  • 1/06/1968: Joe and Sharon Ann Carfora (NC)
  • 1/07/1984: Ron and Kerry Landau (L.I.)
  • 1/08/1967: Diane (Cuti) and Joe Germain (MD)
  • 1/13/1968: Eileen (Casale) and Jim Mahan (NV)
  • 1/14/1967: Lorraine (Kirwan) and Bob Cheeseman (TX)
  • 1/21/1973: Jeff and Brenda Feierstein, (L.I.)
  • 1/27/1961: Tom and Joy (Watson) Haller (FL)
  • 1/27/1990: Mark and Marian Leippert (L.I.)
  • 1/29/1971: Marilyn (Bowles) and Joe Nejman (NY)
  • 1/29/1977: Michael and Sharon Rozos (FL) 

Memory Lane

This is a classic. The National Shag Dancing Championships.

A seventeen year old dude with fluid motions that will knock your socks off... And a fifteen year old girl who made it possible for the dude to shine. What a performance. Reminds me of watching some dance moves on Bandstand with Dick Clark. However, there's no comparison with these "SHAG" competitors. Enjoy!!!

Click the link and go back in real time...not our time!!!

Buffalo Bob Casale

NOTE: The link to the video above no longer exists. However, we did a little searching and found what might be the same performance.

Casale's Corner


Amazing! This should take care of our deficit, no more fiscal cliff. Wonder what they did with the money??

Photos of a Mexican drug lord's home after being raided. Click on the photos to see the details.

It is estimated to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone. Not to mention the ones in other countries that are enriching themselves in the drug trade. These people have so much money they make the Arab oil sheiks look like welfare recipients. Their money can buy politicians, cops, judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs!

This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight...

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