Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |
To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Class of 1962 50-Year Reunion
7PM -12AM HOLIDAY INN, Plainview , N.Y.
Please be sure Karen Hubner Jenkins has your current e-mail address (
Our Reunion Website 62.hixreunion.com
Hicksville Community Council hosts its 42nd Anniversary Dinner Dance and Installations. The event takes place on April 4th, 2012 at the VFW Hall located at 320 South Broadway, Hicksville from 7 to 11 p.m. This year's honorees include Newsletter Editor, Val Pakaluk, who will be receiving the President's Award for recognition of her many years of community service. Each year a group is also honored with the Community Service Award. This year's recipients are the William M. Gouse Jr., Post 3211 for their invaluable contributions. Charles I. Montana, Jr. will be receiving the Dick Evers Award. Many remember Dick as "the" Hicksville historian who passed away in February of 2010.
In addition, the new officers and directors up for re-election will be installed by the Hon. John Venditto, Supervisor Town of Oyster Bay. President Joel Berse, First Vice President Stan Kobin, Second Vice President Tom Bruno, Secretary Subodh Batra, Treasurer Richard Althaus, Directors Janet Bergholtz, Nick Brigandi, Lionel Chitty and Nick Sarandis.
The Community Council's goals are to promote and exchange information and ideas, to inform members of current events, promote a sense of community and to recognize outstanding individuals and organizations.
THIS SUMMER 2012! Class of 1977 35-Year Reunion
Contact: Eileen Goldstein Scherzinger (
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE
As of the end of March our list stands at 1,774 names of Vietnam War Era Veterans. We believe we are close to completing our search for new names and our research emphasis is now turning to filling in missing data for the names we already have. As a HixNews reader, you can be of significant help to this effort by clicking on the list of names near the bottom of this month's UPDATE that appears in the Honoring Our Veterans section of the newsletter. Please look the list over to see if we are still missing any Veterans you know of and also let us know if you have some of the data we are still missing for names already on the list.
Our objective remains to not miss anyone who meets the qualifications and deserves to be included in the Memorial and you can still help make this happen.
On behalf of The Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
The Newsletter
Photo Gallery
Click here to see other photos
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- 1: Hal Smith (OH); Michael Cucci (VA); Jerry Gardner (CA)
- 2: Ronni (Gardner) Izzo
- 3: Stephen Spector (FL) 4 – Joe Starpoli
- 4: Ted Swedalla Jr
- 5: Lorraine (Kalen) Lowen (NM); Marie (Parisi) Feraudo (NJ/SC)
- 6: Wayne Sternberger (MD); Lorin (O’Neill) Coakley (NC)
- 7: Marie (Fetten) McBride (FL); Claudia (Farina) Davis (FL/PA/L.I.)
- 9: Joan (Siegl) Rudolph (FL)
- 11: Diane Capone (L.I.); Vic Matuza
- 12: Diane McGuinness (TX); Barbara (Shores) Moore Friend of HHS; Margaret (Peggy Werner) Petrone (FL); Nancy Zipper (MD)
- 13: Jo-Anne (Butler) Broccolo (HX)
- 14: Bob Klewicki (FL); Bob DeMatteo; Marilyn (Schwab) Zaretsky (NY); Chuck McDonald (MD); Gary Kowalski 15 – Richard Cluxton
- 15: Frank Koziuk (MD); Nancy (Neglia) Martirano (L.I.); Charles Brooks (L.I.)
- 17: Ginny (Frazer) Caliguri (FL); Pattie Hughes
- 18: Sandy (Klausing) Smith (CA); Dr. Jeffrey J. Kaufer (FL)
- 19: Rose (Marchese) Genovese (FL); Catherine (Arico) Joannides (NY)
- 20: Anne Marie (Romano) Petrilli (FL); Tom Ernst (PR)
- 21: Betty (Funfgeld) Eriksen (LI); Donald Werkstell (TX); Sharon Seltenright; Roz Goldmacher; Shelly Goldmacher; Mark Schnurman (L.I.); Audry (Olsen) Lent
- 22: Bob Ulrich (L.I.)
- 23: Edward M. Coleman (L.I.); Patricia (Moore) Smith
- 24: Bill Jakabek (RI); Linda (Parrella) Ruggiero (HX); Robert W. Wiltse (FL); Barbara (Sprufera) Ruggles (TX)
- 25: Olga (Yarish) Jordan (HX)
- 26: Steve Weinblatt (HX); Matthew Harford (L.I.)
- 27: Sheldon Rudowsky; Debbie (Moorhouse) McGregor (PA)
- 28: Ed Rivoire (HX); Joyce (Thornburn) Jurgensen (HX); Lauri Spector; Charlie Dobbs
- 29: Josephine (Miron) Brutch (NY); Terry Frattini
- 30: Walter Schmidt (L.I.)
- 4/??/1970: Jim and Maryann (Johnston) Dolan (L.I.)
- 4/01/1978: Michelle (Jordan) and Guy Kowalski, (L.I.)
- 4/01/19??: Sue (Gilbert) and Ken Finder (FL)
- 4/04/1965: Thomas and Renee Phon (NJ)
- 4/08/1972: Kathy (McDonald) and Bill Corey (MD)
- 4/09/1983: Ruth (Jordan) and Gary Kowalski (HX)
- 4/12/19??: Frank and Diane Lombardi (HX)
- 4/12/19??: Ken and Rosemary Pohl (CA)
- 4/13/1996: Robin (Kriss) and Dan Rhea (FL)
- 4/16/1988: Beth (DesLauries) and David Rubin (FL)
- 4/16/1999: Jennifer (Rose) and Scott Newell (NC)
- 4/18/1960: Alberta (Hunt) and Bob Bolettieri (GA)
- 4/19/2003: Jim and Vickie Fischer (NC)
- 4/22/1972: Joanne (Tracy) and Ken Arnold (NY)
- 4/22/1990: John and Audrey Diers (FL)
- 4/24/19??: Jackie (Elwood) and Phil DiLorenzo (NY)
- 4/25/1964: Eileen (Wieditz) and Donald Moore
- 4/25/1976: Debbie (Fischer) and Don Dowdell (NY)
- 4/27/1986: Cynthia (Claus) and George Ferguson (CA)
- 4/30/1966: Bob and Marilyn Heiss (L.I.)
Memory Lane
Memories of WNEW Channel 5 Across the Years
Memories of WNEW Channel 5 Across the Years
A very cute video about A Dog and A deer. The end is neat. See who winds up on the portable bed.
Casale's Corner
The following appeared in a previous issue of HixNews
Fond Memories
By Bob Casale
When you're 13, maybe 14 years old, your priorities are different.
For the boys, there was more emphasis on basketball, baseball and intramural sport, and not so much on having a date with the Prom Queen.
For the girls, there was more emphasis on school related items, like field hockey, or cheerleaders and not a date with that cute guy down the block
What did we do for excitement??
We, Tommy Farrell, Jimmy Thompson, Bob Casale, Eddie Caesar and other Hicksville High School Alumni, went "Roller Skating" Friday nights in Levittown .
It was a diversion from the hectic pace we experienced in high school and a time to meet some neat people from other schools. The kids we skated with came from various parts of the island...East Meadow, Franklin Square, Westbury, Oceanside ...and points East.
The skating rink was adjacent to Jahn's Ice Cream Parlor on Hempstead Turnpike, just a little east of Newbridge Road . We arrived early because we hated standing in line waiting to get inside. Being first in line meant you would get inside faster, get a good choice of skates, and get onto the skating floor before the crowds rolled in.
After skating for several months, we became part of the regular crowd. Some of us even bought our own skates and had a carrying case that was many, different colors. We could watch cars pull up and see some of the kids that became our new "Friday" night friends arrive. Parents dropped kids off, and then picked them up. It was a special time of my life, and there were many friends I'll never forget even though I've never seen them since leaving high school. We skated and made arrangements to meet in Jahn's afterwards to have a Banana Barge or some other, sinful treat.
I remember one night getting a phone call at home from Melody Priceman. She was at a meeting in a Jewish Center close to Wantagh Parkway and Carmen Avenue in Westbury. We had an ice storm and her Mom didn't want to drive to get her, so my dad picked her up and took her home to 52 Alpine Lane (how can I remember that 40 some odd years later?? ((and I'm suffering from CRS)).
Who remembers going to watch a football game then going to the Sweet Shop for a soda.
How about getting ready for prom night and decorating the boys gym??
Then going to the Casa Allegra for a slice of pizza and a soda.
To this day, I remember Paul Carbe dancing with Jackie Travers,
who was selected Senior Queen for the class of 1961 at the prom with the strange name, "Ramayana!"
The variety show, The Good Old Days; the senior play, Romeo and Juliet; and of course, South Pacific. Sal Mistretta, who starred in many shows throughout high school is still involved in theater and was on TV last year.
I remember my first job when I worked at King Kullen at the West Village Green...and my supervisor was Gladys Stermer, (Bobby Stermer from the class of 1959 and his sister, Barbara's Mom).
I remember working at Newberry's during Christmas because they needed part time help. I think I was paid $1.00 per hour. Wow!!! Had a chance to sell stuff I knew nothing about.
Who remembers Girl's Sports Night...the Orange Team...the Black Team???
The Orange team captain in 1961 was
Volena Henningsen and the Black team captain was my wife, Joyce Gabrielsen. Some of the leaders were Vicki Krasner, Joan Brandt, Joy Edelstein, Kathy Kapsol, Bonnie Scharr, Judy Yanof, Alice McIntosh, Lois Werneberg, Pat Kocher and Aileen O'Campo.
This winter has been one to remember with the extreme cold and snow. Why is it I remember big snows back in the late 50's and early 60's.
I recall one big snowfall when
Rob McCotter Mike Goldsmith Billy Cook
Nick Quatrone, me and Rod Clements
walking south in the middle of old Newbridge Road (when it was one way in each direction) with not a car in sight...the snow was deep and falling at a steady rate.
My "2nd" last year in high school when I worked at the Cross Island Oil Terminal that was located down near the old Farmer's Market on Broadway (Steve and Stu Blust's father hired me).
The Farmer's Market was a great place to get a variety of pickles. Oh, those old Garlic Dill were the best.
I think when the place burned down, that was one of the biggest fires we ever had in the area...
or maybe it was Henshaw's on the corner of Hempstead Turnpike and Jerusalem Avenue (or maybe it was the Christmas tree bonfire in January of 1958 in the middle of the potato field that is now Trinity Diocesan High School ).
I went into the navy shortly after high school. When I was home on leave, I remember going to Shady Maples to have a couple of beers. Shady Maples eventually was turned into TJ Courtney's and was owned by Bobby Flanagan (Class of 1964???).
I seem to remember a lot of Hicksville kids hanging there, playing pool and just being sociable. I think that's where I bumped into Carol Marsh and her husband Denis Roussillon one night. And perhaps Helen Luna.
I'm sure that what I'm saying is similar for everyone who ever went to school.
I have special memories, too, of those from the old neighborhood near Fork Lane School...Mike Heanie, Mike Rosenwasser, the Fenigstein boys, Ira and Louie, Jack McCarron (he moved to Florida), Chris Polanski, Jeff Muller, Bob Gillette, Charlie Lantay, Charlie Gemuendt (and his lovely sister, Mary Jane), Ann Cassesse and Candice McGloughlin Priscilla Yvonne Jeanette Liddle. And I almost forgot Dottie Brooks.
I just love Hicksville and the many fond memories and it's fun to share with everyone.
Why not take a moment and jot down your own recollections of what it was like growing up on in Hicksville and Long Island . It would be great reading for us all...