Memory Lane

Hello, HixNews,

Can you help me get in contact with singers from Hicksville ?  My wife Kathy and I are coming east from Colorado  for the last weekend of August. It would be great to see them again. Do you have any ideas? I taught in Hicksville Music Department from 1962 - 1988.

Chuck Arnold,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Hi, Bob. I sent Uncle Chuckie (that's what we girls in Chorus used to call him) a note, and posted his letter on Facebook to reach the most Hicksvillians. Hope all is well with you!

Robin Kriss Rhea 1972

Editor note...thanks, Robin!

Hey Bob

I remember him. Since I graduated in 1962, if he didn't join the staff in mid-year, he must have been teaching in 1961.
Don't get old.

Sandy Moos 1962


Thanks for forwarding the note from Mr. Arnold. Most of my memories are from being in chorus in '63 and '64. The friends I made because of him are still with me today. Mr. Arnold you made a difference in my life. You touched many of us in ways that guided our lives. God bless you and thank you.

Mike Linihan 1965



My wife, Gene (Paesani) Poller sang with Chuck throughout her high school days and would love to see him again.
Please keep us advised of his plans.




Jerry Poller 1965




I had Mr. Arnold for music. He was a really great teacher. Never forgot him.

Debbie Patelas Kister, Class of 1976





I sang in chorus from 1961 to 1964.  Mr Arnold was the best music teacher I ever had. I'd love to join in.

Myra  Rosen Fox 1965




Not being flippant, but it would be nice if anyone can contact Billy Joel. Chuck was fairly influential in pushing him to pursue his music. Billy mentioned him in his dedication on his first album, " Cold Spring Harbor ." Had Billy graduated, he would have been in my brother, Don's, graduating class of 1967...but everyone probably already knows that.
A lot of my fellow HHS singer/musicians are on Facebook.  That'd be a good place to put this as well.  I'm trying to think... I believe all of the honors choir, the HHS Madrigal Singers, for my high school years are on Facebook... Chris Darnowski, Crystal Demas, Ken Shepski to name a few.  The Madrigals were Chuck Arnold's stars.

Pat Thompson Dumas 1975


I live in Miller Place , a small town east of Port Jefferson. Had the pleasure of seeing Tommy Sullivan(from the original Brooklyn Bridge ) perform at my local library. He was great and lives in Rocky Point. Is this info helpful?? Thanks for lovely write up and anniversary card for Tony and I.

Eileen Walter Toscano 1959




The only singers from Hicksville that I know of were the Twins Tones

Herb Pearce 1962




As I recall, Chuck Arnold's first year was my senior year, 1961-62. I remember him well -- for his keen interest in his students, his musical gifts as a choral director and at the keyboard, and his sense of humor. Working with him in the advanced chorus and in the musical productions that year was the capstone of my musical experience through junior and senior high school in Hicksville . With almost 50 years of choral work since HHS, I still appreciate the training and love of choral music that he nurtured in me.

Dick Osborne 1962
Reston VA


I had Chuck for Boy's Chorus at HHS in the '61-'62 school year (I graduated in '62).  Please add my name if you're compiling a list.  As a side note, should we contact Chuck directly?

Bob Masone 1962



Hi Bob,
As I live in Los Angeles I don't get out to New York very often anymore, but I would ask that you please send Mr. Arnold my warmest regards.  I was in his chorus class back in  the mid-1970's, and will never forget his incredible dedication to teaching.  Once, I remember he and his wife came over to my house and spent an evening with my parents.  Wish I could see him in person. 

David Gaudio 1977


Hi Bob,

I sent the notice to my sister now living in Eugene , OR , who absolutely remembers him and sent it on to others.  She was younger than I, but I definitely remember him.  He must have been teaching in Hicksville before 61, since that's our graduation year.  Perhaps he was the junior high choral director?  I'm not sure, but it's too familiar a name for our class not to have had contact with him.  I know that the main choral director that I remember was Mr. Goleeke, but Mr. Arnold had to have been around.  Do you have more info?

Nancy Sherman 1961


Hi Bob,

I remember Mr. Arnold.  I was always in the Chorus and loved to sing.  I still do.  I remember when my son Joseph was a few months old, I took him to HHS and went to see Mr. Arnold.  I wish I could see him again, but as you know, I live in Texas and probably won't be in New York at that time.  Please give him my best regards and many, many thanks for bringing such beautiful songs into my life. 

Diane McGuinness 1963

Mr Arnold,

I don't know if you remember me. I had classes with you in my Senior year "67 & also helped to have Billy Joel there for your retirement assembly.

Joyce Thorburn Jurgensen 1967

Please keep me informed about the possibility of seeing you in September.


OMG, my wonderful Mr. Arnold. Now I have to find a way to get home to NY this summer! I may be in Colorado for business sometime in the next few months so might be able to get in touch with him. Thanks Bob!

Tina ( Gardner ) Kwiatkowski 1969




Dear Buffalo Bob,

Thanks for your help in getting the chorus reunion started. Thanks, too, for the invitation to your class of 1961 reunion in September. Unfortunately we won't be able to make it. My former students will be meeting on the 28th of August at Steve Goldstein's house in Centerport. Steve's Facebook entry has the address and other information.

Good luck with your reunion.

Chuck Arnold

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