Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project Update
July saw the addition of 54 new names, bringing our current total to 1,572 Hicksville Veterans who served our country during the Vietnam War Era!
Contributions continue to currently come largely from the work of one of our alumni in collaboration with the Hicksville Public Library Historian. With this dedicated effort and the additional contributions of the entire readership of HixNews, we expect the list will continue to grow in the months ahead.
Excellent progress has been made in filling in missing data for the list of names, but, it continues to be important, even if you don't have names to send us, to review the list for missing information or information needing correction. The need for this data is shown in red on the list. Please email me if you can help us fill in the blanks. High school class year has been specifically noted, where we have it, to make this review easier for you to scan the list for people you may know. We again made good progress in filling in the blank information in July, so let's all pitch in to continue this effort!
Once the list is finalized, there will still be much work to do; including fund raising, site selection, final design of the Memorial, approval by local authorities for site use, construction of the Memorial and finally its dedication.
In the meantime, please see the Honoring Our Veterans Section of this issue for the latest project information and the List of Veterans Names and what you can do to help this list grow, so that no one who deserves to be included is missed.
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
The United States pulled her troops out of Vietnam in April of 1975. Our involvement in the area began in the fifties and escalated to a full-scale conflict in the sixties. More than 58,000 Americans paid the ultimate sacrifice.
It is hard to believe that 36 years have passed by. The memory has faded probably partly due to a well-known fact that Vietnam was a conflict not having the full support of America's people.
Several former Hicksville alumni are hoping to see a memorial created at a location in Hicksville, possibly at the Junior High School. A huge list is being generated that contains the names of any former students that served in the military during the Vietnam Era.
Please go to Memory Lane to continue...