Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
We need an editor to help us put the Hixnews newsletter section together each month. Katie Kennedy, who has very kindly put together the newsletter pages for the past several months, has some new commitments starting in June that will preclude her continuing with the great job she's been doing. We need someone familiar with MS Publisher, which is what the Newsletter section is composed using. It is then is exported to pdf and uploaded to the server. If you have Publisher experience, some time you could spare and if you would like to get involved, please email us at
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project Update
With 57 new names added in March, our new total is 1,347! March's contribution again came largely from the work of one of our alumni in collaboration with the Hicksville Public Library Historian. With the continuation of this effort and the additional contributions of our entire alumni, we expect the list will continue to see good growth in the months ahead.
Please see the Veteran's Section of this issue for the latest information on the project and what you can continue to do to help its success.
It's also more important than ever (even if you don't have new names to send us) to review the list for missing information or information shown in red that needs correction or clarification. Please send me an email if you can help us fill in the blanks. High school class year has been specifically noted, where we have it, to make this review easier for you to scan the list. We made added progress in filling in the blank information in March, so let's all pitch in to continue this effort!
On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS '62
Hi, everyone,
Stardust, my a cappella doo wop group, is performing 2 shows at Mangia Restaurant on Saturday, April 9. Please call 631-661-6188 for reservations. I hope that Hicksville will be well represented at our shows.
Bob Masone '62
785 Deer Park Avenue North Babylon , New York 11703
(Located opposite from the Marion G. Veddar Grammar School )
Phone: (631)661-6188 Fax:(631)661-6239
The Newsletter
Photo Gallery
Below are several pictures of Frank Tiringer's (Class of 1961) Grandson. Kyle Tiringer is a fitness buff and has a Fitness Center and is pursuing a career in modeling.
Click to see other photos
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- 1: Hal Smith (OH); Michael Cucci (VA); Jerry Gardner (CA)
- 2: Ronni (Gardner) Izzo
- 3: Stephen Spector (FL)
- 4: Joe Starpoli; Ted Swedalla, Jr
- 5: Lorraine (Kalen) Lowen (NM); Marie (Parisi) Feraudo (NJ/SC)
- 6: Wayne Sternberger (MD); Lorin (O'Neill) Coakley (NC)
- 7: Marie (Fetten) McBride (FL); Claudia (Farina) Davis (FL/PA/L.I.)
- 9: Joan (Siegl) Rudolph (FL)
- 11: Diane Capone (L.I.); Vic Matuza
- 12: Diane McGuinness (TX); Barbara (Shores) Moore Friend of HHS; Margaret (Peggy Werner) Petrone (FL); Nancy Zipper (MD)
- 13: Jo-Anne (Butler) Broccolo (HX)
- 14: Bob Klewicki (FL); Bob DeMatteo; Marilyn (Schwab) Zaretsky (NY); Chuck McDonald (MD); Gary Kowalski
- 15: Richard Cluxton; Frank Koziuk (MD); Nancy (Neglia) Martirano (L.I.); Charles Brooks (L.I.)
- 17: Ginny (Frazer) Caliguri (FL); Pattie Hughes
- 18: Sandy (Klausing) Smith (CA); Dr. Jeffrey J. Kaufer (FL)
- 19: Rose (Marchese) Genovese (FL); Catherine (Arico) Joannides (NY)
- 20: Anne Marie (Romano) Petrilli (FL); Tom Ernst (PR)
- 21: Fred Rudolph (FL); Betty (Funfgeld) Eriksen (LI); Donald Werkstell (TX); Sharon Seltenright; Roz Goldmacher; Shelly Goldmacher; Mark Schnurman (L.I.); Audry (Olsen) Lent
- 22: Bob Ulrich (L.I.)
- 23: Edward M. Coleman (L.I.)
- 24: Bill Jakabek (RI); Linda (Parrella) Ruggiero (HX); Robert W. Wiltse (FL); Barbara (Sprufera) Ruggles (TX)
- 25: Olga (Yarish) Jordan (HX)
- 26: Steve Weinblatt (HX); Matthew Harford (L.I.)
- 27: Sheldon Rudowsky; Debbie (Moorhouse) McGregor (PA)
- 28: Ed Rivoire (HX); Joyce (Thornburn) Jurgensen (HX); Lauri Spector; Charlie Dobbs
- 29: Josephine (Miron) Brutch, 1949 (NY); Terry Frattini, 1984
- 30: Walter Schmidt (L.I.)
- 4/??/1970: Jim and Maryann (Johnston) Dolan (L.I.)
- 4/01/1978: Michelle (Jordan) and Guy Kowalski, (L.I.)
- 4/01/19??: Sue (Gilbert) and Ken Finder (FL)
- 4/04/1965: Thomas and Renee Phon (NJ)
- 4/08/1972: Kathy (McDonald) and Bill Corey (MD)
- 4/09/1983: Ruth (Jordan) and Gary Kowalski (HX)
- 4/12/19??: Frank and Diane Lombardi (HX)
- 4/12/19??: Ken and Rosemary Pohl (CA)
- 4/13/1996: Robin (Kriss) and Dan Rhea (FL)
- 4/16/1988: Beth (DesLauries) and David Rubin (FL)
- 4/16/1999: Jennifer (Rose) and Scott Newell (NC)
- 4/18/1960: Alberta (Hunt) and Bob Bolettieri (GA)
- 4/19/2003: Jim and Vickie Fischer (NC)
- 4/22/1972: Joanne (Tracy) and Ken Arnold (NY)
- 4/22/1990: John and Audrey Diers (FL)
- 4/24/19??: Jackie (Elwood) and Phil DiLorenzo (NY)
- 4/25/1964: Eileen (Wieditz) and Donald Moore
- 4/25/1976: Debbie (Fischer) and Don Dowdell (NY)
- 4/27/1986: Cynthia (Claus) and George Ferguson (CA)
- 4/30/1966: Bob and Marilyn Heiss (L.I.)
Honoring our Veterans

Subject: March 30 - Vietnam Vets Day
I just got this e-mail from an Ol' Marine V.N. Vet that I served with!
U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Richard Burr
Ranking Member
825A Hart Senate Office Building, Washington , D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2074 - FAX (202) 224-8908
Senate Declares March 30th as ' Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day'
Resolution Introduced by Senator Richard Burr
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
David Ward
Chandler Smith
(202) 224-2074
Washington D.C
The U.S. Senate yesterday declared March 30th as 'Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day', agreeing unanimously to a resolution introduced by Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
On March 30, 1973, all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam under the terms of the Treaty of Paris. This March 30th, the Senate has encouraged Americans across the country to recognize Vietnam veterans for their sacrifice and demonstrate a warm welcome to these soldiers who returned from war to a politically divided country.
I'm pleased that the Senate has agreed to set aside a day to give our Vietnam veterans a warm, long-overdue welcome home. I strongly encourage communities throughout North Carolina and across the country to observe this day with activities and events that honor these veterans for their service. It's time they receive the recognition they have earned and deserve. This day also provides our nation with an important teaching moment. Never again should our men and women serving in the armed forces receive the same treatment as those returning from Vietnam, said Senator Richard Burr.
Senator Burr introduced the resolution for the second consecutive year on February 16, 2011.
The United States became involved in Vietnam because policy-makers believed that if South Vietnam fell to a communist government, communism would spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia . The US Armed Forces began serving in an advisory role to the South Vietnamese in 1961, and in 1965, ground combat troops were sent into Vietnam . On March 30, 1973, after many years of combat, all US troops withdrew. More than 58,000 members of the United States Armed Forces lost their lives and more than 300,000 were wounded in Vietnam.
Senators John Boozman (R-AR), Thad Cochran (R-MS), James Inhofe (R-OK), and Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Mike Johanns (R-NE) co-sponsored the legislation. The resolution now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.
HOME AND FAX (215) 674-4593 CELL (215) 833-6031
Memory Lane
Excerpts from the 1977 Hicksville Comet
Casale's Corner
Interesting Pictures
This photo is very rare. It was taken by NASA using the Hubble telescope. This kind of event occurs once in 3000 years. It's called "The Eye of God." This photo has done miracles in many lives, so please don't delete it. Make a wish...you have looked at the eye of God. Don't keep this email with you. Pass it along to at least 7 persons.
Here is what Snopes had to say about the above...
Claim...Photograph taken by the Hubble Telescope shows a nebula dubbed the "Eye of God."
Status...Real picture; inaccurate description.
The above displayed image is a real photograph of the Helix Nebula although it's technically not a single photograph but rather a composite image formed from several photographs taken by NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope...
...and a land based telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona.
Kitt Peak - View looking North from the 2.1-meter telescope catwalk
Kitt Peak - View looking South from the 4-meter telescope catwalk
The above nebula image was NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the day for 10 May 2003. The Helix Nebula does not naturally appear with the colors shown above, however, the tinting of the image is artificial. The picture's "Eye of God" appellation is a title coined by any admirer of the photo due to the nebula's resemblance to a human eye, not something designated by NASA, and the nebula is also visible all the time, not merely "once in 3000 years."
Below are additional views of the "Eye of God" with alternate tinting.
World War II was the deadliest military conflict in History. Over 60 million people were killed worldwide. The most casualties by country...the Soviet Union with almost 24 million people killed overall. Military deaths were around 10 million with the civilian population surrendering 24 million lives. United States casualties totaled almost 500,000 killed.
American factories were converted to producing material used in the war effort. One major effort was producing aircraft that would be used throughout the world fighting tyranny and at home protecting citizens. Below are some of those aircraft. There are too many to show. This sampling alone is phenomenal.