Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
People Looking for People
We've taken a new approach to this section. It's been re-organized by Henry Lichtenstein as an online spreadsheet. Rather than publish the list here, it's now available below. If you have found the person you are looking for, please let the editors know so the name can be removed from the list. If there's someone you're looking for, just send your request and we'll be happy to add it to the list. If anyone knows these folks, send an email to:
HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List
We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available below. If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:
Never Forget. 9/11/2001
Attention All HixNews Readers!!
Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project Update
Thanks to the continued efforts of the HixNews readership, 10 new names were added in August for a new total of 552. Please see the Veteran's Section of this issue for the latest information on the project and what you can continue to do to help it succeed. Even if you don't have new names to send us, please review the list for missing information or information shown in red that needs correction or clarification and send me an email if you can help us with it.
Thank you,
Joe Carfora, on behalf of The Project Team
Sponsored by the CLASS OF 1959 AND open to ALL GRADS FROM ANY YEAR
A 7-day cruise on "CARNIVAL LIBERTY"
Beginning: Saturday November 6th 2010
Ending: Saturday November 13th, 2010Departure is from the Port of Miami
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Rates are from $453.88 Per Person
CALL NOW!! TO KEEP LOW RATE. CONTACT Donna Carver at Liberty Travel at
Telephone: 1- 954-757-7446
Alternate toll free : 1-800-313-9841
Just a quick note to pass along some information.
After all expenses for the class of '59 Fifteenth Reunion were paid, we still had $1500 remaining in our account. We had originally considered donating the money to the high school as an unrestricted gift. After considerable thought, the reunion committee decided it would be a better idea to provide financial assistance to students from the current graduating class. During our original contact with the high school, we were further steered in the direction of the guidance department. It was a good choice. There we discovered that the Roslyn School District and many other districts, including ours, have tightened the reins on all financial matters, including donations such as ours. Various approvals are required before monetary awards are permitted.
A meeting was held with Mrs. Effie Rafaelides, head of the guidance department, to get things moving. A decision was made to assist six typical students attending local community colleges. Mrs. Rafaelides took care of announcing the information and she was asked to make the final selection of the students to receive the monies. The bottom line is that we have awarded six students the sum of $250 each.
An interesting note is that all six will be attending Nassau Community College this fall.
A major reason for writing is to familiarize others with this particular method of helping students who attend our high school. If any other reunion groups or individuals wish to use this or a related method of contributing, they should contact Mrs. Rafaelides at 516-733-2220. Thank you.
Carl Probst
Class of 1959
Save the date September 17, 2011 For The Class of 1961 50-YEAR REUNION !
Islandia Marriott Long Island, 3635 Express Drive North, Islandia , New York 11749 USA
Phone: 1-631-232-3000
Fax: 1-631-232-3029
Toll-free: 1-800-228-9290
The Reunion Committee includes:
- Diana Urena Carasa
- Dennis Naso
- Vincent Luna
- Ann Cassese Costantino
- Pam McAlarney
For information, write to Dennis
Mail Checks made payable to Hicksville High School Class of 1961 to:
Pat Robb Haupt, 88 Dover Street, Massapequa , NY 11757
Please fill out the Registration and Information form you download here (pdf) if you haven't already done so and mail it back with your check. If anyone has not received the package mailed previously, please send a note to Dennis. We want to start compiling information ASAP.
And please check out our website https://61.hixreunion.com/index.htm
We would like to see some bio sketches from our classmates. Check out what the class of 1960 accomplished. Click on
Class of 1960 50th reunion Bio sketches (pdf) and view the sketches submitted by the class of 1960. We can do the same.
Most everyone should have received a copy of this notice in the mail. It is being published in the newsletter to act as a reminder. Please follow up at your earliest convenience.
Dear 1961 Classmates
We need your help! We have taken on the task of organizing our next class reunion., however, before we fully commit to this task, and before any contracts will be signed, we need to collect from each of you a $25.00 non-refundable deposit. We need at minimum, 80 checks no later than September 15, 2010 or the plans for the reunion will have to stop. Your deposit will be deducted from your ticket price. At this point we think we have a very nice reunion for about $98.00 per person. It may turn out to be a few dollars more or less but not more than that. It will depend on how many come.
Why is the deposit non-refundable? Because this money will be used as deposit money for the location, DJ, photographer and miscellaneous supplies as explained below. Some locations now want as much as $1,000.00 deposit a year in advance. If in the event the reunion has to be cancelled due to low interest, much, and in some cases, all of the deposit money will be lost. It seems a reasonable request on our part to ask each of you to risk your deposit rather than to ask us to risk $2,000.00 or more from a few of us.
The cost includes postage, paper costs, invitations, envelopes, labels, printing, etc. Once we have everyone's correct E-mail address, we will use the Internet to save money on postage. We also need money for class directories, bank expenses and everything else involved in making this your best reunion yet.
Lastly, a difficult topic. There are a few people who would like to attend but cannot, due to financial considerations. We would like you all to attend, so please let us know if this applies to you. All requests will remain confidential. If any of our class would like to send anything additional to enable one of your classmates to attend this special reunion, any and all donations are welcome. Please include your donation with your payment.
We are presently finalizing the arrangements and will send out another mailing soon. The date for the 50th reunion is Saturday, September 17th, 2011. So, all you out of towners start saving your frequent flyer miles!!! The location for the reunion is the Marriott Hotel located in Islandia, Long Island , New York .
We are also arranging to have a discount room rate of $109.00 per night for both Friday, September 16th and Saturday, September 17th, 2011 for all of those that wish to stay at the hotel. More info will follow in the next letter. You cannot make a reservation until after September 20th of 2010. The number to procure reservations is 1-800-228-9290. When you call, please specify that the reservation is for the Hicksville High School 50th Reunion . We will send more information when we start getting our responses.
Please let us know if you would rather just have information E-mailed to you. Please include your E-mail address with your response.
Please send checks made out to Hicksville High School Class of 1961.
Mail to:
Pat Robb Haupt
88 Dover Street
Massapequa , NY 11757
Please fill out the information sheet and mail it back with your check. We want to start compiling information ASAP. Also, start going through boxes and albums of OLD Photos. We would like to compile picture collages and need your help. You know, prom night, sports night, senior trip, dress up day, junior day, etc. Please contact anyone on the reunion committee if there are questions or suggestions.
Your Reunion Committee
- Diana Urena Carasa
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Dennis Naso
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Vincent Luna
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Ann Cassese Costantino No email address
- Pam McAlarney No email address
Late news..
I wanted to let you know that Ann Carmody
HHS Class of 1960 passed away Wednesday, August 18th, 2010. I don't know the details, but thought you might want to mention it in the next newsletter.
Janice Breeden Manaskie '62
Ted Swedalla, Class of 1964, Completes Epic Journey: Yorktown, Virginia to Eugene, Oregon
Now that I'm back home, and finished with a ride that will forever be etched in my mind, I want to take the opportunity to thank all who encouraged and supported me during this epic journey.
It was epic because it allowed Steve and me the chance to cross the paths of so many individuals who shape our country and its citizenship.
We were permitted to invade their territory and the folks we met made us comfortable and treated us like family.
It was a difficult task but the effort you all know was to benefit our military who come home to a country that truly doesn't understand the consequences of war. This ride enabled us to raise a substantial amount of money to help support VetDogs of America . They provide support to our returning veterans and their task is monumental and the one way we can help is by donating to their cause. Many did and I thank you heartily for participating.
I must admit the cross section of people far transcended my expectations. You laugh about drawls and dialects and patterns of speech. We saw it all and let me tell you all, it was wonderful. We laugh about "Pants On The Ground." We saw plenty of that and more. The cultures and disciplines of various towns and communities allowed me to put on an entire new face of knowledge about our country and its inhabitants. The sites, sounds, smells we were privy to from region to region awakened the feeling inside that we are the fortunate ones to have been born in this great land we can call home.
The primary thought after 79 days, over 4,200 miles of roads, and over 200,000 feet of elevation is that I cherish all the people I touch in my lifetime. Each and every one will be given the respect they deserve and I will keep an open mind to their thoughts and ideas.
Bike Ted