Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

50th Reunion - Class of 1960, June 5th, 2010

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hauppauge. NY

Please join all of your classmates at this event. We are getting a very positive response and expect to have a good turnout. The following is information about the Reunion and the Reunion Committee contacts. We have engaged the firm of REUNIONS UNLIMITED, INC. (RU) to work with us in planning the event.

  1. A block of hotel rooms have been reserved by RU at a cost of $149.00 per night at the Hyatt Regency Long Island,Hauppauge, NY. It is about 5-10 minutes from Islip MacArthur Airport. 1 631 784 1234 Fax: 1 631 232 9853 E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1-877-827-1356.
  2. There are other hotels and motels in that area if you elect to stay someplace else. If you are going to stay at the Hyatt, call them directly and see if they have better prices to offer - like a Senior Citizen Rate, AARP, AAA or rates for other organizations you may belong to.
  3. The June 5 Class of 1960's Saturday night 50th Reunion Function cost is $96.00 per person. It will be held at the Hyatt. More information about the Reunion will be sent out in May.
  4. The website for our class is If you want to communicate with all of the members of HixClass60, just address your email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Your email will then be broadcast to all the members (including yourself).
  5. The HHS site is
  6. Please contact any member of the Reunion Committee if you have questions.


Maddy Frischman Leibowitz, Chairperson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kathy McDonald Corey, Co-Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jack Gould, Co-Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Billy Ramos, Co-Chair, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The following is from Reunions Unlimited for you to sign up for the reunion. Just fill out and return the tear-off page below to:

REUNIONSUNLIMITED, INC. P.O. Box 150, Englishtown, New Jersey 07726, or visit their website at

35th Reunion - Class of 1975

July 24, 2010 7 PM - ?
Sheraton Long Island Hotel
Hauppauge, NY$75 per person
Send your payment (checks payable to HHSReunion75)
to POB #154, Kings Park, NY 11754
For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or visit our web site at

Long Range Ride for America's VetDogs

Dear friends from HHS days,

Ted Swedalla here from the class of 1964. You may recall that last year, Bob Casale ('61) and I started a trip in Key West, Florida that was supposed to end in Bar Harbor, Maine. We did start in April and actually made it about 900 miles to Charleston, South Carolina before we were forced to stop. We had some family issues that had to be addressed and it meant we had to head home.

The ride was designed to raise money for

America's VetDogs was founded by the "Guide Dog Foundation for the blind" located in Smithtown, New York.

Boe, Maverick, Budge"The Mission of America's VetDogs is to train and provide guide dogs for veterans who are blind, service dogs for veterans and active duty personnel with disabilities other then blindness, and therapy dogs for in-theatre deployment and to serve at select military and VA hospitals".

If you recall, Bob bought a motor home and was my 'wing' man on the trip last year. It was comforting to know that at the end of my bicycle ride each day (sometimes 70 miles) I could crash somewhere that was comfortable. Bob was great and it's just sad that we weren't able to complete our trip as planned.

I am doing a bicycle ride again with a group of men and women I met who enjoy getting out in the fresh air and enjoy the thrill of seeing our country in a different perspective. The ride for the six of us will begin in Yorktown, Virginia on May, 7th. Our trip will end about 4,400 miles later in Eugene, Oregon. We expect to arrive in Eugene around the 2nd of August.

I am so pumped up for this ride for several reasons.

The most important is because we are making an attempt to raise funds to support our troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Many are scarred in different ways and it is our responsibility as citizens to help them make a safe and simple return to society.

I also want to see more of America and what better way than to get out on the road and ride a bike. Our ability to enjoy our country is because of the sacrifice and dedication of our military. Their vigilance is what allows us to enjoy our every day freedom.

I am petitioning all my friends and classmates to support me in this endeavor to help our veterans start a new life with these wonderful service dogs.

It's simple to make a donation to this important cause. Go to and tag the donation in the comment box "Transam benefit bike ride for VetDogs." My wife and I will match dollar for dollar the first three thousand dollars donated. Please help me make this a success for all our men and women who have paid a price for our Country.

Thank you all in advance for your help.
Ted Swedalla, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.optonlineThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Middle Island, New York

PS- I have a website and blog for this ride at so you can follow along.

PPS- You all might be curious about our nightly accommodations. When I say we are 'roughing' it, I mean 'roughing' it. We all bought tents and a multitude of camping gear so we can sit around a campfire at night and eat our dinner. NO, we are not going to hunt rabbits or fish the many lakes. We will buy what we need as we go along. We are trying to travel as light as possible.

The Newsletter

Attention All HixNews Readers!!

Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial Project Update

Thanks to the efforts of the HixNews readership we added 16 new names in March and are now up to a total of 487, with our interim goal of 500 names clearly in sight! Please see the Veteran's Section of this issue for the latest information on the project and what you can do to help it's success.

Thank you,
Joe Carfora, on behalf of the Project Team

Chris Andersen sent these pictures to HixNews. Do any of our former alumni have family in this picture?

Can anyone put names to the faces???

Some more pictures from Chris Andersen. The month and year on the attached photographs is September 1960. The exact date is not known. The pictures were taken outside the church before the ceremony was performed. Does anyone recognize any of the individuals shown? How about the church and its location??? Please let us know.

Hey Bobby,

Just wanted to give you some good news. JR McCotter & Kelly had twin boys yesterday around 6:15 New York time. Jamison William and Caleb Robert, both weighed 7.5 lbs. Isn't that amazing for twins at that weight? Kelly almost made it a full term pregnancy and, for twins, that is unbelievable. I just thought you would like to know.

Talk to you soon.

Love to all
Nancy, Rob, Delaney and Kelsey McCotter

Dear HixNews

Hi. I located Arnie Hecht from the class of 1960.

Jack Gould '60


Please ask Arnie to get in touch with HixNews. We'd like to get him signed up.


Dear HixNews

Please add my name to your master email list. Thanks.

Very Best Regards,
Arnold M. Hecht '60

Thanx, Jack. I've updated the list.

Best, Henry

Hi Bob and everyone else,

I'm looking for Barbara Weber. I saw her picture in the March Newsletter. Can you send her my e-mail address? Please keep up the good work. It is such a pleasure to see old friends from school and hearing about them.

Tom and I are in FL for the winter. When I get back to NY I will send class pictures of Mr. Dambrosio's 6th grade class at Nicholai ST and Miss or Mrs. Moss's 4th grade class at Dutch Lane.

Also, please say Hi to Jeanne La Pointe, We bought her house in Farmingville, NY in 1973. Our daughter lives there now and we are in Southold, NY

Ann Cassese Costantino '61

Dear HixNews

Please add me to your membership list. I enjoy reading the newsletter each month. It brings back great memories. If you need more information please let me know.

Karen Armstrong Krautsack '69

Hi, Karen:

Welcome to the Hicksville Newsletter! I am one of the editors and I keep track of the Birthday and Anniversary Lists. I see that you graduated in 1969. At your convenience, if you would like your name to appear on our lists, please provide me with the following additional (optional) information: 1) the state you live in; 2) your birthday; 3) if you are married, your husband's first name; and 4) your anniversary date.

Jean (Goettelmann) LaPointe Class of 1959

I tried to send my response to Jean. She has not "approved" my email address to go back to her. So my email bounced back to me. Here is the info she requested - maybe one of you could forward it to her:

Thanks for doing this.
Karen Armstrong Krautsack class of 1969
Living in Tennessee
January 5 birthday
Husband is Dennis
Our Anniversary June 26, 1971


Editor Note: I received your e-mail, Karen. Thanks for the info. I will enter it on our Birthday and Anniversary Lists.

Dear Bob, I just looked at the March Newsletter and see that the blurb I had sent in mid February didn't get in - and I think it is due to the computer problems I have been having for about the past month and didn't get diagnosed and resolved until a few days ago. Some emails got through and some didn't but I never knew it. So, a question, is there anyway you can email the following to the class of 1960 so they have yet another reminder of our June 5 50th reunion?

I am sending this one as a Word document and will send another in PDF format as I don't know what you can open and will also putting the complete Announcement imbedded in an email!. Nothing like overkill!!


Editor Note: Henry sent the note with the form to the Google group. Roger added the same to the main page. It will be there for the class to see.

Hi - again, help is needed!

I know Linda Piccerelli Hayden is on our HixNews site. Would you please send her an email and ask her to contact me. She is on our Missing Alumni list. I don't even know what state she lives in. And, going through our HixNews site email may cause a delay. That is, if in her reading, she doesn't go there often.


Editor Note: the note was forwarded to Linda

Dear HixNews

Thank you for the lovely birthday greeting.

Helen (Penner) Ackerman

Dear HixNews

Thank you for the birthday card. I will be heading to West Point in April for my husband's 40th reunion. Tommy Sullivan's band is scheduled to play. I believe I heard them play there in the late 60's, but I didn't know they were from Hicksville. I'm anxious to hear them play again.

Maxene Frimmer Grove '68

FREEDOM isn't FREE. Somebody paid!Dear HixNews

Thank you very much for the birthday card. It is much appreciated. Hope all is well with you.

Take care for now.
Fred Fulco

Dear HixNews

Thank you so much for the birthday card. It certainly brightened my day. I enjoy reading the newsletters every month. You and the rest of the crew do such a great job. Keep up the good work!

Bev (Fetz) White '67

Dear HixNews

Thank you so much for the birthday card. That was so nice. You made my day.

Joan (Brandt) McHugh

Dear HixNews

Please add to the In Memoriam Page of the newsletter. My brother William (Bill) Hughes from the class of 1962.

Thank you for the awesome job you all do on this newsletter.

Garnet Gay Hughes '70

New Biographical Sketch

Please check the alumni Bio page for a new sketch, Phil Kearney, class of 1959.

The editors

I wondered if you could make some edits.

On the 'People looking for people' spreadsheet: Lines 73 and 77, my class year was 1973' Line 71, the correct spelling of the person being asked for is 'Paul C e c e r i '

On the 'In Memoriam' section for class of 1967, could you please omit the comment about Agent Orange for my first cousin, Danny Grumo. While he did have long-term effects from being exposed to Agent Orange, I think the actual cause of death was some sort of coronary.

Can I ask who supplied the detail for Gwen Cobb, class of '71? I went to school with her brother, John Cobb, they lived around the corner from me on Sleepy Lane and the first job I had after high school was in a printing shop where she worked.

We use to get rides together from one of the printers who would drive by and we would get in. I remember Gwen would give Ernie packs of cigarettes for the favor, as he wouldn't accept any money. She was a very quiet, soft-spoken individual and the fact that she was 2 years older than me meant I never really know her that well from the neighborhood.

Peter Arena
Q&CS Analyst - Asia/Pacific shift
GLOBEX Control Center

Happy anniversary Bill and Vi.

Herbie Pearce '62


Graduation Class 1968 - Ron Carman passed away a few year ago

Thomas Carman
Program Manager
M&TS US Contract Management & Analysis
Eastern A/R Focal

Hi Bob and Joe Carfora

I am writing in reference to Ray Saeger. I noticed on your list of Vietnam Vets that Ray was not listed as one. He was in Vietnam for a year. I believe it was sometime in 1965 or 1966. I'm not sure of the exact time, but my sister Sharon stayed with me in New York while he was there. It was a very hard time for them. They had two little girls ages 1 and 2 and I had a boy and a girl ages 6 months and1 and 1/2. Boy did we wash allot of diapers. No disposables back then. I hope this helps.

I really enjoy reading the newsletter each month. I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to you and all the others who put so much time and effort into this wonderful endeavor.

Diane McGuinness, Class of '63


Ray is on the master list that is being compiled by Joe Carfora and the committee to build a lasting monument to Hicksville's vets. I will forward this note to Joe Carfora and he can update his records.

love yah
buffalo bob casale

Dear Diane,

Thanks so much for filling in this important 'blank' we had on where Ray served! I just wish more people would get back to us regarding the information we show in red and/or with question marks, like you have done for Ray! This note should also serve to answer the question that Bob Casale sent you in his email.

Thanks again
Joe Carfora

Dear HixNews...

I am Dave Baldwin from the class of 1956. My anniversary date is 3/22/1969. We got married in Plainview and my wife is a graduate of East Islip High. This year we are celebrating our 41st year together. Thanks for putting this newsletter together. I am living in Deltona, Florida not far from Emmett Goodman from the class of 1956 also.

Dave Baldwin


Dave Baldwin has been in the database since before my time. His email just arrived out of thin air, so to speak. I have included the info he provided that had been missing from the master list. If you or Buffy want to send him a BD card, too, that's up to you (in which case you'll have to get his DOB).

Best, Henry

Editor Note: We sent a note to Lou Zabbia about Sandy Wagner in last month's issue.

Here's Lou's response'


I lost touch with her after High School.

Lou Zabbia

Editor Note: We had a note from Ann Cassese in the last issue'please say Hi to Jeanne La Pointe, We bought her house in Farmingville, NY in 1973. Our daughter lives there now and we are in Southold, NY

Hi, Ann:

I can't believe you no longer live at #9 Carlisle Drive. That's how I always picture it when I think back on that house. But, I feel better that it is being well taken care of by your daughter. Where do you stay in Florida for the winter?

I help the HixNews by doing the Birthday and Anniversary Lists. Awhile back, Bob Casale was drowning in too much work, so I volunteered. It doesn't take too much time. I also do volunteer work for our church and volunteer work for our Homeowners Association and Ladies Golf League, etc., etc., etc. You know how hectic retired life can be.

We're still here in Orlando. Too cold for our thin blood right about now because of this cold spell.

I exchange e-mails with Carol and Roddy once in a while. Hope you are both well.

Take care.
Jeanne (Goettelman) LaPointe '59

Hi Jean

We are in Punta Gorda, Florida near to Carol (Neglia) and Roddy Clements. I keep complaining about the cold weather and then the kids call about the snow. We moved out to Southold , on the North Fork of LI about 6 years ago It's very quiet out there with a lot of vineyards now instead of farms. Keep up the good work with the newsletter. Just to give you something else to do, our anniversary is Aug. 25 1962. Hope things are well with you. Are you grandparents yet?

Ann (Cassese) Costantino '61

Dear All,

Please take a few moments to peruse the updated list (as of 3-2-2010) of those members of the Class of 1960, whose contact info is still needed by the Reunion organizers. The online list is available here.

If you have info for any of these former classmates, please inform the organizers, whose contact information is available here.

Best, Henry
Henry Lichtenstein

Gaye Yarry Joyce AsaroCathi AricoDear HixNews


I was wondering if anyone knows where Gaye Yarry & Joyce Asaro ('61) are now


Cathi (Arico) Joannides '61

Sorry all you Long Islanders and New Yorkers' Here's another two feet of snow'

your editors


New Law:

If a patrol car is pulled over to the side of the road, you have to change to the next lane (away from the stopped vehicle) or slow down by 20 mph. Every state except Hawaii and Maryland and Washington, D.C. has this law. In California, the "Move-over" law became operative on January 1, 2010.

A friend's son got a ticket for this recently. A police car (turned out it was 2 police cars) was on the side of the road giving a ticket to someone else. He slowed down to pass but did not move into the other lane. The second police car immediately pulled him over and gave him a ticket. He had never heard of the law. It is a fairly new law that states if any emergency vehicle is on the side of the road, if you are able, you are to move into the far lane.

The cost of the ticket was $754, with 3 points on your license and a mandatory court appearance. Please let everyone you know that drives about this new law.

Marilyn and Ronni Gardner '59

Editor Note: this has actually been law in some states since 2003'


Thanks so much for the birthday card. I appreciate what you and the rest of the Hix newsletter team does in keeping everyone updated. I know that you're more appreciated then you'll ever know.

Thanks again
Howie Bell (68)

Hi Bob

My neighbor up the block passed away. Her name was Olge Marcinik and she was 96. Her maiden name was Staryk. Not positive of that spelling anymore but I think it is correct. Her mother and father had started the old Fairway Farms that was up by Nevada and Burns. The old house is still there. They were part of the old Ukrainian community in Hicksville. She had a daughter and a son, daughter-in-law and grandson and nieces and nephews.

Maybe you could put a note in the next issue. Another link to old Hicksville is gone.

Carl Probst

New Friends on Facebook, Class of 1961

Colette Loiacono Colette Pertusiello Rosa Szendy Rosa Patterson
Volena Henningsen Volena Howe Joan Sabatella Joan Plock
Linda Mastrosanti Linda Aragoncillo

Thank you for the birthday card. It's the first one that I received. Do I know you?? Are you on my friends list on facebook?? Let me know. We have one mutual friend John Peck.

Cathy Rowan Cathy Rowan Doll

Have a good day .
Cathy (Rowan) Doll '75

Dear Bob,

Thank you very much for the birthday card. You and the gang are the first to send me a card.

Carolyn Wood Imbrie '63


I noticed that even though I get mailings from the Association, my name does not appear on your membership list. I am a Class of 1958 grad.

Thank you.
Alan (Al) Sypher

Dear Bob,

My husband and I were taking turns being sick. I am now getting to read the February Hicksville Newsletter. Then I'll read March's. Thank you so much for remembering my sister's, Jean (Siegl) Holloway birthday on Feb. 3rd. And Fred and my anniversary Feb. 14th.... Thanks for all you and the others do

May God Bless you all.

Joan Siegl Rudolph '61

Dear HixNews

Please sign me up for the newsletter.

Betty Anne Caesar '59


Thanks for the great Birthday card. It was a great surprise!

Bill Fuchs (60)

Editor Note: that's our job, Bill, SURPRISE.

Every issue we produce is a surprise to us. You, with your feedback, make our production not so much a surprise but more a dedication!!! Let Us know how we are doing??!


Does anyone remember a musical group back in the early 60's. They played on the Island and they were called The Three Grads, then later The four Grads? What ever happen to them? Around that time I entered the service, I lost track of them.

Bill Fuchs '60

Dear Bob

Thank you for the anniversary card. It's always a pleasant surprise when I find these in my in box . Thanks for all you do for Hixnews!

Lisa (Dorais '71) and Robert Wissler

Does anyone have an email address or a contact address for the following people???

Alice Kaider Johnson '60 Joyce Scheriff '62 Diane Haupt '62 Diane Haupt Nerzig
Suzanne Kellner '63 Sue Kellner Watson Hugh Hansen '64 Hugh Hansen now


The story you told of the 5th Grade class honestly brought a tear to my eye, as I remembered Mr. Christiano, my 5th grade teacher at Fork Lane. It was he and Mr. Muratore at HHS that were the biggest influence on me to do my best. I truely believe I was blessed in that regard, and hope there are teachers like them still out there.

God Bless
Joe Platania "63

Dear HixNews

On March 10th, six members of the class of 1953 met at the Saratoga Springs Resort in Disney World in Orlando, Fl. for lunch. A good time was had by all as we had many laughs and just enjoyed ourselves. This is about the 7th year we have met and would like to extend an invitation to others from our class for next year if they can be in this area.

E-mail Pat (Lenzner) Caruso at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Steve Moddle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in January. We can try to set a date for all to meet.

Photo courtesy of Valerie Pakaluk

Richard Evers Passes

Richard 'Dick' Evers, Teacher, Historian, Author, and mentor to many, died February 25th. Like to many in the Hicksville Historical Society, he was a true mentor to me. Mr. Evers was the person that started me volunteering my time with the Historical Society. His presentations at our general meetings boosted community awareness and pride in our town. Mr. Evers was always present at town functions, one being our costume ball held at the Milleridge Inn. Richard also sponsored bus tours around Hicksville, showing landmarks and presenting historical Churches to the public. His work with School children is noteworthy, as he was even presented on VH-1 television as Billy Joel's teacher. Here was a man who collected and presented town history who became part of the town history himself. His published books on Hicksville are valued additions to our collection. His mark on the Gregory museum and the history room in his name at the Hicksville Library transmit to us that we will never be forgotten. Both He and his wife gave countless hours of their time to this community. As President of the Hicksville Historical Society, I say to you that I (and the Society) have lost a mentor, a friend, a guide. But in our time together, I gained so much, as did the whole community of Hicksville. I believe that when I think of the name 'Hicksville,' I will also think of Richard Evers.

Bob Koenig
Hicksville Historical Society President

Editor Note: I met Mr. Evers several times and marvel at how genuine he was. His love for the Hicksville community was evident whenever we talked and he referred to Hicksville as "his" town. There is one other person that comes to mind and he could approach the stature of Mr. Evers and that was Howie Finnegan, another Hicksville Icon. We miss them both.

Buffalo Bob Casale

The following pictures were submitted by Martin Brandfon They are from the late fifties or early sixties'

Can You Identify Any Of These Players and Coaches

Botto's Hardware Tire Craft
Unknown Unknown


People Looking For People

Mary Jane Graswald is looking for Beverly Carman Cocolichio class of 1960

Mary Jane,

Both you and Beverly Carman are subscribed to the hixclass60 group (click here to see who else is subscribed). So you can email your request to Beverly via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ann Cassese is looking for Barbara Weber class of 1961.

Hi Barbara,

We are forwarding an email from Ann Cassese Costantino 1961, who is looking for you.

Hi Ann,

We have forwarded your request to Barbara Weber.

Best, Henry

Roger (Giansante) Taylor is looking for Carol Maggio (Watkins) class of ? 55/57)

Joan Carbonaro (classof 60/61)

Dear HixNews

Thank you for the birthday card.

Steve Baum '62

Dear HixNews

Thank you all for the birthday card. God bless us all.

John Ennis class of 1950
Business Education Teacher 1961 ' 1968


ANTON MURE '68, Midlife Crisis Band

This is Barbara Ann Bagley Schaal.

I've sent my name in several times so I'm surprised you don't have my email address. I have been getting reunion news


Hi and THANK YOU for doing a great job on the HIX newsletter!

I just looked at the 'memoria' list and did not see my brother's name, nor my best friend's name within their years of graduation.

  • John Komar 1963
  • Margaret Gomez Volz 1961

Thank you for adding them.

Joan Komar Langlois 1961

This was really an exceptional newsletter this month.

Thank you for all the hard that is done to produce the newsletter.

Kathy (Koziuk) Hannaman '60

Thank you, Kathy, on behalf of all the editors.

Best, Henry

Henry and Buff

You guys are the BEST!

I have spent a fair amount of time trying to consolidate several lists, Reunions Unlimited's (RU) list of found, RU's list of Missing and deceased, my list of found, Hix class of 60 list and have also gone thru page 66 of our yearbook. I have found over 50 people that RU has not identified as missing, dead or found! So, I will again, go back to them and try to find out what is happening.

One thought is that they are first going after the low hanging fruit but, frankly, I have been able to find some of them with relative ease on online web sites. However, I am having a great time searching for, finding and them finally connecting with old classmates - even if we have no recollection of each other! And Knowing that you two are there, and ever so patient, is very helpful and very much appreciated

Kathy McDonald Corey '60

Dear Hixnews Editors and Alumni,

For over twenty-five years, eight Hicksville High School graduates have been meeting (every three years) in different parts of the country at the homes of each person. We started meeting in 1986, in Long Island, New York. We have had three reunions on Long Island, one in Murray KY, one in Rochester NY, one in Salt Lake City and the last one was here in Dallas Texas at the home of Ron Rocek. Each one of us has had the pleasure of hosting the gathering and planning the activities. In more recent gatherings we have concentrated more on visiting and catching up on everyone's lives, kids, grandkids and the like. The gatherings are very special and very enjoyable.

The group of Hicksville alumni are (myself) Ron Rocek, 1960, John Goodell, 1960, Robert Oehler, 1960, Peter Wells, 1960, Bill Allan, 1960, John Hannon, 1961, Peter Henneberger, 1961, and finally Jim Edwardson, 1961, (deceased- Jim was a very successful company owner who lost his life in a general aviation accident).

Ron Rocek John Goddell Bob Oehler Peter Wells John Hannon Peter Henneberger Jim Edwardson

On one NY gathering, Bill Ramos gave us the pleasure of his company. It was very enjoyable visiting with Bill. I have attached some pictures from the last gathering. We spent part of a day on a Dallas tour. The first picture is the remaining group of seven (Jim was there, you just could not see him) at a park in downtown Dallas.

L-R: Pete Henneberger, John Hannon, Peter Wells, Robert Oehler, John Goodell, Ron Rocek, and Bill Allan. The group with the tour guide at Dealy Plaza where President Kennedy was shot.

The next day we ventured to Ft Worth to the famed Ft Worth Stockyards. We toured the stockyards, had lunch at a Mexican Restaurant there, toured the downtown area and finished up with a drive by of the new Cowboy Stadium in Arlington, Texas, before returning for a wonderful steak dinner catered by a very good friend.

The last two pictures were taken of the group having lunch.

Clockwise from the left (viewable) Bob Oehler, Peter Wells, Bill Allan, Marci Allan, and Carol Henneberger. Clockwise from the left, Linda Rocek, John Goodell, John Hannon, Marty Hannon, and Ginger Goodell.

A great time was had by all. Our next reunion will be in two years in New England.

Our best to all,
Ron Rocek

Dear Bob and all the gang from HHS,

Thank you for the lovely birthday card. It was perfect.

I wanted to just jump right through that porthole and spend my birthday on a beach, in a hammock, sipping a delicious "umbrella drink" and enjoying this special birthday with my husband. Back to reality, but I enjoyed the card and your remembering me.

Lynn O'Riordan (McMorrow) class '68

I just wanted to remind all of you that we will be performing at On 3 Restaurant in Glen Head on March 24 from 7-10. The number there is 516 656-3266. I hope to see some of you there. I also want to thank those of you who have been coming down to hear us, it does make a difference when you play for friends.

Art Romeo '60

Editor Note: I realize this note is useless because the newsletter won't publish until after the event. I thought Art's comment of thanking those who support him was appropriate.

JR ('95) & Kelly McCotter's New Twins

Rob McCotter is now grandfather to two new additions to the McCotter Clan! His second son, JR and wife Kelly have had twin boys! Caleb Robert and Jameson William, born on the 27th of February. Congratulations Rob! Congratulations JR and Kelly!
Congratulations Jake! Welcome Caleb and Jameson!
Buffalo Bob Casale

Caleb Robert McCotter Jameson William McCotter Jameson and Caleb The Twins with their brother Jake

A Tip From Heloise the Housemaker

Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen much faster and spoil quicker!!

Hi guys,

I saw a mention in the Newsletter about Jones Beach Tower being destroyed, which was news to me. It was there the last time I passed by in November. Here's an article from the New York Times (2008), which may clarify.

Here's the link:

Can you have more current info?
Katie Kennedy '62

Editor Note...

Bob Wesley was writing a column for the newsletter affectionately called the Geek's Corner. This was an interesting column that provided helpful information to many who are less than computer literate. His tips helped many and the feedback from our alumni confirmed his prowess. The untimely passing of Bob has left a void. The editors are asking if there is anyone out there that would like to continue the Geek's Corner.

Please let us know if interested by sending a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dear HixNews

Thanks for the birthday card.

Chris Andersen '67

Dear HixNews

Please help me contact Lesley Hauser ('70). I googled her name and saw that she responded to a search by another classmate on this site. And she changed her surname from Hohauser. I would really appreciate it if you could let her see my e-mail address from above. I was Terry Dawson when we lost touch.

Thank you!
Terry Carroll


  • William Allan class of 1960
  • Arnold Yanof class of 1963
  • Alice McIntosh Rigdon Class of 1961 ( Alice lives in Virginia )
  • Ellen Baumgartner class of 1969
  • Kathy McManus Bock class of 1976
  • Noreen McCormack Payne class of 1967
  • Debbie Patelis Kister class of 1976
  • Susan Buzard class of 1982
  • Philip Heilman class of 1966
  • Larry Rocco class of 1967

Henry Lichtenstein has an answer to Bill Fuchs' search for a musical group from the 60's...called the Four Grads'


I haven't been receiving any e-mail. Please re-subscribe me at this new e-mail address. Thanks. Also included are a few labeled photos from my archives, which you may want to post in an upcoming newsletter.

Ken '65 & Joanne Tracy Arnold '67
East Quogue , NY

The Dynamics circa 1963
George Deveau, Jimmy Rosica, Roger Weinand, Ken Arnold, Ricky Weick
More Dynamics
Jimmy Rosica, Ken Arnold, Vic Olsen, Ricky Weick, Johmmy Barcellona

Hi HixNews

I recently found this site and would like to register. I graduated from HHS in 1978. My maiden name is Leslie Mantooth. My husband's name is Ted Bial and I still live on Long Island. Anniversary May 24, 1987, Thanks for making this newsletter. Please add me to your list of HHS classmates. Thanks!

Leslie Bial '78

Done. Welcome aboard, Leslie!

Best, Henry

Hi, Leslie:

Welcome to the HixNews! I received all of the information I needed from you, so I will add your birthday to the October list and your anniversary to the May list. Thanks.

Jean (Goettelman) LaPointe

Hi to all at hixnews

Just a brief notice to the newsletter. My brother, Richard (Dick) Eisemann, passed away on Sunday, February 7, 2010, at the age of 82. He was a Hicksville High Graduate, played in the band and orchestra. After graduating from Wittenberg College, Ohio, he studied for the ministry and later became a chaplain in the Air Force. He was a Lt. Colonel and will be buried at a later date (when weather permits) in Arlington Cemetery .

I haven't seen the latest HixNews lately and hope that I haven't been dropped. My husband George, has been in and out of the hospital and rehab for the past four months and is home, at the present time. Keep up the good work that you all do.

Bea Eisemann Baldwin

Editor Note: The staff at the newsletter extends their sympathy to you. Your brother's name appears on the plaque at the Junior High that honors our alumni that served in the armed forces.

Thank you.HixNews for the birthday card.

Jed Schaiman '59

Thank you for the birthday greetings. That was the best.

Jennifer Bell

Thank you very much for the birthday card! It was a very pleasant surprise. Even though most of us don't want to celebrate getting older ( LOL ), it's nice to be remembered.

Thank you again
Janis Bartlett Wood '73

Hi gang...

I will be having my first solo Art Exhibition of my paintings, presented by the Lancaster County Council of the Arts, and after almost three years since I took up oil painting. I will have an Artists Reception to coincide with the City of Lancaster Spring Arts Crawl, on Friday, March 26, and my exhibition will run through the month of April.I have attached the Arts Council's invitation, along with photos of my three most recent paintings.

BoB Gillette

Flyer Jardin Botanique Road To The Mountain Sunrise At Mudeford

Dear HixNews

Thank you so much for the very appropriate birthday card. It really made me smile which was great because I just had oral surgery and had all my teeth removed and received immediate dentures. So it was well received. I plan to show all my friends and family as they will love it also. Thanks again for thinking of me on my 56th birthday.

Jeff White '73

I was the editor of the Comet Newspaper in 1969. It was such a long process to get it published that Don Engelman and I decided to use the latest technology, the mimeograph machine, and publish a news sheet weekly. They probably just tweet it now.

Steve Rose '69

Love the newsletter but have the following names that need to be added to the in Memorium page all HHS Class of 1967.

  • Ellen Chernow
  • James 'Jim' Egan
  • Ronald 'Ronnie' Giorlando
  • Thomas H. McGowan
  • Christine Van Wagenen

Thank you
Mike Hand '67

Thank you for that enjoyable Birthday card. It really helps when you're stuck at work to get something nice like that. Hope you are all well and thanks for the wonderful work you do.

Warmest regards
Betty Brunell '72

A friend was asking about the Brooklyn Bridge

In 1968, Johnny Maestro combined two groups, the Del-Satins--for whom he sang in the 1950s and who had provided back up on several of Dion DiMucci's hit records in the 1960s--and a Long Island group called Rhythm Method (Tommy Sullivan, Carolyn Wood, Jim Rosica, et al) into an 11-piece band and renamed them The Brooklyn Bridge. Their first record was also their biggest, "The Worst That Could Happen." They had some minor hits after that, but the group finally disbanded in 1970. Maestro continues to appear in oldies shows, both solo and with different versions of The Brooklyn Bridge.

Thanks for the wonderful birthday card and the good wishes. When you get to our age every birthday is a milestone and should be celebrated.

My best to you all.
Susan Serlin '61

1963 Jeanne (Kranz) Petersen looking for 1963 Rose (Lacognata) Yanez

Thank you

Tribute to Bob Wesley

from Ron Wilson Class of 1962

I didn't know Bob personally, but I speculate he would want all of us alumni to contribute material. Soooo here it is! I am going to spend some time scanning much of the material I have from Hicksville . I hope this helps the newsletter. I remember a few stories too. One story is about a dedication at the Junior High School. Not sure of the year but could be circa 1957 or 1958. Nobody liked the Mr. Braun who was the principal

At the ceremony, a new flagpole was unveiled with pretty flowers surrounding the pole. Over the weekend, some bodies, not me, took a saw to the flagpole. Additionally, they pulled up all the flowers. Needless to say, Nr. Braun was deeply miffed. The rumor that circulated....the guys in shop class were the culprits. There was a lot of snickering going on.

I have to say I support all the nice things said about Bob. Although I didn't know him personally I got familiar with his Geek column. Perhaps bob would most appreciate our support and contribution to the newsletter. To help with that, I fought with the scanner drivers and I am enclosing some memorabilia from the 50's Hicksville . I agree with Bob Casale's belief in reincarnation. Anybody is encouraged to investigate the facts at and There is a lot to understand and investigate. I personally interviewed one of the scientists who authenticated this case. Periodically Mike Horn ( appears at conventions and colleges everywhere, and on AM radio on If you are interested there it is.

The flight path, landing at Sayville, L.I.
Looking east. It was summer 1958.
Frank Scarangella
Mid Island Plaza from the air
Ron Wilson at La Jolla Beach, California in 2009

More New Readers

  • Constance Ambrico-Cox * class of 1971
  • Jennifer Rose Newell * class of 1996
  • Elsie Bartels Gruebel * class of 1945
  • Robert Leo * class of 1965
  • Edwina Kenefick * class of 1960

Referring to the March Newsletter;

Is that new reader 'Bill' Anderson of '63, the 'Billy' Anderson from East Street that I knew as a kid growing up on Elm Street ? To Norm Nichols; It would be great to see pictures of the old Hicksville Airpark. My dad used to take me there to get close to the aircraft. It was quite a thrill to see the landings and takeoffs on the grass runway. I was amazed that the pusher prop and shape of a Republic built Seabee boarding at the Airpark could actually fly. The old Airpark became the original Hicksville Farmer's Market. The local farmers would actually back up their trucks in a line to sell their produce. The one permanent hangar on the west side of the Airpark, next to Robbins Lane , ended up as the Las Vegas Club until it burned down sometime in the '60's. Perhaps those early Airpark visits are what steered me to a 42 year stay building and delivering aircraft at Grumman.

Pete Foster '57 St. Augustine , FL

Thank you so much! It's always great to be remembered on your birthday. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. The card was great.

Valerie (Palmer) Towsley '60

Thank you for the birthday greetings. It was truly appreciated. Also, thanks for the great job you do with the newsletter. Read it cover to cover every month. Keep up the good work.

John J DeVaul '56

My granddaughter, Sarah, who just turned '5' on the 22nd of March was watching Disney Channel the other day. I had to keep her home from school because she had a low-grade fever. An advertisement came on and the announcer said, 'This product was made in China .'

Sarah, without hesitation said, 'those made in China people are hopeless.'

We had a very successful gig last night and they are having us back next week. Those who were there are invited back and those who couldn't make it, you have another chance. I hope to see some of you there. On 3 Restaurant Railroad Ave. Glen Head Long Island.

Art Romeo '60

Editor note: this is to inform you about the performance at On 3 Restaurant'the gig next week is Wednesday, March 31st and we won't be published yet!!

Buffalo Bob Casale has a request. I am working on a power point presentation to honor our alumni who served in the military. Special emphasis is being given to the 13 former students who were killed in Vietnam . I am in desperate need of photographs of the following individuals. Can you please help? Pictures from the yearbook, from parties you were at together, school functions or any other source you can think of.

  • Paul Douglas Walkowski
  • Stanley Robert Tomasovic
  • Donald Walter Hollenbach
  • William Chomyk
  • Alan Robert Giannelli
  • Joseph Mark Mazzone
  • Carl Noel Kozma
  • William Arthur Aldag
  • Stanley Wilenski
  • James Edward Stolz
  • Paul Coburn Sawtelle
  • Robert Ernest Rausch

And I can use some pictures of those who were wounded' Yearbook would be fine'a Military picture and a little background sketch of where you were and how long, etc.

  • Alan Aker 1963
  • Pat Alia
  • Steven Anderson 1967
  • Paul Chernauskis 1965
  • Michael Cullen 1965
  • Robert Dethlefsen 1968
  • Jimmy Dykman 1966
  • Michael Ferrara 1966
  • Michael Gregg 1966
  • William Jansen 1964
  • Michael Kennedy 1965
  • William F. Kuhlmann 1961
  • George C. Lang 1965
  • Michael M. Melody 1965
  • Joseph Motylenski 1966
  • Thomas Mulvahill 1967
  • Michael Patoka 1965
  • Robert Pelcher 1967
  • Robert Pietras 1962 (Have Pictures)
  • Gary Pocano 1968
  • Thomas Saurer 1967
  • James Searles 1967
  • William Squire 1967
  • Kenneth J. Strafer 1962
  • John Tranchina 1964

In 1953 we became the first students in the new Woodland Avenue Elementary School. Previously we were at East Street School. Our teacher was Mr. Sanborn who, as far as I know, most of us loved. Attached is a picture of our class. Also attached is another picture, this one with all the names I could remember. Hopefully the others will be recognized and the names filled in. The missing people look so familiar to me, but the names escape me. Most of those pictured graduated in 1960. Several must have moved away before then. Anybody know the missing names?

Denny Tillman '60

Please join me for a spring art exhibition at the Locust Valley Library. The show will run from April 2 thru April 26th. Opening Reception will be Saturday April 3rd from 2-4pm. 170 Buckram Rd. Locust Valley 11560

Hope to see you there.


Myra Jane Fox @ facebook .com

A lint trap or lint catcher is an important component of a dryer. There are two reasons to empty the lint trap on a regular basis, ideally every time you use the dryer. The first is that it will make the dryer more efficient, and the second is that it will prevent the risk of a major fire. Dryer fires cause thousands of home fires every year, which can result in property damage and even death. Because lint is highly combustible, a dryer fire can also quickly rage out of control, so do yourself a favor and remember to empty the lint trap.

Brenda, very pregnant with her first child, had a scheduled appointment with her obstetrician. Her husband posed a question and reminded Brenda to ask the doctor when she saw him.

When the exam was over, she shyly began 'My husband wants me to ask you'' 'I know, I know,' the doctor said before she could finish her question. H put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and said, 'I get asked that very same question all the time. Sex is fine until late in the pregnancy.' 'No, No,' she said. 'That's not it at all.'

'He wants to know if I can still mow the lawn?'

Hey Gang

I just had a note from Tommy Sullivan who, along with other Hicksville students, formed the group The Brooklyn Bridge. Tommy advised that John Maestro, their lead singer, passed away last night in Florida from cancer. A nice man...a great voice.... a wonderful person! We can only pray he has a quick passage to rock and roll heaven.

A great song "The Worst That Could Happen.!" Gold record and a group performance on the Ed Sullivan show. I think of the times I met Johnny Maestro.He grew up in our time and created many memories. We were part of his entourage. His music influenced our lives.We will never forget his captivating "voice." You are in our thoughts and prayers!!!

Buffalo Bob Casale



Hi Jean,

Thanks for the e-mail. My maiden name is Schwartz; married name is Serlin. My husband's name is Gerald (Jerry.) We now live in Pennsylvania and we will celebrate our 43rd anniversary tomorrow (3/25.)

I really appreciate your taking the time and effort to contact me.

Best regards.
Susan Serlin '61

Susan Serlin '61 Susan Serlin now Jim Bender 1961 Graduation Jim Bender more recently on FaceBook

The Glass Menagerie Chorus, under the direction of Susan Glass, is happy to announce that our Spring Concert will be held on Saturday, May 8th at 8 p.m. The concert will be held at our usual performance space, St. Joseph's Church at 6th Ave and Washington Pl. in Greenwich Village. We will be performing numbers from Brahms, Bartok and our own Frank Chaney. In addition, we will be doing selections from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff and several more.

Tickets are $20.00 and seating is first come first served.

I would love to see you all there. If you're going to be in town for Mother's Day, why not come on down.

Musically yours
David Teitel "68

Valentine (Val) Dexter, class of 1949, passed approx 10 days ago (maybe March 16). Lived in So. Florida. Wife Carol (Bartell) Dexter, 1951, and 4 surviving children.

Richard Swain '51

Roland Davidson graduated from Hicksville High School in 1941.

His classmates included:

  • William Voorhest
  • Dillard Weyer
  • Gladys Dempsey
  • Mary Haughey
  • Joe Kluepfel

John Andrews graduated in 1942.

His classmates included:

  • John Glinka
  • Jay Karpin
  • Anne Taormina

Anyone out there know these former students. Do you have an email address or way to contact them? They are listed on

She graduated Hicksville HS in l961. Haven't seen her since '62-3 when she figure skated at the Empire skating club in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Don't know who this person is. There was no name or real message...just the note. Let me know.
love yah
P. Pavona is in her email address

Hi Bob,

Thanks for forwarding this. I don't recognize the e-mail name but I did skate for Empire Club in Brooklyn so it must be someone I know because the years are correct too! I e-mailed a response and I'll let you know the outcome!

Hope this finds you well. You ALL do such a great job the with the newsletter... When it hits my e-mail, I make a cup of coffee and sit and read everything! You are keeping the HHS fires burning! You are all appreciated. I'll keep you posted regarding this e-mail.

Lillian Manzo Ramirez

Hi Bob,

I sent a message to this e-mail address and didn't get an answer. It would be ok (if you still are able to reply to the message you received) with you returning your e-mail you received and give them my e-mail address. I'M VERY curious who they are.... Thanks, Lillian P.S. Have a great Easter -- enjoy the Grandkids.....I love to watch them on the egg hunt....

You can contact Lillian at the below email address (address concealed). She is looking forward to hearing from you.

Buffalo Bob Casale - Newsletter Editor


THANK YOU FOR FINDING LILLIAN FOR ME. This all started with a conversation with Bonnie Schaar Papes (married name) whom you know and graduated HS with. Have a blessed holiday.

Dear All,

Kathy Corey has once again compiled an extensive list of classmates from the graduating year of 1960, whose contact information is still missing from the Reunion organizers' data. Please take a look at this online list. If you know the whereabouts of anyone on this list, or if you have any corrections to make, please contact Kathy at:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(301) 652-0305

Henry Lichtenstein

J.R. McCotter's Photos - More Twins

Photo Gallery

Totally Incredible Pictures

These shots certainly portray the difference between amateur and professional!!


Birthdays & Anniversaries


  • 1: Michael Cucci (VA); Jerry Gardner (CA)
  • 2: Ronni (Gardner) Izzo
  • 3: Stephen Spector
  • 4: Ted Swedalla, Jr.
  • 5: Lorraine (Kalen) Lowen (NM); Marie (Parisi) Feraudo (NJ/SC)
  • 6: Wayne Sternberger (MD); Lorin (O'Neill) Coakley (NC)
  • 7: Marie (Fetten) McBride (FL); Claudia (Farina) Davis (FL/PA/L.I.)
  • 9: Joan (Siegl) Rudolph (FL)
  • 11: Diane Capone; Vic Matuza
  • 12: Diane McGuinness (TX); Barbara (Shores) Moore Friend of HHS; Margaret (Peggy Werner) Petrone (FL); Nancy Zipper (MD)
  • 13: Jo-Anne (Butler) Broccolo (HX)
  • 14: Bob Klewicki (FL); Ann (Carmody) Burley; Bob DeMatteo; Chuck McDonald (MD); Gary Kowalski
  • 15: Nancy (Neglia) Martirano (L.I.); Charles Brooks (L.I.); Frank Koziuk (MD)
  • 17: Ginny (Frazer) Caliguri (FL); Pattie Hughes
  • 18: Sandy (Klausing) Smith (CA); Dr. Jeffrey J. Kaufer (FL)
  • 19: Rose (Marchese) Genovese (FL)
  • 20: Anne Marie (Romano) Petrilli (FL); Tom Ernst (PR)
  • 21: Fred Rudolph (FL); Betty (Funfgeld) Eriksen (LI); Sharon Seltenright; Roz Goldmacher; Shelly Goldmacher; Mark Schnurman (L.I.); Audry (Olsen) Lent
  • 22: Bob Ulrich (L.I.); Edward M. Coleman (L.I.)
  • 24: Bill Jakabek (RI); Linda (Parrella) Ruggiero (HX); Robert W. Wiltse (FL); Barbara (Sprufera) Ruggles (TX)
  • 25: Olga (Yarish) Jordan (HX)
  • 26: Steve Weinblatt (HX); Matthew Harford (L.I.)
  • 27: Sheldon Rudowsky; Debbie (Moorhouse) McGregor (PA)
  • 28: Joyce (Thornburn) Jurgensen (HX); Lauri Spector; Charlie Dobbs
  • 29: Josephine (Miron) Brutch (NY); Terry Frattini
  • 30: Walter Schmidt (L.I.)


  • 4/??/1970: Jim and Maryann (Johnston) Dolan (L.I.)
  • 4/01/1978: Michelle (Jordan) and Guy Kowalski, (L.I.)
  • 4/01/????: Sue (Gilbert) and Ken Finder (FL)
  • 4/04/1965: Thomas and Renee Phon (NJ)
  • 4/08/1972: Kathy (McDonald) and Bill Corey (MD)
  • 4/09/1983: Ruth (Jordan) and Gary Kowalski (HX)
  • 4/12/????: Frank and Diane Lombardi (HX)
  • 4/12/????: Ken and Rosemary Pohl (CA)
  • 4/13/1996: Robin (Kriss) and Dan Rhea (FL)
  • 4/16/1988: Beth (DesLauries) and David Rubin (FL)
  • 4/18/1960: Alberta (Hunt) and Bob Bolettieri (GA)
  • 4/19/2003: Jim and Vickie Fischer (NC)
  • 4/22/1972: Joanne (Tracy) and Ken Arnold (NY)
  • 4/22/1990: John and Audrey Diers (FL)
  • 4/24/????: Jackie (Elwood) and Phil DiLorenzo (NY)
  • 4/25/1964: Eileen (Wieditz) and Donald Moore
  • 4/25/1976: Debbie (Fischer) and Don Dowdell (NY)
  • 4/27/1986: Cynthia (Claus) and George Ferguson (CA)
  • 4/30/1966: Bob and Marilyn Heiss (L.I.)

Honoring our Veterans


Folks -

It seems we, who are still on Long Island, had our April showers in March this year.  We had the snowiest February and rainiest March on record.  On to April and a few dates not to be forgotten.

04/03 - Marshall Plan Anniversary (1948)
04/06 - US Entered WWI (1917)
04/09 - Former POW Recognition Day
04/10 - Bataan Death March (1942)
04/14 - PVA established (1947)
04/17 - Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)

04/18 - Paul Revere and William Dawes "the British are coming" (1775)
04/19 - Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)
04/19 - American Revolution begins at Lexington Massachusetts (1775)
04/22 - First Spanish-American War action a blockade of Cuban ports (1898)
04/30 - Fall of Saigon Vietnam (1975)
04/30 - Adolf Hitler commits suicide (1945)

In the past month we've 'learned' an interesting fact that falls in the category of "You Can't Make This Stuff Up." Related stories follow.

Chief Justice "Startled" By Government Errors In Veterans' Cases

A situation that causes any veteran who has filed a claim to shake their head and wonder... why is it he did not yet know what is common knowledge among the veteran community: In litigating with veterans, the government more often than not takes a position that is substantially unjustified. How often? This 'unjustified positions taken' percentage is over 50%, at least 70%, and could be as high as 90% depending who does the counting (the VA admits, " the order of either 50 or maybe slightly more than 50 percent. It might be 60"). First we 'hear' from Chief Justice Roberts, then from two practicing attorneys.

Roberts "Startled" By Government Errors in Vet Cases

When he was in private practice at Hogan & Hartson, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. did not handle veterans' benefits claims. So, he understandably found "startling" information with which lawyers for veterans are only too familiar: In litigating with veterans, the government more often than not takes a position that is substantially unjustified.

In oral arguments yesterday in Astrue v. Ratliff, an attorney fee case under the Equal Access to Justice Act, James Leach of Rapid City, S.D., told the Court that 42 percent of Social Security cases result in an EAJA attorney fee award.

"If it's 42 percent, that's quite a high number of cases in which the government's position is found substantially -- not substantially justified as well as legally erroneous," Leach said. "In veterans cases, it's even worse."

The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, which reports the number of EAJA awards granted annually, reported that for 2008 and 2009, he said, 70 percent resulted in fee awards, Leach told the justices.

When Assistant to the Solicitor General Anthony Yang got up for his rebuttal in the case, Roberts interrupted him and the exchange went like this:

ROBERTS: Counsel do you -- do you dispute your friend's statement that 42 percent of the time in Social Security cases the government's position is unjustified, and 70 percent of the time in veterans' cases?

YANG: Well, I think that reflects the stakes often, Your Honor. Oftentimes the government does not contest, for instance, the $2,000 EAJA award and because it's the government, has to -

ROBERTS: So whenever it really makes a difference, 70 percent of the time the government's position is substantially unjustified?

YANG: In cases in the VA context, the number's not quite that large, but is a substantial number of cases at the court of appeals -

ROBERTS: What number would you accept?

YANG: It was, I believe in the order of either 50 or maybe slightly more than 50 percent. It might be 60. But the number is substantial that you get a reversal, and in almost all of those cases EAJA -

ROBERTS: Well that's really startling, isn't it? In litigating with veterans, the government more often than not takes a position that is substantially unjustified?

YANG: It is an unfortunate number, Your Honor. And it is -- it's accurate.

Bart Stichman, co-executive director of the National Veterans Legal Services Program, said he thinks the percentage is greater than the government's number.

"That means the quality of decision making at the Board of Veterans Appeals is not very good," he said. "We've been saying that for years. The number means not only did they wrongly decide the case but their position wasn't substantially justified. Not too good."

Attorney #1

Mr. Chief Justice: Welcome to my side of the Looking Glass.

The response to your comments regarding the error rate in VA benefits adjudications among those of us who attend tea parties here has mostly been "duh" or "I am shocked" (ala Casablanca) depending on how just how old a hand he or she is.

Sadly, however, the number of EAJA [Equal Access to Justice Act] payments is only part of the story regarding unjustified legal positions. As you know, EAJA payments are (1) only paid to attorneys and (2) only paid when requested. As a result, the 70% number does not include the cases that were unjustified but argued by veterans without attorneys. In addition, EAJA is denied when the Veterans Court deems the error was not eligible for EAJA (how and why this exception has developed is for the Cheshire Cat - but it has happened to me).

Also, and most frustrating, is that "big" cases " the ones that really change things for veterans -  rarely, if ever, get EAJA because the Court finds that Secretary "put up a good fight" even when the law and the facts were so bad that even the Veterans Court ruled against VA. So the attorneys putting the most time and effort into cases with the most importance get no payments, while attorneys pointing out obvious errors get EAJA fees (Alice where are you???). In any event, the actual numbers of cases where  by all rational measures - the Secretary should know that a denial is so wrong that no defense of it is justified are even higher than 70%.

What is most interesting to me is how all this became known to you. It is pretty obvious: EAJA is only paid to attorneys. The Secretary has to account to Congress for EAJA payments. So, all of a sudden the substance of VA's boasting about its "quality" of adjudications was exposed for what it is - spin.

Reluctant to believe the VA would really spin such basic information? Just compare the Veterans Court's accounting for remands, reversals, etc., to that of the Board. Go ahead, pick any year end reports and compare the numbers. According to the documents, the Court is remanding huge numbers of cases, but the Board is only having a small number of cases remanded?!?!. Ah, the magic of the Looking Glass.

Mr. Chief Justice, I'll bring the beer if you will sit down with Chief Judge Greene [U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans' Claims] and Chairman Terry [Board of Veterans' Appeals] and run down the list of cases for, say, 2008, and work this all out. I am sure that it is all just an honest miscommunication that happens to be repeated year after year . . .

One last thought, Mr. Chief Justice, because I cannot afford to be late. Why is it that the Social Security Administration people do so much better (although admittedly still pretty badly) at adjudicating claims. Could it be that SSA claimants have access to attorneys when they want them so SSA is more reluctant to try and jam baseless decisions through the system?? Hmmm???

Maybe if VA has to pay a claimant's fees EVERY time a vet is forced to hire a lawyer and prevails things might tighten up just a bit.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Chief Justice. And feel free to contact me should you find yourself involved in a veteran's benefits case  everybody needs help navigating the VA system the first couple of times. . . .

Attorney #2

A baseline number for the VA error rate is around 80% which reflects the CAVC's reported affirmance rate. This means that of the small percentage of cases which are appealed (many claims are just abandoned by veterans who become frustrated), the Court reports that it agrees with the VA only about 20% of the time. To calculate the true error rate of appealed claims it is necessary to add the large percentage of cases in which the VA concedes error in a Joint Motion for Remand. Appeals resolved by JMRs are not considered in the Court's annual report and would bring the VA's error rate to well over 90%.

Chief Justice Roberts should not be surprised by the idea that VA decisions are frequently the result of errors. Aside from the media coverage of the poor decision making by the VA, the Supreme Court has recently dealt with errors in VA decisions. In the April 2009 opinion in the Sanders and Simmons cases the Supreme Court gave the VA a license to commit errors. There the Supreme Court decided that the VA's errors cannot be considered by a Court unless the veteran proves to a Court that the error resulted in prejudice to the veteran.

Senator Also "Startled" By Government Errors In Veterans' Cases

Here's what the Senator from Iowa wrote. He asked for a response by March 26; through the end of March no response was yet received.

Charles E. Grassley
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
March 16, 2010

The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Dear Secretary Shinseki:

In arguments before the Supreme Court in the case of Astrue v. Ratliff, shocking figures were presented regarding the number of veterans claims where on appeal the government's position is found to be not just wrong but unjustified. In fact, while there was some dispute between the attorney who asserted that the figure was 70% and the government attorney who conceded that the figure was somewhere over 50%, Chief Justice Roberts called the situation "startling." I share the reaction of the Chief Justice and seek answers about how you intend to correct this unacceptable situation.

The severe and growing backlog of veterans' claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is well documented and has been a major concern for Congress for some time. However, the alarming information presented in this case sheds new light into just how dysfunctional the situation has become. The fact that the VA 's decisions are not only overturned on appeal frequently, but that a majority of claims were so wrongly decided in the first place that the government's position is found to be substantially unjustified would seem to indicate serious systemic problems with the VA 's process for approving veterans' claims. This is backed up by anecdotal descriptions 1 have heard from Iowa veterans describing problems at the VA ranging from miscommunication to mistakes causing unnecessary delays as they work through the claims process.

These erroneous decisions result in hardship for veterans who are forced to wait longer and deal with additional red tape in order to receive the benefits, like health services or disability compensation, to which they are entitled. At the same time, by diverting resources from approving additional claims to dealing with appeals in which the VA's position is not only wrong but without justification, the backlog of claims awaiting approval is only made worse. Furthermore, when a claim goes to appeal and the court finds the government's position to be unjustified, attorneys for the plaintiff are eligible to have their fees paid by the government under the Equal Access to Justice Act. In this way, both the veteran and the taxpayer are needlessly harmed.

To better understand where this situation stands, I ask that you answer the following questions:

1. What is the accurate percentage of veterans claims appeals in federal court where the government's position is found to be unjustified?

2. What is the VA doing to improve the quality of VA claims decisions and reduce unnecessary appeals?

3. What is the total amount of attorney's fees paid by the VA under the Equal Access to Justice Act for each of the past 5 years?

4. What is the source of the funds for attorney's fees paid by the VA and were funds diverted from another part of the VA budget to pay these costs?

Congress has provided substantial additional resources for the V A to hire more personnel to process claims and I am certainly open to additional legislative action that would help solve this problem. However, it is clear that devoting more taxpayer dollars alone is not the answer. Clearly, the VA needs to undertake a serious effort to improve the operation of its benefit claims approval system. Until this problem is tackled head on, thousands of veterans who were injured in service to their country will continue to face needless delays and red tape to receive the benefits we owe them and millions of taxpayer dollars will continue to be at risk. I look forward to hearing how you plan to aggressively address this issue and ask that you respond by March 26, 2010.

Charles E. Grassley
United States Senator


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--- ----Ken Sun - Weekly Column:

"To know yet to think that one does not know is best;
Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty."
- Lao-Tzu 71:1

Memory Lane

A Home of One's Own

By Cait Murphy
Reprinted from the June 12, 2006 Fortune Magazine

First came the trucks. Every 100 feet, they would dump precisely bundled packages of lumber, piping and other building supplies, then pour a concrete slab foundation.

Then came the men. Working in teams of two or three in a precise 26-step choreography, the framers, the painters, the installers, the electricians and so on would do their assigned task - and move on to the next home, over and over.

At the peak of production, the building teams could complete 36 homes in a day.

The result was Levittown , New York , America 's first mass-produced suburb. Henry Ford, who died a few months before ground was broken, would have appreciated the simple genius of this reverse assembly line. In Levittown , it was the workers who moved, not the product.


From 1947 until 1951, the Levitt family built 17,500 houses in this, their first eponymous community (others would follow).

A typical ranch cost $7,990.00.

Simple to a fault, the homes were widely ridiculed for their cookie-cutter sparseness. Architectural critic, Lewis Mumford declared the community an incipient "slum."




But the houses were better than living cheek by jowl with the in-laws in the Bronx , and the target market - white, not-quite-middle-class returning vets - loved them.

On one August day in 1949, sales reps sold 650 houses in five hours. Levittown pioneered building techniques that are now standard - and helped to bring the American dream of home ownership within reach of thousands of people of modest means. And no, it never became a slum.

Here's Chuck Hodgman, class of 1965 next to staircase in ranch showing TV that came with the house.

...and Mark Virgilio, class of 1967 with parents (circa 1952-1953)

Check out some of the updated homes 60 years later.... 

Times Square Store (Many did a lot of shopping at TSS)

And many bowled here

Soccer practice at Center Lane Sump

One of many shopping centers

and there was Levittown Ford

Casale's Corner

A Cool Piece of History

Starting in 1941, an increasing number of British Airmen found themselves as the involuntary guests of the Third Reich, and the Crown was casting about for ways and means to facilitate their escape. Now obviously, one of the most helpful aids to that end is a useful and accurate map, one showing not only where stuff was, but also showing the locations of 'safe houses' where a POW on-the-lam could go for food and shelter. Paper maps had some real drawbacks -- they make a lot of noise when you open and fold them, they wear out rapidly, and if they get wet, they turn into mush.

Someone in MI-5 (similar to America's OSS) got the idea of printing escape maps on silk. It's durable, can be scrunched-up into tiny wads, and unfolded as many times as needed, and makes no noise whatsoever. At that time, there was only one manufacturer in Great Britain that had perfected the technology of printing on silk, and that was John Waddington, Ltd. When approached by the government, the firm was only too happy to do its bit for the war effort.

By pure coincidence, Waddington was also the U.K. Licensee for the popular American board game, Monopoly. As it happened, "games and pastimes" was a category of item qualified for insertion into "CARE packages", dispatched by the International Red Cross to prisoners of war.

Under the strictest of secrecy, in a securely guarded and inaccessible old workshop on the grounds of Waddington's, a group of sworn-to-secrecy employees began mass producing escape maps, keyed to each region of Germany or Italy where Allied POW camps were regional system).. When processed, these maps could be folded into such tiny dots that they would actually fit inside a Monopoly playing piece.

As long as they were at it, the clever workmen at Waddington's also managed to add:

  1. A playing token, containing a small magnetic compass
  2. A two-part metal file that could easily be screwed together
  3. Useful amounts of genuine high-denomination German, Italian, and French currency, hidden within the piles of Monopoly money!

British and American air crews were advised, before taking off on their first mission, how to identify a 'rigged' Monopoly set -- by means of a tiny red dot, one cleverly rigged to look like an ordinary printing glitch, located in the corner of the Free Parking square.

Of the estimated 35,000 Allied POWS who successfully escaped, an estimated one-third were aided in their flight by the rigged Monopoly sets... Everyone who did so was sworn to secrecy indefinitely, since the British Government might want to use this highly successful ruse in still another, future war. The story wasn't declassified until 2007, when the surviving craftsmen from Waddington's, as well as the firm itself, were finally honored in a public ceremony. It's always nice when you can play that 'Get Out of Jail' Free' card!

I realize most of you are (probably) too young to have any personal connection to WWII (Dec. '41 to Aug. '45), but this is still interesting.

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