The Newsletter

I can't believe there would be any doubt about Mabel Farley's installation in the Hall of Fame. Miss Farley WAS Hicksville High! I transferred from Queens after my sophomore year. To me, she was the model for a "country teacher". .. a bit stern, wise and yes... old fashioned. I found myself in her office once for a mild talking to, and left admiring her. Recently, I came across her letter to the class of '55 in the yearbook. It is so American, so wholesome. One passage stands out:

"Whatever you have received more than others in health, in talents, in ability, in success, in pleasant school experiences, you are expected to render in return, service to others." I smiled at the words "you are expected."

Our politicians utter millions of words trying to duplicate that simple passage. I revere her memory 58 years after graduation.

Frank Scarangella '55


Saw your note asking where we are located, well I'm, in Elm Grove, Wisconsin and loving ever minute of it, weather is great, the lake reminds me of the ocean, and I get a chance to shovel some snow in the winter.

George Baritt (Barfitt) 1956


I appreciate all the work you put into the newsletter. However, I am from the class of '86, and do not see much information or chatter from anyone I know. Would it be possible to be removed from the email list please?

Thank you,

OK, class of 1986 ' where are you?

Roger Gomez, class of '72, is trying to get a reunion together. If anyone from the class of 1972 is interested, please contact the newsletter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Willie Moy's sister Patty continued to run the family laundry in the Plainview Center on South Oyster Bay Road for many years. Around 10 or more years ago she sold and went into real estate. I used to speak to her regularly. As of years ago I believe she said William had settled in California.

Vicki (Berk) Maas, '72

Thanks to Vicki's clue and some detective work, John Ebbecke and Willie Moy are back in touch via email.



My name is Carol Christopher Fox and I am a friend of Hicksville High, I went to Our Lady of Mercy Academy. I am looking for Linda Proise Carlucci class of 1960. I know she moved to Florida following the death of her husband, Tommy Carlucci (60). We lost touch with her after that. Would love to get in contact with her again.

The Linda Proise that I am looking for has two sisters Pat and Laura. They lived on Hollins Rd. She graduated in 1960 and married Tommy Carlucci who lived on my block, Cambridge Drive. Tommy sadly passed away about 25 years ago. Linda then moved to Florida. I hope someone knows where she is now. She was also friendly with Sandy Sandler and Judy Neimy. Both Sandy and I would love to get in touch with her.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
Carol Christopher Fox

Dear Hixnews editors:

After reading about the foreign language teacher couple in this last HixNews, I am wondering whatever happened to my HHS Italian teachers. I graduated in 1968 and took Italian from kindergarten at Burns Ave. School to 11th grade. My last two teachers were Vincenzo D'Onofrio and Rosa Pavesi, both lovely people. By the way, there is a successful movie & TV actor named Vincent D'Onofrio. Is this guy the son of my Italian teacher whose wife was pregnant back when I was in his class about 1965-66? Thanks for all your work on the HixNews. We love you.

Stephanie (Schlegel) Manning, class of '68

This is Linda Mastrosanti, I don't know why "AOL" keeps telling you that I'm not accepting emails. I have a different e-mail address also.

Thank you for your concern. My husband and I really enjoy reading Hixnews. Being that we both grew up in Hicksville, it brings back a lot of memories. My husband lived off of W. John Street, Kuhl Avenue. As a matter of fact, we are in touch with Lorraine Miltonberg and many other former classmates. Such as Patricia Robb, Doris Gajewski, Elaine Krauss, Arleen DeCesario and many others.

You and the staff are doing a great job with Hixnews. It keeps everyone in touch and lets everyone know what is going on with former friends that we have not been in touch with.

Keep up the good work. Thank you.

Linda Mastrosanti (Aragoncillo)

Hi Bob

I was sorry to read about the cancellation of the 40th anniversary of the Hicksville class of '68 from Barbara and Dianne due to increasing costs. Bob, here are my thoughts on this matter. What better place to hold a Hicksville reunion than in a Hicksville location.

We have two large halls available at the Hicksville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post located on South Broadway in Hicksville. We are about 4 blocks east of the Junior High and about 6 blocks east from the High School. One hall can hold about 150 people while the other can hold about 100. Both halls have been recently refurbished and are constantly rented and/or used by community organizations and individuals. I'm sure we could work something out as far as pricing goes.

We also have a list of caterers to which to choose from, whose price are reasonable, but most importantly, their food is excellent. We have our own bar.

I would invite anyone thinking of having a Hicksville reunion to come and take a look at our building facilities and talk to myself or the House Chairman.

As a '65 Hicksville graduate and now, once again, Commander of the Hicksville VFW, I will do what I can to help any Hicksville class looking to have a reunion.

Let me know what you think. You have my permission to publish this letter in the next Hixnews.

Semper Fidelis
Bill Walden

Dear Editor,

I would like to receive the Hicksville Alumni News Letter via E Mail. My name is Mary (deFelice) Stea, class of '65. Birthday, October 12th. Husband, Dan (divorced). Son, Daniel. I taught in Hicksville for 37 years, as an art teacher in the Junior High from 1969 to 1987 and at Hicksville High School, from 1987 to 2007. I retired last year. I live in Commack, New York.

Although I loved teaching, especially at my Alma Marta, I also love retirement. I can finally devote more time to painting and getting together with my retired friends from Hicksville. My son and I recently visited my brother, Bill deFelice, class of '69, his wife Betty (O'Brien) deFelice, also from Hicksville and their daughter and three grandchildren. Here is a recent photo of my brother and me. My brother lives in Tennessee.

Hicksville is a unique community. Many of the graduates still live there. Many of the graduates also taught in Hicksville, because they made it a habit of hiring their own. No matter where our graduates have moved to, when you meet another Hicksville - ite, there is always a warm remembrance of life in Hicksville. We respect each other and care about each other. I have always been so proud to have grown up in Hicksville and to have taught there.

Mary (deFelice) Stea

Hi Pat,

I also took that biology class in summer school and also aced it. I can't remember what year it was. Anyway Mr. Glass was a great teacher and put all of us ahead for the next school year. You and your fellow editors are doing a great job with the newsletter, enjoy it each month.

Thanks and regards,
Emmett Goodman, class of 56

Hey neighbor!

Yea, I even saw my old house on your other site with the girls sitting on the car with my house in the background!

Got to see the house twice. Once was the 25th reunion which my wife and I went to and in 2001 when one of my sons graduated from grad school in Ithaca. Stopped by to see my sister in E. Northport.

The picture is my 5th grade class. Sue Hodges is the front right, I am the one underneath the closet door knob,

Chris Coletta is in front of me on the left and Pete Anselmo in front with the black bow tie. Vinnie and Frank Coletta are also in the picture along with Marty and Fred Winkler. There are others but can't remember the names.

Ken Marcheneck was listed on your Veterans site with the wrong spelling of his last name. He lived in the house straight down Edgewood Dr. heading south. We joined the Navy the same day and he died in a helicopter crash about a year an a half later, not in Vietnam.

Walter (Rab) Pollack informed me of Hixnews about two years ago and have been looking at it usually monthly.

I see the domain name hicksvillehigh is still available. Every time I use to check Hicksville High I got the Hicksville in Ohio, not ours.

Been in California since 1963 and San Diego since 1966. Been in all sorts of things in real estate the last being a fee appraiser since 1990 and retiring in 2004. Have two sons who live in the San Jose doing well and my Mom and I live in San Diego.

Keep up the good work on the site and good hearing from you. The site must keep you busy.

Bill Dylewski

Dear friends:

As always, great job on the hixnews website!!!

Glad to see that my former French teacher Richard Gentile checked in. I remember him well, as his first year at HHS was my last - 1967. I looked in our yearbook and checked out his photo at age 25? (And that of his wife Ms. Zasa - and what a "cute" Sassoon haircut she had at the time!)

It would be great to hear from him personally and other friends who can easily find my contacts by simply "Googling" my name.On a personal note, my wife and I are pleased that our daughter, Claire Conlon, Executive Director of the California Young Democrats, will be attending the Democratic National Convention in Denver! You go girl!

Regards also from my sister Judy Brandfon (now Greenfield) in Mesa, AZ, class of '72. We both read the newsletter every month.

Martin Brandfon, HHS class of '67
Redwood City, CA

Hi Pat.

Thanks for your help. Through hixnews I heard from a former friend of my brother's, John Muldoon and I got an address that may be his so I'm going to write him a letter as I don't have an email address for him. I'll let you know how I make out.

Thanks again,
Jackie (Reeder) DiBlasi

L-R: Elaine Molloy, Patty Bryan and Fran JudgeRay Babinski sends the photo on the left and asks: Where are they now???????

Thanks, Ray

Pat: I've been corresponding with some of my classmates re: our reunion in Sept., and passed this info on to one of them -- it's a long shot that it might be of interest to HixNews readers, but in case you think so -- you can now go by train to/from JFK to Hicksville -- did you know that?

Ruth and Den have done this, I think the service is fairly recent, here's the website:

So if you fly into JFK, you don't have to take a taxi or have someone pick you up there, you take the Airtrain to "change at Jamaica" then the LIRR to Hicksville or wherever.

June Cullen, '58 (FL)

Hi Pat,

Ray Babinski brought HixNews to my attention and I'm so glad that he did. I attended High School in both Levittown and Hicksville but my heart will always be in Hicksville. The memories of my teenage years there are very dear to me. You and the others do a wonderful job of bringing the past forward to the present for us to enjoy all over again........thank you so much for that. How may I be put on a mailing list to receive the newsletter each month as I now look forward to reading it?

I read recently that Jack DeVaul's wife passed away and I would like to extend our condolences to there an address where I could write him at this sad time in his life?

Bless you and the others, Pat. Will look forward to hearing from you,

Patty Bryan Carstons

I want to thank Art Lembke for sending his 1940 East St. class picture in the July issue. The blond haired boy standing on Art's right is my uncle Bob Hackmack. It was the first time I have seen my uncle Bob as a kid. Sadly my uncle Bob passed away in May 2007. Bob was the youngest of 7 children. He was born in Hicksville as were most of his brothers and sisters. My father was the oldest and was born in the Bronx, but moved to Hicksville in 1916. Bob and his family were either living on West St. or Kramer St. at the time.

Bill Hackmack, '66

Just found the website and wanted to add my info to the fray:

Jaysen S. Silverman class of 1974
DOB 02/02
Married to Lisa J (Sheffield) Silverman
Anniversary date 02/03
Living in North Carolina

Looking forward to more info and getting in touch with others from back at home! Thanks.


My name is Ted Swedalla and I am a graduate of the class of '64. I want to take this opportunity to personally thank all my alumni friends for their support during my 100 mile Bethesda to Gettysburg bike ride to raise money for our injured troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

I cannot explain the camaraderie amongst the troops who participated in the bike ride all the way from those with simple wounds to single and multiple limb amputees. These men are my heroes and the sacrifice they made for my freedom will never be forgotten. You cannot appreciate the toughness on the outside of these men with very large hearts who treat their handicaps with dignity.

That was exciting but the next several months will be equally exciting as I count down the days until I retire. It's something I have looked forward to with obvious anticipation for a long time. To be so close to the end is marvelous.

When I retire on December 31, 2008, I will follow my good friend, Bob Casale, who retired on June 1st of this year. Bob and I were involved in the plumbing and heating supply business since 1977 when we opened what was then Liberty Plumbing & Heating Supply. We survived years of turmoil and we both look back on what was really a good time in our lives. We still maintain a friendship and have breakfast together every Sunday morning.

I've threatened to write something for a long period of time. I can still hear the chant in the background from Robert (I call him that when he annoys me) 'Please Write Something For The Newsletter!'Bob, don't collapse because here it is.

I've decided to do this in increments because I have a lot to say but don't want to 'all of a sudden' be very wordy. And I confess, from past experience, my friends will be happy because I sometimes never shut up!Bob let the cat out of the bag last issue when he talked about my plan to ride my bike from Key West to Maine. I will go into much more detail next month but will suggest that it would be nice if another retired biker was available to ride with me. I've asked Bob several times but, although he would enjoy the ride, we aren't sure his health would allow such a rigorous trip.More to Follow.

Warm Regards
Ted Swedalla

Hello,I am the daughter of Hope Lambert, who passed away December 1996. She grew up in Hicksville, NY and always told me how she went to high school with Billy Joel! I am looking to contact people from her graduating class, I think 1968. Unfortunately, she was sick my whole life and I would love to contact some people who knew her in her healthy, happy youth! Truly, the only thing I know is that she was beautiful and lived in Hicksville. Please help me connect with people who knew her!

Thank you
Lauren Gonzalez (Block)

Last month, Tom Steedman sent the following to us...Here is another link to You Tube and Brooklyn Bridge a video featuring our hall of famers v=Q4GwUtBd0DM I sent a note to Tommy SullivanTommy...Please go to the below link and view the video...then tell us who is playing keyboards, who is on the sax, the drums, etc. Plus, where was the film made. It looks like an apartment building in the background.ThanksBuffalo Bob CasaleBelow is Tommy's answer back to me...
I'm pretty sure this was shot on a jetty off Miami Beach... The band, except for the guitarist, Richy Macioce (from Valley Stream) is all HHS: Tommy Sullivan & Joe Ruvio, saxes...Shelly Davis, trumpet...Jimmy Rosica, Bass... Carolyn Wood, organ, Artie Catanzarita, drums.

I've got some news about the HHS / West Point Band connection... I'll fill you in later .Tommy


This should really be Long Island Tidbits. It isn't California; it isn't France; but what is produced here is astounding.The North and South Forks of Long Island are considered prime wine growing areas. The phenomenon of the forks is the wine produced here ranks in category with wines produced in established communities throughout the world. There are over 50 vineyards out east that produce world class wines.Any person interested in a day trip will be amazed at the detail applied to the production of world class wine. I've been to the vineyards of Napa and Sonoma valleys of California. I've done much sampling there and honestly believe the wines produced locally are equal in bouquet to those produced elsewhere.Take a moment from your busy schedule and relax in the Forks of Long Island.


There is a tremendous debate going on regarding the establishment of a third track project slated for the main line corridor between Hicksville and Floral Park on the LIRR.Leaders from various communities have vowed to fight the project. Their major concern is the impact it would have on local communities. They question the need for a third track and they believe it is a major cost that would disrupt the lives of many individuals.The third track was originally designed for a reverse commute. When that reason lacked justification, it was proposed as a passing lane for disabled trains.


It isn't a sculpture of Madonna. It isn't a sculpture of Bruce Springsteen. What is it?It is a brilliant sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt. We tried to contact Madonna and Bruce Springsteen but were unsuccessful. And Roosevelt, same result.The beautiful sculpture is a fitting tribute to Nassau County's own, Teddy Roosevelt, an independent-minded Republican who changed the course of history, bent steel in his bare hands, and, who, disguised'wait. He wasn't Superman, but pretty close.Attending the ceremony was William Schierberl, Esq., who was instrumental in bringing the $200,000 Paul Manship thirteen-foot statue to the TR Executive Building located in Mineola.


There was a terrible lighting strike at Cantiague Park in Hicksville on July 27th that resulted in severe burns to several individuals.Later the same day, Hicksville Fire Department personnel responded to a house fire that was related to the ongoing storms. A house on Georgia Street had been struck by lightning. The Hicksville Fire Department responded quickly and limited the damage to the attic area.


The annual Hicksville Street Fair was successful once again in 2008.We hear about the conflagration of the rivers in Pittsburgh'the Monogahela, the Ohio and the Allegheny.What is lost in translation is the conflagration of the roadways in Hicksville'John Street, Broadway, and Jerusalem Avenue.That is where Hicksville gathers for the Hicksville Street Fair.There were more than 100 vendors selling gifts, wares, clothing, jewelry, arts and crafts, services, ice cream, foods and drinks.What made the street fair successful is the people who spent the time walking throughout the many vendors supporting Hicksville and buying into Hicksville's future.Ask any person involved with the Hicksville Street Fair and their answer to you is the people who attend the fair make the fair.Thanks to you, Hicksville, for once again making things happen.


We have some issues with things that have happened in Hicksville that should not be talked about; the multiple stabbings of two women by a husband and father takes precedence; the accident at the corner that took the lives of a mother and her daughter.But, if we ignore those dastardly deeds, we fail to make people aware of the pitfalls of life. And Hicksville is not immune from the travesties. Is there something we can do to reduce or eliminate these problems?


This year, two residents, Warren Uss and Thomas Cunningham, are vying for one open seat being vacated by Richard Humann who is retiring after serving as water commissioner for 24 years.


Many of the best women runners from all over New York joined with lots of runners from Long Island for the 25th Anniversary of the Arrow Exterminating Company Long Island Women's 5 Kilometer run.Liz Flahavan distinguished herself once again scoring in 11th place.The 44 year old Hicksville native crossed the finish line at Farmingdale High School in 20 minutes, 28 seconds.


I am Rita Sokolski (now Conover). I live in Scotia NY and I am interested in any news from the class of 68.

To bad the reunion was scrapped!

All the best to all - Rita


  • A baboon is a variety of lemon.
  • The First MTV video was 'Video Killed The Radio Star' by the Buggles.
  • One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns.
  • The mouth of the Statue of Liberty is three feet wide.
  • Manhattan is the only borough in NYC that doesn't have a Main Street.
  • Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater to fresh water.
  • Hawaii is the only U.S. state never to report a temperature of zero degrees F or below.
  • Pigeons have been trained by the U.S. Coast Guard to spot people lost at sea.
  • The first person in the U.S. arrested for speeding was a NYC cab driver.
  • The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.

Write your list of the 10 truly useless trivia items for inclusion in next month's newsletter. Can anyone suggest a column that should be added each month.

Walter Schmidt has suggested we set up a humor section. Here's a sample:

One Summer evening during a violent thunderstorm, a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, 'Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?' The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug.

'I can't dear,' she said. 'I have to sleep in Daddy's room.' A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice saying, 'The Big Sissy!'

Please let us know your thoughts. Our aim is to keep everyone happy and perhaps we've grown to a new level!! Please, please let us know.

The Editors

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