The Newsletter

HelloWould you please add to the links? Some find it interesting to read.

Commissioner Charley Hearon (71)

I would like to thank all of you for keeping this website alive. I look forward to reading the latest news every month. I would also like to say to Tom Sullivan, "Do you remember the night at the White Brick Inn when you got up on Jordan's shoulders and played?

Richard Weick, '65

Just wanted to say hello to all my classmates...and especially those in the class of 1959.

Are we going to have a reunion next year.

luv yah,
Jeanette Martello Lupis, Class of '59

Hello editors,

I really enjoy reading the Hicksville News letter every month. It certainly brings back memories. Several months ago some one mentioned that there were only two bakeries in Hicksville.

They asked can you name the two bakeries. Well there were three according to my brother Lenny that still lives in Bayshore. Do either of you recall their names?

The answer is Baronburgs(Sp), Just Right, and the Broadway Bakery, 83 N Broadway, that our family owned from the early 30's to 1955. The widening of Broadway helped in closing the store and apartment building.

Thanks for all that you do,
Ray Feierstein, class of'63
Oro Valley, Arizona

Realizing that this is many years back, I would still like to hear from any friends and, especially, classmates from the late 30's to the late 40's These would be friends and fellow students of my brothers and me; Samuel Levitt '42, Eugene Levitt '44 and my late brother, Milton Levitt '49. Anyone who recognizes these names can get in touch with me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Whoever you may be would remember us as the sons of Eva and Ben Levitt who operated a saddlery, harness shop, and auto upholstery business at 66 North Broadway, Hicksville.Thank you in advance,

Sam Levitt,
Great Neck, New York.

Hi folks,

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I saw the note from Lauren Gonzalez (Block) about Hope Lambert and although my memory is awful, the name brought back some nice feelings and I went right to the yearbook. Hope graduated in 1969, same class as me. I remembered her as being so beautiful and when I looked up her photo in the yearbook, I immediately recognized her. We didn't really travel in the same circles - she hung with the prom crowd and I was with the chorus/band nerds. But we must have had classes in common because I do remember her so well. I was so sorry to hear that she was in ill health. Please feel free to give Lauren my e-mail address. If she wants, I can scan Hope's yearbook picture and send it to her.

Thanks and take care.
Tina (Gardner) Kwiatkowski ('69)

This summer while visiting our children from our home in Ocala, FL my husband and I returned to my old neighborhood in Hicksville. We visited East St. School, Woodland Ave. School and well as the Jr. High and Hicksville High School. The old neighborhood is the Hillside Terrace development. I was delighted to see how well it had held up. I would love to be in touch with some of my former neighbors from that area. Where are the Cocolichio brothers, Mike and Vinnie? Also does anyone know the whereabouts of Richie Ollins and Tommy Sak? I enjoy the newsletter every month. Keep up the good work.

Sandy Sandler Wolfe, Class of 1960

Hi Buffalo Bob et al., I posted your photo of the tornado near Hicksville, along with a quote of your description, which appeared in the September Alumni News. Of course I included links to the Alumni News and appropriate attribution.

My blog "Remembrance in Spacetime" is at the URL: Best wishes,
Henry Lichtenstein, '59

Dear Editors of Hixnews,

I hope you can help me, I am a graduate of the class of 1975 and I lost my yearbook and my diploma do you know where I could get a copy of these and how much they would cost? I would appreciate any help you can give me.

Thanks a lot
Cathy (Rowan) Doll class of 75

To Buffalo Bob and all the crew at hixnews,

I've been following the news for a couple of years now and thought it might be fun to reach out and see how some of the old crowd are doing now that I'm 63 and class of '63 (funny how those numbers work). I really enjoyed that piece you guys did on the old Farmers Market. That really brought back some memories. I've been living in Santa Fe, NM for 8 years and working for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe taking care of the finances and project management for the mother church, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. Before that I spent 22 years in NJ working for AT amp;T (20 yrs) and Oracle Corp (2 yrs). I was on active duty for 11 years (1967 - 1978) flying in the Navy based out of San Diego, and 15 years flying out of Willow Grove, PA with the reserves. Just wanted to let some old friends know I'm still alive and kicking. It would be nice to hear how they're all doing. Some of the names I remember: Tony amp; Frank DeCillis, Vinny De Stefano, Billy Bean, Ronnie Careaga, Gene Ferrara, Joey Barna, Bobby Lenguenis, Bobby Rzeszut, Ronnie Kenefick, Bob De Saro, Howie Hamm, Barbara Creegan, Caroline Woods, June Fife, Ginny Metaxis, John Foley, Artie DeRoy, Sal Mistretta, Artie Cohen, Tony Baglio, Jay Tranchina (and sisters Loretta and Cathy).

Jim Cutropia, '63

Does anyone know what happened to Bob Jones from the class of 72? He lived on Froelich Farm Blvd. He had an older sister and a younger brother.

Vicki Mass, '72

Thanks to my HJHS buddy, Bill Dylewski, who steered me to the Hicks site I offer the information below. Bill and I still stay in touch over all these years and still have good laughs about our Hicksville escapades.

Will bookmark Hicks site and check-in every so often. Good work creators and editors! Harry Butcher class of '62, birthday 09/04, has been living in Atlanta GA since 1978. Worked for Avon Products Inc. for 40 years as mid-level exec until retirement in September 2006. Do part-time consulting work in Japan for them since.

Will be married to Janet McMenamin (also HHS class of 1962, birthday 09/01) 44 years on February 20, 2009. She is still working, VP Administration for Jackson Healthcare Company. 4 grown children and 7 grandchildren.

Thank you
Harry Butcher
(HHS Class of 1962)

My name is Joe Barna, class of '63. Please add my site to your list of business and sites of interests.

We are an actor headshot lab. We reproduce and retouch headshots, create postcards, compcards and business cards.

Thank You.

Joe Barna Colorworks
55 West 39th Street, Suite 706
(212) 382.2825

It is our senior year, l956, New High School. My Dad let me have the car to drive to school that day. (Big Shot) Well at lunch time my friends and I went out to lunch, a no no....... Arriving back at school we are slightly late... Barb, Peggy, amp;Loretta bail out. I have to park the car. I do same. Get into the building and I am running down the hall (top speed) turn into the front hall and slam right into Miss Farley. When I say SLAM, I am not kidding. I sent her flying, her cane went one way and the loudspeaker went the other. I then ended up in Mr. Horn's office. Believe it or not I talked my way out of it. It was a hell of long time before we went out to lunch again. Thought this would give all who knew Miss Farley a chuckle.

God Bless,
Kay (Iller) Byrne, '56

Matthew A. Bruckner, class of 1996, is participating in a 100 mile bicycle ride in NYC to raise funds for M.S. I hope that our alumni would be interested in sponsoring Matthew.

MS Matthew Bruckner donation/sponsor page.

Matt's Mom (Paula)

Dear Friends and Family,

On Sunday, October 5, 2008, I will join 5,000 cyclists participating in the 24th annual Bike MS New York City. I will ride 100 miles to raise money for the National MS Society. This year's goal is to raise $3 million and I want to do my part to reach that goal. To make a donation, you can simply click on the link above.

I've never ridden 100 miles before and I bet a lot of you have never donated money to benefit MS research. We can both try something new. I'm hoping to get as little as a $0.10/mile donation from ya'll. That's only $10 (or less if I don't make it).

Many thanks in advance for your generous support.

Warmest regards,

Hi, I lost my 1974 yearbook in a house fire is there anyone who miraculously has an extra? How ridiculous does that sound?

June (Lauer) Henley

Reading Frank Scarangella's comments about Mabel Farley bring back so many fond memories of HHS. On one occasion we boys on the school bus were squirting the girls during the ride to school. Later that day I and others from the bus were called to Farley's office and our water pistols were confiscated. There was no resistance. She had a safe in her office. When she opened the safe to put our pistols in, a bunch of pistols fell out. I will never forget that day.

Denis Rossi '53

I want to thank HixNews for locating someone that knew where my brother was and I want to thank that person too. I have since heard from my brother after 36 years. We are now in touch with each other. So thanks again.

Jackie (Reeder) DiBlasi, '57

Dear Editors,

Thank you so much for posting my email. I was wondering if you could post one last thing for me. I am looking for Joyce Lieberman who was friends with my mother Hope Lambert, class of 1969. I think she also had a twin sister?? Not sure of her name. I would love to speak with them about my mother, Hope.

Lauren Gonzalez


I can't express the surprise when I opened the E mail to find the year book picture of me and Tom. Yes that is the same Tom Murphy that we went to school with in Hicksville.

Now let me try and put 48 years into a few paragraphs. Feel free to edit, shorten or throw away, as you deem necessary.

Tom and I were married in 1964 and have three grown children and five grandchildren. We currently live in Hauppauge, NY.

Tom joined the Suffolk County Police Department in 1965 and retired in July 2000. He had an interesting and varied career during his 35 years. Early on he spent four years working undercover with the Narcotics Squad. Later in his career he spent time as Commanding Officer of the Homicide Squad, Major Crimes Bureau and was Incident Commander at the TWA 800 crash site. When he retired he held the position 'Chief of Detectives.'

Our three children are all members of the Suffolk County Police Department. Our oldest, Michael is a Lieutenant, married and has three boys. Next is James who is Detective/Sergeant, married and he has a boy and girl. Last but not least is daughter, Debra, who has been a Police Officer for four years with nine years prior experience as a police dispatcher.

Tom said that I had the hard career. I was a 'stay at home Mom' taking care of the house and, more importantly, helping our three children overcome the everyday problems of growing up.

My hobby (Tom says it is a passion) is Genealogy, in particular Family history research. I have attended numerous seminars and conferences on genealogy research. At the present time I volunteer at the Family History Library in Plainview. If anyone is doing their family history and has a problem I would be happy to help. Tom amp; I enjoy traveling throughout our Country on our motorcycle. We have traveled over 340,000 miles in the last 30 years visiting 46 states.

Barbara (Mathews) and Tom Murphy

I received the following from Lillian Manzo Ramirez, class of '61

I will never forget where I was when I realized what was happening...I was doing my morning thing...flipping on the computer and heading to the kitchen to make coffee...then back to the screen to meet the day...As I gazed at the screen my first thought was what a nutty new movie to have planes flying into the towers...then I turned on my radio and in total disbelief I looked back at my computer...listening to what I could not begin to comprehend. I thought of the first time I went to Windows on the World, the hours and hours I had spent there with friends and then Annie came screaming into my heart and dear friend, roommate and confidant for years. I grabbed my phone only to get busy, I called her sister busy and then in sheer panic dialed her Mom in answer. I watched as people were running up Fifth Avenue, hoping to see Annie...I just could not get my mind around what I was seeing....To this day, I will never forget the shock, the emptiness, the pain and the horror of those first moments.

This year, I will honor my friends who died that horrible day by remembering the joy each and everyone of them brought into my life! Laughter and smiles from another time and is the very least I can do...and maybe, just maybe they will see me smile as I blow them a kiss from this place they once knew as earth.
May God bless and keep each one of you safe...

Best regards,

I sent the following note to Lillian...


Thanks for forwarding this to me. Who is Mary Ann Monaco. The name sounds familiar but I cannot place it. Can we use this in the newsletter? Please advise.

Buffalo Bob Casale

I received the following note from Lillian...

Hi Bob - Mary Ann is a good friend I met in AZ. She was originally from Connecticut, so I don't think you know her??? By all means use this for the newsletter. Hope all is well in Hicksville. I was back briefly in July, as my Dad passed away (he was living in AZ) so you can't imagine the problems trying to have him transported from here to there???? The different laws that apply from state to state.....makes you wonder if we are "the United States of America". At times through the 5 day ordeal just to get him on a plane from here. It was like we weren't in America. Anyway, we muddled through it and he is at peace with my Mom. He was 93.


Hi all,

Please add my e-mail address to your newsletter mailing list. My name is Kathy Millevolte of class 1960. I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin and recently retired from the Green Bay Police Department. I know I'll enjoy the news from Hicksville. I got your address from Ann (Carmody) Burley who recently visited me. We hadn't seen each other for about 12 years and had a wonderful time! I'd love to get in touch with some other former classmates also. Thanks for having the newsletter and I look forward to reading them.


I think that JOE INGINO should be inducted into THE HALL OF FAME. He is a man who has given his heart and soul to his country and everyone he has meet along the way. He is also involved in many organizations that help the veterans and their families; A TRUE HERO.

Betty Pilero, 1969

Another year and another generation begins, 1st Class:

Susan and Robert McCotter (classes of 63 amp; 62) are now the grandparents of their son Steven's first born son!

Liam Tracey came into this world on September 4th, 2008. Steven is Rob and Susan's only born son. Only time will tell if other grandsons will follow. Rob already had another first grandson, Jacob (Jake), by his second son, JR (James Robert). That's, two first grandsons for Rob. Rob and both his grandson's have the honor of being their father's first born sons. The name Liam is Gaelic for William which is Rob's father's given name.

The McCotter bloodline is strong, ongoing and clearly intertwined.

Susan of Brookfield (Sue Gray'63)

I have known JOE INGINO from childhood. He was a great human being back then, to this day he a PERSON WHO HAS SERVED HIS COUNTRY IN TIME OF WAR, continues to help others by donating his time to all kinds of support organizations. HE IS A TRUE HERO.


(I am) looking for an email address for Thomas Larkin class of 1964. His brother, Harry (Nick) class of '59 is seriously ill with cancerous brain tumor. They had a falling out some time ago and of course, time is now precious. Carl Probst and I are trying to locate him for Harry and his wife Diane. I see he is signed up at classmates and tried to send email through them but don't know if he received it or if he will be able to read it.

Thanks for your help and hi Bob,
Joyce Clements Anglim class of '59

UPDATE: We were able to locate Tom Larkin, class of 63. Harry (Nick), class of 59, is in bad shape; malignant tumor on the left side of the brain. Joyce Clements Anglim may have contacted you for search help. Won't be needed now but thank you anyway. In the memoriam section please note Robert Wilson and Robert Zeltmann, both class of 1959.

Thank you,
Carl Probst, class of 59

As some of you already know, I'm writing a book about when I was stationed at West Point from '65-'68... revolving around how I was tapped to start the first rock group at West Point (and, we think, the first "official" rock in the Army...) Myself and three other HHS grads, Carolyn Wood '63 (my ex-wife), Bill Jordan '63, and Jimmy Walker '65 became the nucleus of the band... the story of how Walker amp; Jordan's orders were changed from Infantry to rock band members is the crux of the plot, but how the great music of the period helped define everyone's memories of those years is a major thread throughout the narrative.

From '66-'68 the cadets were dancing to many of the songs at the link as played by us and I've recently heard from dozens of cadet alumni about how important a part of their lives the music was.

Tommy Sullivan, '63

I sent a note to the 'contact' on the website featured on our Vets page this month. Here is the reply:


You know...many of the men from the 50th Infantry who served in Vietnam with us are not Computer types. Your thought and subsequent posting of our website might catch an eye of someone we'd love to find!

Thanks again,
Jim Sheppard
Association Historian/Webmaster

Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll


My name is Mike Carter. I should have graduated in '58 I believe. Instead, dropped out and worked in a transmission shop near Grumman aircraft. I joined the Navy in late '59 and retired in '80. I was looking at names listed on your Vietnam memorial site. Some I remember, but one really caught my attention: Robert Rausch USAF KIA. Do any of the readers out there know if Robert was also known as 'Birdy'? May he rest in peace. Please put me on your list.

Thank you,
Mike Carter

The year mighta been '55 or '56. Al Nicolini and I decided we were gonna play hooky and do some fishing. I think the ultimate destination was Oyster Bay. We were trudging along the 2 lane (at that time) totin' our fishing gear. We were just outside of Hicksville but not yet to Syosset Only a few vehicles had passed, with none willing to pick up two miscreant hitch hikers. We walked a ways and I heard a car approaching (I think I remember a light green 53 0r 54 Chevy) as I turned and stuck my thumb out I said "geez Al, that looks like Galloway's Chevy. It WAS Leon J. Galloway wearing that fedora he always wore. Mr. Galloway absolutely recognized us and was so kind as to give us a ride directly to school. It turns out he was on his way to some luncheon/meeting at a fancy restaurant in, or near Syosset. So much for our poorly planned fishin' trip. Funny....I also remember Mr. Chittenden (truant officer) also had a light green vehicle in the form of a 54 Pontiac. Man....I have dozens of stories. Most of 'em started out wrong and ended in disaster. Anyone remember the name of that restaurant that was in or very near Syosset? It was very 'countryclubbish.'

Thanks for the memories,
Mike Carter

I am pleased to add my name to the recent number of HHS graduates, who have supported Tom Halley's (Class of '56) nomination of Miss Mabel Farley for induction into the Hall of Fame. During my senior year as a member of the Class of '49, I applied to Villanova University for admission to their School of Engineering. Much to my chagrin, I was not accepted because I had not completed certain prerequisite high school courses, in part, as a result of my having graduated after only spending a limited time of three amp; a half years in school.

After presenting my dilemma to Miss Farley, she granted my request to return to HHS for a postgraduate year for completion of an additional year of math, science and 2 years of a modern language. I had no problem with the math amp; science courses; however, taking both French 1A amp; 1B classes simultaneously presented a new problem for me.... when I failed French 1B. Of course, our dedicated French teacher, Miss Burt, disapproved my advancement to French 2A amp; 2B classes because I had failed French 1B.

I petitioned Miss Farley to make an exception in my case, since the alternative decision would render my postgraduate year of studies fruitless. She mercifully granted my wish, along with her admonition that obtaining credit for 2 years of French, would be predicated on my ability to pass the State Regents final exam as prescribed for French 2B. I am pleased to relate that I passed my math amp; science courses and received a final grade somewhere in the 80's for French 2B....receiving congratulations from both Miss Farley and Miss Burt (who devoted much of her free time to tutoring me for that final exam).

This having been said, I enrolled in the School of Engineering at Villanova in the fall of 1950 and graduated with a Civil Engineering degree in 1954. I went on to enjoy a successful career as an Engineer and General Building Contractor in California. In addition, it was my good fortune to have first met my late wife, Mary Donovan (Class of '52), when we temporarily shared a textbook in French class.

Looking back on my final year at HHS, I feel compelled to declare that I will be forever indebted to Miss Farley for enabling me to successfully pursue my educational goals back in 1949 and 1950. I am sure that there are countless students who attended HHS during Miss Farley's tenure as Principal, who share the esteem that I felt for her, based on their own personal experiences.

I submit that Miss Mabel Farley's entitlement for induction into the Hicksville High School Hall of Fame is beyond any question or doubt.

Tom Fellenz, Class of '49

Patty and Ray's Story

Many, many years ago, times were much different than was simpler, people were kinder to one another and lives could be lived in a peaceful, stress free manner and it was a wonderful time to be a teenager....that's where this story begins.

There was a pretty young teenage gal enjoying all the typical teenage activities of the, hanging out with friends and flirting with the young fellas. This young girl met a young man who was not only strikingly handsome but had "wheels" and was so fun to be with.....he had it all. He and this young girl dated and before she knew what was happening, she fell head over heels for him. They had many wonderful years together until their life was interrupted....her family moved to another state and he enlisted in the Army.

Time and separation, unfortunately, hurt their relationship. Although she loved her young man very much, she thought it was time for them to go their separate ways. He went on to marry and have a family. She did, as well.

Their paths did not cross again for 50 years. Both were now retired, living in different states and happily married to others. Both of the once young lovers had been through many ups and downs in their respective lives...both good times and bad.

One day, as if it were meant to be, the now mature woman saw her teenage beau's name listed on a High School Alumni list. She had carried him in her heart for the past 50 years and had always hoped to know how he was, had he accomplished all he had planned to do and was he happy.

A note was sent off to him not knowing if he would want to respond, but he did. The re-connection was made! They began a dialog after all those years and for the "young girl", it was like time had stood still.

The thought of being able to talk to him again and ask how he was became an over-whelming experience. Here she was able to talk to her 1st love...through the years, she had never met another to equal the likes of her young teenage beau. The first time she heard his voice, she again was unable to speak as that voice was the same as she had dreamed about for years.

Several weeks were spent catching up on their lives and our young gal was happy to know that the young man had done well, he was professionally successful, owned lovely homes and was living a full busy life.

She had married a wonderful man who was lovingly seeing her through a progressive medical problem.

Now, if you're a "romantic", this story will not have a happy ending but it does prove that true love can last forever when it is felt as..."love from the heart, even though you're apart". If you're a "realist", you'll be happy for the young gal who was able to get the answers to the questions that had haunted her for years.

The story has now been told......I know, because I was the young girl.

Hopefully, you enjoyed the story of Patty Bryan Carstons and Ray Babinski.

What a great nostalgic look at the old HVFD Engine Company#7 Pumper truck. I was a member of HVFD in the '64-'65 time period. At the time I lived in an upstairs apartment at 92 East Marie Street. When the fire alarm sounded I would run to the fire house and jump into Chemical Pumper truck Company #3. It was quite a rush for a 19-20 year old driving a fire truck, all siren and lights, around the streets of Hicksville. Unfortunately a change of jobs forced me to move away, so my time with HVFD was short lived. They were, and I am sure still are, a great group of folks. I have some fond memories for the rest of my life. I did go on to be a volunteer EMT for 7 more years in Upstate NY and New Jersey as corporate moves had me moving around some.

On a different subject; Janet McMenamin (class of '62) and I have been married for 43+ years now. We have 4 grown children and 7 grandchildren. I am semi-retired from Avon Products after 40 years, but still do some consulting for them in Japan from time to time. Janet is the Vice President of Administration for Jackson Healthcare (a 400 million $ firm) headquartered in Atlanta where we have been living since 1978.

I keep in touch with Bill Dylewski (class of '62) via phone and an occasional trip to San Diego.

I enjoy the site. Keep up the fine work.

Harry Butcher (class of '62)


My family moved to Hicksville at the start of my sophomore year, the first year in the new Hicksville High School. My first memory was the fact that we (there were other students on my street) had to walk to school. We walked through the empty lots and over the railroad tracks. If we had walked on the streets, it would have been a little over 2 miles. We convinced the school district that they measured "as the crow flies", not as we had to walk, so they had a school bus come to our area. There was something about it was only a mile and we had to be two miles from school, (they were measuring "as the crow flies").


Other fond memories were when I was chosen both as a sophomore and a junior to be in the "Daisy Chain". We had to go out in the open fields, pick bunches and bunches of daisies, bring them back to tie them around a rope that was about 3 inches in diameter, to have it draped shoulder to shoulder the next day for the graduation ceremony.

There were the greatest Variety Shows and Class Plays/Musicals that were organized and directed by Mrs. (or was it Miss?) Fletcher.

Who can forget the wonderful Senior Class Trip up and down the Chesapeake Bay, sight seeing Annapolis, Williamsburg, and Washington D.C. (haven't been back since, but would love to)? Of course, if you classmates remember, it snowed, snowed and snowed the night before we left; I was told it was about 18 inches. My dad helped me carry my luggage, our car was snowed in, (we weren't on a main street to be plowed readily). Luckily, on the plowed street, (New South Road) a classmate was being driven, they stopped and picked me and my luggage up (my dad went back home). Does anyone remember picking me up? I can't remember who that was.

I loved doing the sports, but wasn't flexible enough to enjoy the gymnastics/tumbling etc.

Gerry Ferri (Geraldine Visalli), 1958, CA, August 5th

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