Memory Lane

You might have loved them as I did or hated them, but here it is the 1965 Junior & Senior High lunch menu. It will either bring back fond memories or waves of nausea.

Menu from John Ebbecke

Bon Appetit

Bill Hackmack 66


Here is a copy of my 6th Grade class photo from Woodland Ave.School. I think the teacher's name was Mr. Perrini. I remember the class room and the items on the bulletin board! I remember all of the faces but wish I had written down the names back then. Remember one girl named Carolyn La Plant(?) with the blonde curly hair who sits in the center rear seat. I believe another dark haired girl in the front center seat was named Susan. I'm the third boy from the left in the back row. Michael Ollins is to my left and Bruce Ladisic to my right. I can possibly fill in a few more names.

Hope you can post this in the newsletter and someone else remembers some names.

Keep up the good work!

Randy Blum '63

A couple of pictures from John Ebbecke

Back row l to r: ??, Greg Navoy, myself, Fred Stellabate,??,Mrs. Cronin
3rd row: John Peck, Brian cobb, John Cutrone, Russell Goldman, ??, Steven Tedesco,??,??
2nd row: Lynn Foglia, Mary Ellen Ruiz?,??,??, Phyllis Berg
and then the only other girl I know was front row on right, Robin Dweir

The basketball picture is the 1969-70 JV basketball.
One of the best teams ever. We had only one or two losses. I'll identify who I can.
Back row l to r: Coach Ron Quattrini (we affectionately called Bubbles when out of earshot), Charlie Westerman, Pete Gaffney, Tom Quinn?, myself John Ebbecke, Jim Seddon and Brian Pinelli.
Front row: ??, Tom Desimone, star who moved to Michigan after this year Bob Mallory??, Richie Moeller (gave me my lifetime nickname of Big E), Tom O'Reilly, Bob Weiss and Bob Bischoff

Many Thanks to Kathy Oates, class of 1967, for providing this picture. This is grade 4-3 at East Street School in 1959.

Thanks Kathy and to all who provided names. Please let us know if there are any corrections.

Love, The Buff

P.S. keep those pictures coming

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