Photo Gallery

Hi Bob & Staff...

While going thru my parents possessions I came across a few old class photos They were done by Picot Studios. Two from Woodland Avenue & one from East Street School (my kindergarten class from 1952). I don't know if the names are readable on the second page of the one I'm sending you now, so I will try to list them below.

  • Elaine DiPasqua
  • Jimmy Fisher
  • John Hall
  • Nicholas Carrera
  • Donald Martin Walter Barley
  • Stephan Ragusa
  • Dianne E. Millett
  • Steven Walsh
  • Elaine Endsley Kathleen Garvin
  • Maureen Mahoney
  • Patricia McNally
  • Michael Mueller
  • Myra Jane Rosen Robert Hughes
  • Andrew Koehler
  • Adrienne D.
  • Mary Ann Greco
  • Joanne Pani
  • William Preston
  • Muriel Lateir (Spelling ?)
  • John McCann
  • Ronnie Cobb
  • Kathy Kutz
  • Under "The Best Looking" were John McCann & Joanne P.
  • Under "The Best Student" were John McCann & A.D.

Thanks for all the great work you guys do. I have once again become Commander of the Hicksville Veterans of Foreign Wars. If there is anything I may be able to help you with, do not hesitate to contact me.

Bill Walden, 1965

Hix school1 7 08 08I think I can identify some of the people in the picture.  I am standing second from end on left looking at picture.  Class is 119T, 1957, Woodland Avenue School.

  • Standing far right in stripped shirt - Steve Walsh
  • Sitting directly in front of me to my right - Donald Martin
  • Sitting directly in front of me to my left - John Hall 
  • Sitting in front of globe - Stephan Ragusa
  • To my right - Ronnie Cobb
  • Young girl - far right row - first seat - Joanne Pani
  • Young girl - third row from left - first seat - Elaine Ensley
  • To teacher's left - first one standing - Michael Mueller ?
  • To teacher's right - first one standing - Andrew Koehler ?
  • Young girl - third row from left - third seat back - Mary Ann Greco

That's the best I can do.  I wish I could remember the teacher's name.  My wife would tell you I can't remember what we had for dinner last night. LOL



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