New Readers & Returns

New Readers

  • Ray Babinski, 1956 (SC)
  • Joe Barna, 1963 (NY)
  • Martin Burkhardt, 1963 (L.I.)
  • Dianne (Gunnigle) Burkhardt, 1968 (L.I.)
  • Betty (Frazer) Carter (FL)
  • Rose (Oswald) Colasuonno, 1976 (VA)
  • John Ebbecke, 1972 (L.I.)
  • Carol (MacArthur) Egan, friend of HHS (FL)
  • Herb Finkelman, 1966 (MD)
  • Jane Harlin, 1967 (FL)
  • John Hattenback, 1956 (FL)
  • Phil Hearon, 1964
  • Ed Kasten, 1956
  • Ken Kopher, 1974 (MD)
  • Johathan Smith, 1968
  • Fred Manown, 1956 (L.I.)
  • Joan (McGee) Manown, 1957 (L.I.)
  • Dave Martin (HX)
  • Gail (McClusky) Abreau, 1958 (CA)
  • Dr. Alex Althausen, 1958 (SC)
  • Matthew Callaghan, 1958 (NY)
  • Phil Cotsonas, 1958 (NY)
  • Jim Cunningham, 1958 (AR)
  • Armand DeRose, 1958 (NY)
  • Geraldine (Visalli) Ferri, 1958 (CA)
  • Charlie Glaser, 1958 (NY)
  • Pat (Rankel) Losciale, 1958 (NY)
  • Alfred Magill, 1958, (NY)
  • Pat (McGrath) Melis, 1958 (NY)
  • Janet (Wilson) Moeller, 1958 (NY)
  • Al Notaro, 1958 (NY)
  • Charlotte (?) Notaro, 1959 (NY)
  • Pam (Weickmann) Swanson, 1958 (AZ)
  • Pat (Meehan) Welles, 1958 (CT)


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  • Linda (Walker) Boehm, 1962 (x2)
  • Jan Barbara (Cohen) Brenner, 1965 (x2)
  • Bill Canham, 1961
  • Harvey Dunefsky, 1956
  • Bill Kozma, 1963
  • Jean UNKNOWN last name, 1967
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