New Readers & Returns

New Readers

A Note From The Editors: To all, a hearty welcome to HixNews.Com. We hope you will all feel free to participate with memories and thoughts that you may have about Hicksville High, and your times growing up on the Island. If you are a new member (or know of one), please send the name, year of graduation, date of birth, anniversary date, name of spouse, and the state where you live. Send it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Josie (Dzieniewski) Bacchi, 1976 (L.I.)
  • Joan (Claudy) Berger, 1979
  • Carolee (Stumpf) Bruckner, 1971 (HX)
  • Debbie (Moffitan) DeStafano, 1968 (MD)
  • Louis DeStefano, (MD) friend of HHS
  • Christopher Melluso, 1978
  • Rochelle Riservato, 1967 (NY)
  • Barry Rosenzweig, 1967
  • Leslie (Worley) Smith, 1964 (CT)
  • Bob Smith, 1963 (CT)
  • Joe Varecha, 1973, (L.I.)
  • Welcome back John and Lorraine Sholl (FL)


  • Josie (Dzieniewski) Bacchi, 1976 (L.I.)
  • Joan (Claudy) Berger, 1979
  • Carolee (Stumpf) Bruckner, 1971 (HX)
  • Debbie (Moffitan) DeStafano, 1968 (MD)
  • Louis DeStefano, (MD) friend of HHS
  • Christopher Melluso, 1978
  • Rochelle Riservato, 1967 (NY)
  • Barry Rosenzweig, 1967
  • Leslie (Worley) Smith, 1964 (CT)
  • Bob Smith, 1963 (CT)
  • Joe Varecha, 1973, (L.I.)
  • Welcome back John and Lorraine Sholl (FL)
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