More Hicksville Hotels
Reinhardt Hotel - Broadway HotelFolks may recall the Broadway Hotel, later known as Reinhardt’s Hotel located at Broadway and East Carl Street. Frank Reinhardt was the last owner of the hotel. Before Frank purchased the hotel, he worked for about five years at the Windsor Hotel across the street. Members of the Reinhardt family still reside in Hicksville and on Long Island. The hotel was later sold to Schwartz Furniture and the “bones” of the hotel remain in place today, hidden behind what is now the façade of TAS Learning Center.
Horse Shoe Inn 1900Another hotel was the Horseshoe Inn located on East Barclay Street and was owned and operated by Dr. Jacob Boslet. The hotel was affectionately know as Boselet’s Place” and was situated next door to the Ofenloch Garage and Blacksmith Shop. This structure was the last of the hotels to be torn down. It would be operated as the Tower Restaurant & Bar through the 1980’s when JVC Auto Collision purchased the property and expanded their business.
The Germania Hotel, owned and operated by Adolph Lauck, was located on the corner of Broadway and West Marie Street. It was later torn down to make room for Buettner’s Department Store. In 1893 it was run by August Schreiber. There are no photographs available for the Germania Hotel, just the references in the Huntington Long Islander Newspaper.