When All Else Fails, buy Her a Fur Coat

It's a paradox. During the horrible years of the Great Depression, prices were low, but almost nobody had money. Now that it's wartime, most prices are capped by the government, and almost no one is unemployed. People have money. They can afford almost anything they want. If only if we didn't have all those shortages! We can never find the things we want to buy.

My wife's birthday is coming up, and this year I want to get her something special. Diamonds? No, they're not worth it right now. The price of diamond rings has quadrupled, because the Nazis have occupied all the diamond-cutting countries, silver and gold are in short supply, and the jewelry makers are either off in uniform or they're working in defense plants. Once the war is over, the price probably will just drop down again.

Hey, what about a fur coat? Not one of those squirrel or cheap dyed muskrat coats, like the department stores are carrying. You can't get European or Russian furs right now because of the war, but I'll bet that there still are other good options.

Hmmmm.... How much can I spend? What would be too much? Let's see... after buying those War Bonds, we still have enough money in the bank for a while, and I'm getting 90¢ per hour - that's three times the minimum wage, by the way - as a metalworker making airplanes. I think that I could splurge this year, and spend maybe $275 on a fur coat for her birthday. Let's see what the ads in the Times have to say... Well, will ya' look at this beauty. Perfect!

Nothing says "I love you" like a new fur coat!
New York Times, June 29, 1943


There's a lot more one could say about the Home Front, but this is where I'll leave things, at least for now.

I Wish You All a Great Thanksgiving



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