Union School, Hicksville, as it stood 1898 - c.1908
The image above was derived from two online digital images in
the Hicksville Public Library Collection at New York Heritage.
The first bears identifier M1616; the second (no identifier
listed) is essentially a mirror image of M1616.

During 2020 and 2021, numerous dedication ceremonies have been deferred because of the pandemic (e.g., that of Hicksville's Vietnam War Era Memorial). In contrast, back on January 3, 1898, nothing impeded the dedication of Hicksville's new school building on West Nicholai Street. Moreover, those who attended the ceremony that day "got their money's worth." Before being given tours of the building, they heard a number of speeches, enjoyed several musical performances, and listened to more than a dozen students recite declamations, which were a hallmark of scholastic ceremonies in the nineteenth century.


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