Amazing Air Force One Facts That Only A Few Presidents Have Been Willing To Confess

Air Force One is a massive flying container of secrets. There's still so much we don't know, but lucky for us, a few presidents have leaked facts about Air Force One that are pretty unbelievable. Air Force One is so much more than a private jet for the POTUS. It's a top secret vault in the sky, and that vault has just been cracked. Here are some things that nobody knew about Air Force One, until now.

Air Force One Is Actually Air Force Three

There are two Air Force Ones, but only one is the real deal. They fly together so no one knows which one the president is actually on. "The Gulfstream", known as the C-20C, is a jet that supposedly trails the other two planes, but the government and the Air Force deny it exists. Interesting!


How Fast And How High?

Air Force One can fly over 700 miles per hour. That's really fast! It can also fly higher than most commercial planes, at a height of 45,000 feet. That's 10,000 feet higher than the normal cruising altitude of any other passenger airliner. Despite its crazy speed, Air Force One flies very smoothly.

Air Force One "Never" Has To Touch Ground

This is probably one of the coolest facts about Air Force One. Air Force One can refuel in the sky. It never has to touch ground. If it wanted to, it could fly forever. It can keep the president in the sky as long as it has to. Another cool fact: Air Force One has a 3,000 gallon fuel tank.

Air Force One Has Two Restaurants On Board

There are essentially two restaurants aboard Air Force One - well, they're two massive kitchens that always have food available. The president and his guests can have anything they desire Air Force one is staffed with top rated chefs, and each kitchen holds up to 100 people. That's pretty big!


Why All The Phones Though?

Air Force One has over 85 phones. But why? Well, it's the most secure place the president can talk, even over the White House. The Airborne Executive Phone has a light on the back that lights up red when secure. There are dozens of less secure lines aboard for the press and staff that travel with the president.

There Are Super Spy Cameras In The Wheel Wells

In 1959, President Eisenhower instructed Allen Dulles, the Director of Central Intelligence at the time, to install cameras in the wheel wells of Air Force One. These cameras were so powerful that even in 1959 they could read license plates from the sky. No matter the reason for the installation, you can't deny how unbelievable that is!


Air Force One Is Large Enough To Be A House

Air Force One is large enough to exquisite like it belongs in some be a house. It has three stories of 4,000 square feet. The president has his own large office, lavatory, and conference room. There are private quarters for special guests, and all the furniture is exotic mansion.


How Many People Does Air Force One Hold?

Air Force One can hold hundreds of people, but only safely seat 70. There are living quarters to accommodate more bodies, such as all of the senior advisors, Secret Service officers, reporters and special guests. Yes, there are usually people without seats. The central seating area of the plane is reserved for the president and his family.

How Much Does Air Force One Cost To Fly?

The Air Force One costs $206,000 an hour to operate. That's staggering compared to the $20,000 an hour it costs for a commercial airline. President Trump's traveling costs were $10 million his first month in office. Presidential travel involves hundreds of people and dozens of aircraft. The costs add up.

Air Force One Is Where Homeland Security Was Birthed

President George W. Bush signed the Department of Homeland Security into existence from onboard a flight on the Air Force One. It was thousands of feet above Germany that this decision was made immediately following the attacks of September 11th. This decision has changed the inner-workings of our country forever.

Air Force One Is Nuclear Resistant

Air Force One is pretty much a nuclear-resistant Oval Office. The plane can withstand a nuclear blast even if on the ground. It has been put through testing to the equivalent of a nuclear attack. That's comforting for sure. Let's hope it's never tried in real time.

TVs Abound

Believe it or not, Air Force One has twenty TVs on board. Each tv is strategically placed throughout the aircraft so that at any given time passengers will be able to view one. Although it has never been officially said why so many, there are two reasons that this may be. One would be that with Air Force One being such a massive structure, it would only hold that it would require more TVs than most aircraft. Second, with press and staff constantly flying with the POTUS, one would assume they would need to keep up to date on broadcasts and reports. It would only make their jobs that much less stressful. Plus we are sure that the multitude of TVs is sure to provide a variety of viewing choices during long and tedious flights.

In With The New

With the increasing problems with finding adequate parts to serve and maintain Air Force One properly, it was decided a new set of planes were needed. With that in mind, during Barack Obama's term of office, an order was placed for two replacements for the Air Force One fleet. The new versions were to built based on the new Boeing 747-8 series. A newer, better version than the previous styles. It has been estimated that both planes are looking to run at least $3 billion dollars, and are not expected to even come into service until well into 2024.


Hard On The Pocket Book

Because of its sheer size, Air Force One is pretty costly to run. It has been reported that for the 2016 fiscal year alone, the cost to operate Air Force One in the air was a staggering $180,000 an hour. Because of this massive cost, lawmakers have been calling the presidents to task on what is seen as the unnecessary, even referred to as frivolous and partisan, outings of the aircraft. However, it should be noted that these squabbles over what is deemed unnecessary uses of the aircraft are in no way new. And to be honest, will continue to happen with each new president.


The Beast

The presidential limo nicknamed the "Beast", goes everywhere the president goes - without exception. The reason for this is that the Secret Service will be better able to maintain the safety of the POTUS during vehicular transport. When the POTUS arrives, the limo is there waiting for him when he lands at his destination, to carry him to wherever he needs. However, the limo, a Cadillac, does not actually travel with the president. In actuality, it is sent ahead of the president, transported aboard a military cargo plane. Since it is ahead of the president the limo can be waiting and ready on the tarmac when the president arrives.



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