Pictures Only Some Folks Will Understand
Cars Were Colorful! Most cars these days look fairly bland, but in the 50's, our cars were big, bright, and fun!
We Got Dressed Up for Birthday Parties. And sometimes there was even a pony there!
We Played in the Streets: We didn't have to text our friends back in the day - we'd all just come outside and get to playing!
Gas Was Very Cheap: On some days, it was only $0.20 a gallon, and beyond that, the people at the station could also fix just about anything!)
Ben Franklin 5-10 Was Everything: We loved going to these stores. They had just about anything and everything you could think of.
If it Wasn't the Ben Franklin, it Was the A and P!
Our Skates Got "Locked" with a Key. They were also made almost entirely of metal and very hard to skate on!
The Drive-In Was The Place to Be: This 1950's photo from South Bend, Indiana shows how popular they were!
Car Seats Were More Like Couches: That's right - they were big, long, and you could slide all the way across!
The Freezer Actually Had to be DEFROSTED!: That's right, every now and then you'd have to manually defrost the freezer - sometimes took all day with a lot of scraping!.
Grandma Let Us Do Everything. Well, maybe that hasn't changed so much, but we LOVED eating off the beaters!
Sometimes Your Food Came On Roller Skates! That's right - certain restaurants had "roller girls" who would zoom your food out to you!
There Was One TV. And, surprise, we didn't argue all night about who should get to watch their favorite show. Most of the time, we all liked the same shows!
The Playgrounds were VERY Different: At recess, we'd swing from the monkey bars with wild abandon and often even stand on the swings and go as high as possible. And still, we survived!
We Had Xylophones That We Kept on a Pull String. That's right - there was nothing like the Pull a Tune!
We Got Bottled Cokes and Loved Them: That's right - no cans or plastic bottles back then. We were 100% excited when we'd find a cooler like this to get that ice cold bottle!
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