This section is a compilation of news we have received from our readers. We appreciate the news and feedback!

We received the following from Chris Sparacino, Rep to the original Pizza D'Amore: 

After reading your article I felt compelled to correct your information on the ownership of Pizza D' Amore and History out of respect for my Grandfather, Carl Sparacino. I would appreciate it if you would make the correction in your Hix news regarding specifically the famous and Original Pizza D' Amore with locations throughout NY, Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, and California.

The Original Pizza D' Amore was founded by Mr. Carl Sparacino back in the early 1930's. The store in Mid Island Plaza was opened when the mall opened in 1956. My father, Michael, and his twin brother Dominick, along with their father, operated many of the locations throughout New York And then opened throughout  Phoenix, Arizona, in 1963.  Other family members operated in other locations. I, Chris Sparacino, Son of Michael and Grandson to Carl, started working in our Hicksville location at the age of 10 in 1974. What FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I still have the signed autograph picture of Thermon Munson, Sparky Lyle, and Ron Bloomburg I got when I was 9 years old while at Pizza D'Amore...August 8th, 1973
The man you were referring to as Manny, was a limited partner who decided to do something very unbecoming of a partner and then was put out to pasture by my Grandfather! Note: He was not the founder nor the original partner.
In Memoriam - Names are listed by class on our website. These are recent submissions. 
Mark Seybert, Student, Class of 1964 - passed October 4, 2023
Robert Zounek, Student, Class of 1973 - passed Sept. 27, 2022
Robert Greenhouse, Student, Class of 1964 - passed July 8, 2023
James Lynn Thompson, Student, Class of 1961 - passed June 8, 2023
Gina Pellettiere, Student, Class of 1997 - passed September 21, 2023
Patricia Bonner, School Nurse - passed September 28, 2023
Dr. Martin A. Cohen, Biology -passed October 16, 2023



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