Etcetera for January 2025
Congratulations to Hicksville Water District Commissioner Karl Schweitzer on his re-election to the District’s Board of Commissioners!
Commissioner Schweitzer has served on the Board since 1998 and is entering his 10th term of dedicated service to his community. Karl is a contributing writer for
In Memoriam
- Howard Arthur Dolgin, Class of 1962. Passed October 23, 2024. Thank you to Joe Carfora for the submission.
- Mr. Paul Vetrano, Teacher. Passed January 14, 2025.
Out With the Old...
This month marks the completion of the transition from the old website to this new one and taking the old site offline. The effort began in March 2023 and has taken a Herculean amount of work to reach this milestone. We have done our absolute best to keep all of the content from the old site and fit it into this new format. Here's a summary of the two versions of
Old Site columns: These were not all always part of the publication, but these were the recurring topics.
- Forward - Largely email dialogue between the staff and subscribers.
- Newsletter - Stories from classmates and their families
- Photo Gallery - Photos of HHS events and interesting subjects
- Birthdays & Anniversaries - Of the month (no longer maintained)
- In Memoriam - As reported
- Honoring Our Veterans - Stories of heroes and campaigns to honor them
- Memory Lane - Memories of HHS or just "the old days"
- Casale's Corner - A good mix of humor, memories, and thoughtful stories (RIP Buffalo Bob)
- The Geek's Corner - Good tech help during the early days of the Internet (RIP Bob Wesley)
- Ancient Hixtory - An eye-opening look at Hicksville's historic past (Ron Wencer)
- Links - Unrelated links to a variety of topics (no longer maintained)
- Humor - Jokes, cartoons, etc.
New Site:
- All content from the old site retained through November 2022, reorganized and reformatted for this new platform
- Forward - Intro to the newsletter
- The Newsletter is now a wrapper for multiple articles written over the past month. Those articles are in several categories.
- Favorite Memories - Memories of Hicksville, some submitted by subscribers (a.k.a. members). Replaces Memory Lane.
- Where Are They Now? - A focus on the lives of noteworthy HHS teachers
- Ancient Hixtory - Ron Wencer's popular column continues on an occasional basis
- Photo Galleries - From the old site as well as new galleries from reunions and other events
- Reunions - Upcoming reunion announcements
- Events - Upcoming or past events (other than reunions)
- Honoring Our Veterans - Updated occasionally
- Financial Insight - Articles about investing
- Misc Articles - Various topics that don't fit into a specific category
- Other News - (a.k.a. "Etcetera") Miscellaneous local and website news including memoria
- Links - Only the ones that still work were retained
- Logged-in Members can contribute directly in multiple ways using the top menu
- News/Reunions/Submit a Reunion - For announcing upcoming reunions
- News/In Memoriam/Submit a Memoriam - If you know of a classmate who has passed and isn't already listed, please let us know.
- Features/Favorite Memories/Submit a Memory - Yes, you can include photos.
- Features/Events/Submit an Event - For announcing upcoming or past events other than reunions
- Features/Biographies/Submit a Biography - Submit your autobiography or a biography for a friend.
- Photos/Upload - For submitting photos for an existing or new gallery. Good for documenting reunions.
- Members/Me/New Blog - Submit a personal blog (there are 3 ways to do this)
- By email - You can always email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your submission. Our writers will work with you and apply the finishing touches.
The old site's posting of email discussions between the Hixnews staff and its subscribers in the early days of the Internet has been replaced by the ability to comment on most articles. The new site also supports our newsletter mailing list, which is sent on an automated schedule on the 20th of every month.
We continue to need our subscribers to help by providing content for the site. It's okay if you don't consider yourself a writer. Our staff writers can polish your story if you prefer. However, as you can see above, there are several ways for site members to contribute directly. Feel free to email our editors at
We hope you enjoy the new as much or more than you did the old one.
Bruce Scherzinger, Interim Webmaster
Gail Schwartzman Mayer, Webmaster