Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Distribution: 547 email addresses

August Birthdays

  • 1: Susan Voelbel Dalton, 1965 (TN)
  • 2: Bob Ward, 1966 (FL)
  • 3: Jim Cutropia, 1963 (NM)
  • 4: Margaret Wangenheim-Manjarrez. 1964 (IN); Bob Steedman, 1958 (AZ)
  • 5: Lorraine Miltonberg Dalaimo, 1960
  • 7: Bonnie Brigandi, 1974 (FL)
  • 8: David Gaudio, 1977; Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956 (FL)
  • 11: Tom Haller 1956 (FL); John Sherin, 1956 (HX)
  • 15: Patti Hickey Rees, 1975 (CA); Laura White (CA)
  • 18: Torrilee Christianson Hill, 1978
  • 21: Barbara Barnett Edwards, 1964 W.T.Clark HS
  • 24: Dorothy Kunz Drago, 1950
  • 25: Rochell Heyman Baron, 1961
  • 30: Carolyn Bartlett Richman, 1976 (FL)
  • Apologies to Chet NICHOLS for misspelling his name and giving the wrong birthday. The correct date is November 16th.

August Anniversaries

  • 8/?/1988 –Rob and Nancy McCotter, (HX)
  • 8/12/1967 – Steve and Diane (Boseling) Baum (PA)

Welcome to Our New Readers

(Linda has been on vacation. I hope this list is correct. Pat)

  • Louise Geffert, year unknown
  • Joan Sullo Joachim, 1955 (FL)
  • Brent Walker, 1958 (CA)
  • Jim Rubins, 1967 (CA)
  • Nancy Barrow-Sinclair, 1972 (FL)
  • Tom Breiten, 1980 (CT)
  • Mary Mitkowski Breiten, 1982 (CT)

Help Wanted

Editor for newsletter

Duties include (but are not limited to) gathering information, correcting spelling and grammar, “pasting up” the articles, maintaining address book and lists of birthdays and anniversaries, emailing 500 plus copies each month.

For personal reasons, I no longer wish to continue as editor.

If interested, please contact me and I will mail you the address, birthdays and anniversaries lists.

Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Teachers

Just like in the military and or in a daily work experience, there are duds and there are those who shine. What the newsletter would like to do is acknowledge some of the teachers from Hicksville High School who, over the past fifty years, have distinguished themselves from those who just go to work. Some just put in their time and never go beyond the employment contract they signed with respect to making “our” being there more enjoyable. You all may not realize, the new high school on Division Avenue opened for students in September of 1955. Next year is the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. I was amongst the throngs of students who first walked the hallowed halls that year.

So, please put some thought to writing a note to the newsletter about the one or two teachers who you think were unique. Our September issue will feature the first choice or choices. We don’t want the negative…only the positive.

My first choice for teacher of the month is….

Bob Casale

News, Notes and Memories

  • Brent Walker, class of 1958 writes:

    “I don't know if you remember me from class of '58. Had name change decades ago (Richard Sneckenberg). I live in San Francisco and have been here about 18 years. Left L.I. not long after graduation and took 30 years moving to the Mid-West; Arizona and the California.

    Regards and keep up the good work.
    Best, Brent

  • Warren Keigwin (Great Neck HS ’53), husband of Margaret (Pfundstein) Keigwin, HHS ’58, is looking for Mike Jaycox. If anyone knows Mike and how to contact him, please send the info to Linda (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or to the newsletter.

  • Hi School Mates, (give or take a few years....)

    Do any of you remember a classmate named Daniel Webster Lyon?

    He’s gone now, but he was the father of my next-door neighbor. She has no memory of him and is interested in anything anyone can tell her about him. (Only the nice stuff...) He would be from the Hicksville High class of around '50.

    Any help?
    Dan Gray, 1948

  • From MID-LIFE CRISIS and Anton Mure:



    Enjoy FRIDAY night Karaoke
    With KJ LISA
    There is no cover charge…

    Enjoy SATURDAY night Live Entertainment
    There is a $5.00 Cover Charge
    Check the website for schedule

    Enjoy Sunday night Guest Bartender Night
    Complimentary buffet is provided
    Drink specials all night
    There is no cover charge…


  • Mini Reunion at Delaney’s Saturday Night 10 July 2004
    By Bob Casale

    Many did not attend the mini reunion, but it was indeed a pleasure to share with those who were able to attend. Dennis Naso hit the nail on the head when he said, “small gathering but always a pleasure to see Comets!” Yes Dennis was there…and was also at the reunion we had at the Holiday Inn in May. Mr. Naso, as he is revered to by former students, is a retired teacher. In conversation, I detected a hint of “I sometimes wish I was still teaching because it was easier than retirement.” Dennis is in the process of modernizing his home on Eastern Long Island.

    Janet Emery (O’Connor) was visiting family in Selden. Janet took time away from her children to visit with the group at Delaney’s. A week earlier, over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, Janet was busy helping her son at a liquor store he bought in April. The store is located on the corner of Route 347 (Nesconset Highway) and Mount Pleasant Road in Hauppauge…in a small King Kullen Shopping Center. Anyone needing some wines or liquor, stop in, say Hi and mention Janet’s name. Janet returned to her Florida home and husband, David, following the reunion.

    Carolyn, Clem, (Baldwin) Moors and husband, Tony arrived shortly after 7. They had been to Montauk over the 4th visiting with friends. Our reunion in May would have been a feature in their relaxed, retirement life. Tony and Clem own a motor home they use to tour this wonderful country, America. However, an opportunity surfaced that took precedence over the May reunion. It was so nice to see them though it was only for a short time. The last time we were together was the mega reunion in 2000. Clem and Tony will be returning to Florida in several weeks.

    Frank Smith and Mary Ann (Vallina) Smith missed the May reunion because they had made a prior commitment. Frank and Mary Ann had been away the week prior to the mini reunion but made it back in time to visit with some of their former classmates Saturday night. Both are graduates of the class of 1961. Frank is a Senior Vice President at North Fork Bank.

    Clara (Murgola) Wulfken, class of ’61 and Joe Wulfken, class of ’47 were able to stop in for a drink and some dinner. Joe Wulfken is the proud owner of a 1910 International Harvester that he drove to the 2004 reunion several months ago. Joe treated several alumni to a courtesy drive around the parking lot. Clara and Joe live locally, near the Holiday Inn in Plainview.

    John Pizzariella from the class of ’59 was able to make an appearance. John travels and is not always available when we have these get togethers. He was there Saturday and vowed to make himself available the next time we try for a mini or maxi reunion.

  • CLASS OF 1955

    The class of 1955 is starting to work on its 50th HS reunion. We wanted to put information about the reunion in the newsletter, hoping we can reach more classmates. Bobby Paton has set up an e-mail address so anyone with information and ideas could contact us. The address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Several of us got together and started to plan. Flo Olsen Hogan, Terry Celentano Paton, Ro Tringali Malerba and Judy Latham DeVaul and I were looking through our old yearbook. It is hard to believe that we were that young, and that so much time has gone by. Everyone was very excited about a 50th reunion and at this time we are trying to get as many former classmates located as possible. Ray Mueller has found a lot of names and addresses. Please get in touch with Bobby by e-mail if you know of any 1955 graduates or have any information to share. Thanks, Gail Fallon Hessel


Famous advertising slogans – how many do you remember?

  1. A little dab’ll do ya.
  2. _____ is the place for the helpful hardware man.
  3. All the news that’s fit to print.
  4. Born in fire, blown by mouth and cut by hand with heart.
  5. A diamond is forever.
  6. A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.
  7. _____ makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers.
  8. All you add is love.
  9. _____ the San Francisco treat.
  10. Aren’t you glad you use _____? Don’t you wish everybody did?
  11. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  12. _____ take me away.
  13. Does she…or doesn’t she?
  14. Bring out the _____ and bring out the best.
  15. Breakfast of Champions.
  16. Double your pleasure. Double you fun.
  17. Celebrate the Moments of Your Life.
  18. Fly the friendly skies of _____.
  19. Better things for better living through chemistry.
  20. Don’t leave home without it.

Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956 (FL)
Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960 (NJ)
Bob Casale, 1961 (HX)

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