Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

September Birthdays

  • 2 June Olsen Cullen, 1958 (FL)
  • 14 Harry Al Athenas, 1974 (L.I.); Joe Carfora, 1962 (MI)
  • 6 Tom Mullin, 1967 (HX)
  • 15 Larry Senn, 1964
  • 8 Sue Kotowski Athenas, EMHS 1976 (L.I.)
  • 18 Karen Hubner Jenkins, 1962 (L.I.)
  • 9 Barbara DiBella Dowd, 1962 (FL)
  • 24 Michael Patoka, 1965
  • 11 Chris Thiel, 1961
  • 25 Lily Collazo, 1969
  • 13 Claramae Gross Cervino, 1964 (L.I.)
  • 30 Art Lembke, 1949; Jan Breeden Manaskie, 1962 (HX)

Belated Birthday Wishes

  • Rochell Heyman Baron, 1961 - Aug. 25th

September Anniversaries

  • 9/4/1965 - Karen (Hubner) and Myron Jenkins (L.I.)
  • 9/8/1956 - Barbara (Fellows) and Charlie Cava (FL)
  • 9/10/1977 - Jan (Bartlett) and Arthur "Woody" Wood (HX)

Belated Anniversary Wishes

  • Pat (Appleman) and Peter Levitin, August 27, 1967

In Memory

  • Donald R. Collins, Sr. February 13, 1940 - August 10, 2003.

    Donald R. Collins, Sr. died at his home in Melville (Sweet Hollow) Long Island on Sunday, August 10, 2003 after a two-year valiant struggle with cancer. A native of Hicksville, he was born on February 13, 1940, the fourth son of Dorothy Kunz and Denward Collins, Sr. He attended Nicholai Street School and graduated from Hicksville High School in 1958.

    Don was interested in carpentry and learned much from his grandfather, Edward Kunz, who lived with the family. Joining the carpenters union, his abilities were recognized and Don was assigned the detailed finish work on projects, small and large. One of his most satisfying jobs was restoration work on the buildings at Old Bethpage Village. Here he honed his skills and found his true love in restoration carpentry. His last big project before retirement in 2000 was the trim and installation of the massive doors at the Federal Courthouse in Islip.

    His memorial service was held on Thursday, August 21st in the Presbyterian Church of Sweet Hollow. The Rev. John Wallace noted that the main doors of the 1829 church were completely rebuilt by Don as part of a restoration project when the church was moved to its present site.

    In 1960, Don joined the Hicksville Fire Department where he served s a member of Company 4 until 1970 when he married Nancy Charnley of Stony Brook and they relocated to East Northport. Don and Nancy moved to Old Country Road in Melville in 1981 where his spare time was spent refurbishing his homestead. Don joined Hose Company #1 of the Melville Fire Department in 1991. He also became active in the Rescue Squad.

    Don is survived by his wife, Nancy, daughter, Cynthia and son, Donald Jr. and brothers Denward (1953), Robert (1955) and William (1956) and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins.

  • A Note from Linda Piccerelli Hayden

    Dear Friends;

    I have much to be thankful for, and many to thank. Unknown to most of you I have spent the last year being treated for Cancer. I asked Bob and Pat not to mention it in any of the Newsletters and they honored my request.

    To Dana Hayden Jackson, Carolyn Wood Imbrie, Martha Gross Parent, JoAnn Gorman and Doris Williamson Tully many thanks for the notes, well wishes, and kind words and jokes. They really helped.

    To Pat and Bob my heartfelt appreciation for keeping the Newsletter's light burning so beautifully. They truly went above and beyond.

    To our readers, I feel great and hope to be back in the saddle again. Those of you that know my writing know that to get thru this I choose to find the funny side of what was happening. The cancer center has asked me to write a primer of "What not to say to cancer patients" and true to my character I had a reply for every dumb thing that was said to me.

    Thank you Pat and Bob.
    Linda Piccerelli Hayden 1960

News, Notes and Memories

  • Congratulations to first-time Grandpa Bob Casale. Chad Christopher Casale, Jr. was born August 26th. His vitals: 7#, 13 oz., 20" long. Dad and Mom are Chad and Cheryl Casale.
  • I am not trying to take anything away from Beth Goldmacher, however, in 1947 one of the graduates, Jeanette Kellner, played trumpet in the band with me. (I played the baritone horn and e-flat mellophone.)

    I admit that at 73 years old I have an occasional "senior moment" but I can very clearly picture Jeanette in her band uniform playing trumpet. I really enjoy reading about all of you "youngsters". Keep up the good work on the newsletter.

    Harvey Weiss '47

  • The newsletter is fantastic - it is so wonderful to keep up with everyone. The '62 reunion was fantastic. We just had a family reunion with my immediate family - my twins Jennifer 33 years (Occupational therapist) and Gregory 33 years (ENT surgeon) and my single Stephen 27 years (professional musician drummer with 5 bands going strong with CD's out). Jennifer and her husband Steve have two boys Brady 2 years and Tyler almost one. Greg and his wife Cynthia have twin girls 2 1/2 years. We all met in Florida and celebrated my mother's and mother-in-law's 90th birthdays together for a full week.

    Pat (Appelman) Levitin '62

  • You spoke about Nunley's on Hempstead Turnpike. I spent many a weekend there (and also lots of money) on my nieces. I loved to take them there. When I moved to Florida, I looked and looked for a place like that to take my own daughter, but could not find anything close to resembling Nunley's. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Incidentally, my daughter is graduating from the University of Central Florida, tomorrow (Aug.2) with her Masters in Education (and a 4.0 average!). All this with a husband, 2 kids and a full-time job! I told her she took after me (but I had my fingers crossed behind my back when I said it)!!!

    Love and Prayers,
    May (Mabel Perduto) Horn, 1957

  • Hi Hicksville,

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I retired from L.I.L.C.O. as an Electric Service Forman in 1995 and am now living in Alabama.

    Thanks Again
    Bob Steedman, 1958

  • Hi Newsletter Staff:

    Once again, I thank you for the joy of receiving the Newsletter and the news of those who wish to share something about their memories or their lives. I look forward to each edition. Thank you for your efforts. If you wish to publish the following thoughts, please do. Could you put me on the birthday list for September 9th? Thanks again for all that you do for us!

    Barbara DiBella Dowd, 1962 (Palm Coast, FL)

  • Today is the 0ne Year date from out 1962 40th Class Reunion! I was thinking about how special it was to see all the classmates who attended at that time, some of whom I haven't seen in 40 years! I hope that I will get to see more of you at our 45th! I had been living in NJ since 1963 and had few opportunities to remain in contact with my classmates.

    We are about to celebrate our first anniversary living in Palm Coast, Florida. This past year has been filled with many lifestyle changes for us, (retirement) but we are enjoying Florida, making new friends and getting settled in our new home.

    My e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Obviously, my husband, who first used the Internet in our house, established our e-mail address.) I hope that I will hear from some of you, and see some of you who are in Florida.

  • I survived!

    On one of the hottest days of the summer, right at the beginning of the rush hour, the power went out. 22 hours later the power finally came back on in my section of Manhattan. I had lived through another one. '65, '77, and now '03! '65 was the scariest because I was young and didn't know what was going on. '77 was an annoyance because it was hot also, but I was younger and better able to deal with it. This one was tough. The weather was ugly hot as only New York summer days can be. I truly don't know how people survived before air conditioning, especially in this town. Anyway, it's over, for the most part and I am very grateful to have my lights back and all the other conveniences associated with electrical power.

    David Teitel, 1968


  • HI,

    After returning from our class of 1973 30th year reunion last week in Huntington, I am still bursting with the thrill of seeing so many friends again after so many years. People like Peter Reden, Marc Selkin, Fred Schiavonne, Bob Owens just to name drop a few and others who all looked great. The next day, a core group of friends all went to Teresa (Tester - '73) and hubby, now Pastor Dennis Carter's ('72 grad) home for another reunion with some friends who could not make it the night before. Those in attendance were Naomi (Groont) Doudera and hubby Charles, Herb Bradenstein and his lovely wife Jean. Jane (Lamberti) and her husband John Moore, Julaine McInnis and of course me, Jeffrey White, went stag as we left our counterparts home to run the family while we were away.

    It was like we never missed a day between the last 30th years. Everyone looked the same but more mature. Everyone was still the same person we all knew and loved. Character doesn't change especially when you have great friends like these. We swapped stories and timelines and history trying to catch up 30 years in 6 hours. The food and entertainment (Herb on piano of course) were great. Teresa and Jane made a food spread equal to a fine dining buffet and Naomi made a black and orange decorated sheet cake in our honor. Herb also brought a cake addressed to 'all of us.' These little things made the moments even more special. We swapped more e-mails and numbers of others who could not attend and we all vowed to stay in contact more than before and to hunt down other classmates we have lost touch with.

    Everyone looked great and we reminisced about the parties, the teachers, classes, the shows, music, dating and lamented about our siblings (we all have one of those that is the black sheep in the family) and we missed several friends who have passed away. It was sad but we were together and that seemed to make it better. Our missing friends were there by proxy as we remembered each of them in our talks, stories and memories.

    Teresa and Dennis live in a beautiful home in Roslyn Heights and he is Pastor at the church right there on the duck pond. What a beautiful church building and friendly congregation. I went to Sunday service and was filled with emotion as Dennis sermoned (sic) us in his own unique style. He is very imaginative and brings humor to make his point. I wish I lived closer so I could attend every Sunday. His new Bible study is based on The Simpson's. Now that is something I'd love to hear about. If you are looking for a church with caring people and a dynamic pastor go to First Presbyterian in Roslyn Heights. You will be surprised and if you are not going to church now, this is a great time to start or restart again.

    Herb and I are still in music and Herb will be getting together with Dennis about guest playing at his church on the organ. Jane has had a great career and she and husband John are so close you could see the love they have for each other. Naomi was the same brash, wise crackin' gal we all love and she added color to the day's festivities. Julaine's new job at a college has been both stressful and rewarding. Teresa works at a school and I am here in CA (the left coast) doing my acting gigs and owning and working in my salon.

    We all survived the psychedelic 70's and were none worse for the wear. We were good kids and we are good adults. Like I said character doesn't change and the essence of who we were those 30 years ago was still there. We're getting older but we have all become wiser and dedicated to what we love to do in our own lives. We have taken pieces of our times together and woven them into the tapestry of the life we now live.

    We are who we are because of who we were back then.

    This has been the highlight of my year and being in theatre and on stage I have many to choose from. I came away knowing that we all are still the same people we were back then, just more polished, filled out but all the wiser. We hope to have our own mini reunions every other year visiting each friend in their town or state. We have many good years to just hang around and chat and just be us again. We will fill the Internet freeway with e-mails and IM's. There's always time for an old friend. I am truly blessed to have these wonderful friends and wonderful memories. We had a great time together in High School and each of us agreed how much it impacted upon our lives.

    So if you are thinking of not going to your own school reunion, think again. I can promise you that you will have the time of your life once again.

    With love and pride in our friendships,
    Jeffrey White - class of '73

  • HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, Class of 1961 announces a reunion.

    The date, Saturday night, May 15, 2004, at the Holiday Inn in Plainview, New York. The Holiday Inn is located at 215 Sunnyside Blvd., Exit 46 L.I.E., or Exit 38 Northern State Pkwy. The reunion committee has reserved the Hampton Ballroom from 8PM until midnight.

    The cost per person for the evening is $85.00. Included is a buffet preceded by a fruit and cheese and relish display. Included, also, is four hours of unlimited liquor.

    The Holiday Inn is accepting reservations for rooms at a guaranteed rate of $109.00 plus tax per night. Mention the 1961 HHS reunion to get this special rate when you call the Holiday Inn at 516-349-7400. For the banquet, please forward a check made payable to the Hicksville High School 1961 Class Reunion, to Michael Bisaccio, 48 Stockton Street, Brentwood, NY 11717.

    Also, please, when you send Mike your check, include a biographical sketch of your life since graduation from high school. The committee would like to create a booklet to distribute to those attending the reunion.

    We are asking all alumni to please forward the name and email address of other Hicksville alumni that you correspond with on a continuing basis. Even if you only touch base once a year, please let us know. This will go a long way in helping us promote the upcoming reunion. Send your list to anyone on the reunion committee.

    Airline reservations are up to the individual. Flights into any of the three local airports (Kennedy, La Guardia or Macarthur) are available and you should be able to get complimentary bus transportation to Holiday Inn.

    If anyone is interested, we will put you in touch with a limousine service that covers Long Island.

    Our intention is to keep everyone advised through the wonderful medium of!!! As our list of attendees grows, we will email the list to you.

    Al Stippell, a graduate of the class of 1968, will be our host disc jockey for the evening. Also, from the class of '68, Paul Korman and his Blue House Band will provide an evening of "live" music.

    We are inviting alumni from the class of 1959, 1960 and 1962 to join us for an evening of getting reacquainted. The fun will be provided by YOU.

    Thanks...and we hope to see you there.

    The Reunion Committee
    - Mike Bisaccio This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    - Bill Canham
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    - Bob Casale
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    - Lillian Manzo
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    - Mary O'Shaughnessey
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    p.s. please email your name, address, phone number and special mailing information to Bill Canham


Two things...first of all, there is a new link to the Class of 1963. I have set up an album at for Class of 1963 and have posted some pictures that appear in the Class of 1961 Yearbook...use the following link...

For the not so old, HHS Class of 1974/1975/1976....


PATTI HICKEY REES moved to Australia in 1968 when she was in the Sixth Grade... She is in a photo with other FIRST GRADE kids at East Street School in 1963. Patti is in the upper right hand corner wearing the white dress. Help by naming some of these handsome children that were her classmates.

Link to First Grade Picture East Street 1963 at

Link to Bob Casale's yahoo photos (the same photo is posted here because you can increase the size to better view the faces) 963&.dnm=Patti+Rees+1st+Grade+East+St..jpg&.src=ph

If asked for a password, use magic2272. If you get an error message, then click on the top link that says PHOTOS HOME...then scroll down photo list to find HHS Class of on that...once the photo is provided, you can click on the face of the picture to increase the size of the photo. There are other albums on my site...feel free to look at any and, if you do, please let me know your thoughts...

I have been scanning pictures from the Class of 1960 yearbook and have added them to the album at called HHS Class of 1960. There are now additional pages you can view. Use the following link...

Bob Casale, 1961


There are so many expressions we use that contain references to the word bridge.

Some examples:

  • Bridge the gap
  • Burning your bridges behind you
  • It's all water under the bridge
  • We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
  • Bridge over troubled waters

I don't know why - do you? So here's some trivia about covered bridges.

Covered Bridge Facts and Trivia

  1. Covered bridges are covered to protect the wood from rain and moisture, which prevents it from rotting.
  2. The Church Hill Road Bridge is the shortest covered bridge in the USA. It is still standing in Columbiana County, Ohio. It was built in 1875.
  3. Early covered bridges were often used as Town Halls and other meeting halls.
  4. The state of Ohio has been building brand new covered bridges...example...Charles A. Harding Memorial Bridge, in Olmsted Falls, built in 1998.
  5. Parke County, Indiana is known as the Capital Bridge County of the World, with 32 historical bridges.
  6. The Hartland covered bridge is the longest covered bridge in the world at 1,282 feet long. It is located in New Brunswick, Canada. It was built in 1921. You need to turn on your headlights to cross it.

Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956,
FL Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960, NJ
Bob Casale, 1961, HX and PA

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