Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
EDITORS' NOTE: We do not give out email addresses. If you wish to contact someone, send the newsletter a note and we will forward it to the person you wish.
November Birthdays
- 1: Joan Komar Langlois, 1961 (VA)
- 2: Patti Hickey Reese, 1975 (CA)
- 5: Lorraine Tully, 1967 (HX)
- 7: Dawn Casale (GA)
- 12: George Ritzler, 1957 (PA)
- 14: Hank Chupka, 1955 (L.I.)
- 18: Ellen Boos Bruwer, 1954 (L.I.)
- 19: Linda Frimmer Whitlock, 1958 (FL)
- 21: Pat Appleman Levitin, 1962
- 22: Joan Perduto Koudakis, 1957
- 23: Caroline Kolff VanOosterwyk Kelly (need new email address)
- 24: Noel Horowitz Heinz, 1958
- 26: Valerie Herold Chavez, 1977 (NM)
November Anniversaries
- 11/11/2002 - Vicky (Penner) and Roger Whitaker (IL)
In Memory
Jaworski, Chester Stanley
JAWORSKI-Chester Stanley of Patchogue (formerly of Hicksville) on October 16, 2003, in his 87th year. Beloved husband of Stephanie. Loving father of Chester Jr. and Brad. Fond brother of Mitchell. Cherished grandfather of four and great-grandfather of one. Reposing at Moloney's Holbrook Funeral Home, 825 Main St., Holbrook, NY where a religious service will be held Sunday evening. Funeral mass Monday 10:45 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Lake Ronkonkoma. Interment following Calverton National, Calverton, NY. Visiting Sunday, 2-4 and 7-9pm.
Published in Newsday on 10/18/2003
Chet was coach at Hicksville when I was student, football, basketball, and baseball. The old days. Then he was asst principal when I taught there 61-68. I left Hicksville and saw him at the first Rangers/Islanders game (exhibition in Nassau coll.). Leo had tickets. We were damn near last row at the top! Ants would have looked bigger! Reason I'm sending this to you is that Chet played for Rhode Island in late 30's where fast break was 'invented.'
Art Lembke, 1949
Hi All,
Just a quick note to let you know of my father's passing. If you click on the link it will take you to the obit as it was printed in this past Sunday's paper here in Connecticut.
He had been in the hospital since Labor Day (his 92nd birthday) and after 2 weeks there, elected to discontinue receiving dialysis treatments. He had been on dialysis for the past 8 1/2 years. He was transferred to the Connecticut Hospice where he passed away peacefully in his sleep 6 days later.
Phil Fulco, 1957
The Glass Menagerie Winter Concert
Just a reminder to all of you who are thinking of coming, but can't remember the date or the time or the location. So, here goes;
The Concert is on Saturday, December 13 at St. Luke's in Greenwich Village, NY. Suggested donation at the door is $15.00 a head. It is general seating, (first come, first seated). Doors open at about 7:30pm. The program is holiday oriented with the theme being psalms set to music. Works by Bernstein, Mozart, Palestrina to Bobby Mc Ferrin will be included.
I hope all of you who will be in New York at that time will consider coming to see us. I think you will have a wonderful time.
David Teitel (Tenor with the Glass Menagerie, HHS '68)
MID-LIFE CRISIS will be at Delaney's Sat Nov. 29th. So if anyone's in town for the holiday, c'mon down to say hello!! It's 99% we'll play in the big room, so there'll be 2 bars, and easier to converse!!! More info to follow in the coming weeks...also, a shout of congratulations goes out to Richie and Linda Blauvelt on the wedding of their lovely daughter, Jeannette. Food was great, music was great and the flowers (plug, plug) by Hicksville's very own Caroleanne Carney were absolutely stunning!! If you need music, call us...but for flowers, call Caroleanne @516-825-6648!! Mention us and get a better deal!!!
Anton Mure, 1968
News, Notes and Memories
In Memory of Holly;
What a wonderful legacy to have started "The Hicksville Newsletter Email" You will always be remembered for the work you have achieved!Sincerely,
Shelly (Heyman) Baron 1961 -
Thanks for the memories...
Allied Bakery...gosh I used to walk to the bakery Saturday mornings to get the good Crumb Cake...we don't have good bakeries up here in Connecticut and the Deli's....Eileen Kessler Lee, l963
I'd like to inform you of an error in your October trivia game. The correct spelling for the doctor responsible for the first successful heart transplant is Barnard, not Bernard.
Bruce C Barnard, 1975
The other Bakery on Broadway was ENGLERT'S Bakery. I love this newsletter.
Larry Senn, 1964 -
Thanks for the pictures of Lee Avenue School.... It was great; my kids actually said.... wow… Mom was young too.
Eileen Kessler Lee, 1963
Love receiving this newsletter. Thank you for all your hard work. Only fond memories prevail of my days in Hicksville. I remember walking from Summer Lane to Division Ave HS in all kinds of weather, Midway Farms, potato fields behind my house, hanging out at the West Village Green with Mike Fuchs, Mike Schura, and Marge Gorman. It was just like a "Billy Joel tune.
Eileen Walter Toscano 1959
My husband, Vic Sahadachny's birthday was Oct. 24th.
The 3rd bakery was in the Allied Shopping Center on Jerusalem Avenue and was called the Crown Bake Shop. It was my first job. I worked there from 1954 for a few years. The owner was a great guy by the name of Murray Goldman and after I closed the bakery, I would baby-sit for his children. He was also very generous with giving us goodies to take home. The policemen that patrolled our area were also "good customers". Unfortunately, he died at a very young age. I believe the bakery is still there, but I don't know if the name is the same.
It's such a shame about Holly. I didn't know her but I knew her brother, Charlie Horton. It's wonderful that you are not only continuing the newsletter, but keep on improving it with every edition. It's so nice to hear stories about our old haunts and neighbors. All your hard work is really appreciated. Keep on keepin' on!!!
Hi to All.
Arlene (Andrade) & Vic Sahadachny, 1957 -
Hi Guys!
As usual, another great edition! I was glad to see the note from Maureen Schrimpe as I remember her well. She was the best athlete in her class. Please send me her email address so I can drop her a note.
Joe Carfora, 1962Joe also sends us good news:
Dear Family and Friends,
Our daughter Kelly delivered a beautiful baby boy this evening in Denver, Colorado!! Both Mother and baby are doing great. Alan and Sharon were with her and I will follow this weekend. I can't wait to see him!! Pictures to follow.
The details:
Weighed in at 7 lbs., 12 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long (already taller than his grandpa!!). Born 6:44 p.m. MDT on Monday, October 20, 2003. The baby's name is Braden Cole Keuneke. Both Mom and Baby are doing very well!
Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Joe are very proud! It was a normal birth. Baby has a full head of brown hair, just like his two cousins, Arianna and Nicole, hasn't cried much yet and has already discovered his thumb (the Italian in him!!). Sharon says he looks like Alan. We're thankful everything went well and both Mother and baby are healthy.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and concern!
All the best,
Joe and Sharon too -
I love the pictures (in classmates.com photo albums) dedicated to Walter Weaver. My family knew them before we moved to Florida in 81'. Would you know how we could get up with his Mom or Dad, do you know them? My Mom was best friends with them and we lost touch after the years. Can you help?
Carolyn Dealy Cook, 1981
Hello and thank you for the excellent newsletters. I look forward to receiving them. I occasionally check the posts at classmates.com and have often come across links or mentions of alternate websites for Hicksville graduates. Unfortunately, these links have all been dead and I have yet to find a good one that hasn't been edited out by classmates from the posts. Can you please let me know where this site is? I decided not to renew my membership with classmates, as I was dissatisfied with their service. For the amount of $ you pay annually, you should be able to freely post email addresses and links to other sites. Heck, they will not let you update your profile or change a picture unless you pay them again.
I am sure there are many others out there in the same predicament that would love to be able to contact old classmates without having to join classmates first.
Keep up the great job,
Deb Schaller (Coppola) 1977 -
The bakery in the Allied shopping center was called Crown Bakery; I remember my mother sending us up for a "tea loaf", have never found it in another bakery though I've searched.
Carolyn Bartlett-Richman 1976
Hi again. There were 3 bakeries in Hicksville. The Just -Rite Bakery, Barenberg's and the Broadway Bakery at 83 North Broadway, known as the "Cheese Cake King of Long Island." It was around in the early 30's and closed in 1955 due to illness. It was on the corner of Broadway and Thurman Avenue. Across the street going north on the same side was Jimmy's Shell gas Station. I hope this brings back some memories for some.
Ray Feierstein, 1963
Once again you guys have done a great job. You have brought back a lot of memories. Especially Broadway before the "urban renewal." Esslinger's optometrist, Buonagura and almost across the street was Milevolte's fruits and vegetable market. Berlino's shoe repair in the store with the ramp and before that (many years) my mother and father's dairy store in the same place. Walter's confectionary was just a half a block away from Econopoly's. Sausmer's hardware and on the corner of Broadway and East Marie Street, Whalen,s (or was it Walgrin's) drug store and Marks' hardware store. Braun's butcher shop and the army and navy store. I also remember Mowen's funeral home on Barclay Street, Smith's Pharmacy, and the delicatessen next door where the Raider's Athletic Club used to hang out. Do any of you remember drinking a Roxy soda, or a beer at the Hicksville Tavern? Levitt's Saddle and Auto seat covers. I played the violin cello and Ben Levitt made me a case so I could carry it home and to school at East Street School.
Some of my best memories were of the Saturday matinees in the Hicksville Playhouse on East Marie St. That always had Halloween shows and gave prizes for costumes. Admission in those days was a dime.
Does anyone else remember when the fire department racing team won a monkey at one of their tournaments and built a huge cage behind the main fire house (in those days it was the only fire house) and we kids loved to go back and see that funny critter.
I remember in about 1943 I got an OPA priority to buy a "victory bike" with the skinny tires because I was an air raid warden messenger. I had to go to Hempstead to buy it and I remember riding it home down Hempstead Turnpike.
Thanks for the memories.
Harvey Weiss '47 -
Hi all:
I am dumbfounded that the Class of 63 did not have a 30-year reunion. Have you heard anything? I've also checked on Classmates.com.... and nothing there.
Carolyn (Wood) Imbrie, 1963
Just to let you know my folks had a bakery on the corner of Nicholai and Broadway, but we moved and they closed it probably around 1942.Still haven't found too many that graduated in 1947 and know there has never been a reunion. Does anyone there know of anyone? Sure would like to be in touch.
Great newsletter, keep up the good work.
Edith Cohn Rutel, 1947
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haller (Tom 1956 and Joy Watson 1958) live in Vero Beach, Fl. since 2002.
We moved to Milledgeville, Georgia, in 1980, when Tom was transferred from Grumman, Bethpage. In Dec. 2000, Tom retired after almost 45 years with Grumman (bought out by Northrop and then Vought) and I retired from Oconee Regional Medical Center after 20 years of employment as an RN.
We still maintain friendships with many of our HHS buddies even though they are spread over the USA. Among our Hicksville buddies are Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deiterich (Bob 1958 and Jane Schaeffler 1960) who are Vero Beach condo owners - snowbirds from December through May.
We would be very interested in a Florida reunion. Please keep me posted as to where and when.
Joy & Tom
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The reunion committee requests that you RSVP sooner than later.
HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, Class of 1961 announces a reunion.
The date, Saturday night, May 15, 2004, at the Holiday Inn in Plainview, NewYork. The Holiday Inn is located at 215 Sunnyside Blvd., Exit 46 L.I.E., or Exit 38 Northern State Pkwy.The reunion committee has reserved the Hampton Ballroom from 8PM until midnight.
The cost per person for the evening is $85.00. Included is a buffet preceded by a fruit and cheese and relish display. Included, also, is four hours of unlimited liquor.
The Holiday Inn is accepting reservations for rooms at a guaranteed rate of $109.00 plus tax per night. Mention the 1961 HHS reunion to get this special rate when you call the Holiday Inn at 516-349-7400.
For the banquet, please forward a check made payable to Michael Bisaccio, 48 Stockton Street, Brentwood, NY 11717. Mike is Treasurer for the reunion and will be collecting and depositing funds. Also, please, when you send Mike your check, include a biographical sketch of your life since graduation from high school. The committee would like to create a booklet to distribute to those attending the reunion.
We are asking all alumni to please forward the name and email address of other Hicksville alumni that you correspond with on a continuing basis. Even if you only touch base once a year, please let us know. This will go a long way in helping us promote the upcoming reunion. Send your list to anyone on the reunion committee.
Airline reservations are up to the individual. Flights into any of the three local airports (Kennedy, La Guardia or Macarthur) are available and you should be able to get complimentary bus transportation to Holiday Inn. If anyone is interested, we will put you in touch with a limousine service that covers Long Island. Our intention is to keep everyone advised through the wonderful medium of electronics...email!!! As our list of attendees grows, we will email the list to you.
Al Stippell, a graduate of the class of 1968, will be our host disc jockey for the evening. Also, from the class of '68, Paul Korman and his Blue House Band will provide an evening of "live" music.
We are inviting alumni from the class of 1959, 1960 and 1962 to join us for an evening of getting reacquainted. The fun will be provided by YOU.
Thanks...and we hope to see you there.
- The Reunion Committee
- Mike Bisaccio
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > - Bill Canham
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Bob Casale
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Lillian Manzo
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Mary O'Shaughnessey
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
p.s. please email your name, address, phone number and special mailing information to Bill Canham
Geography Trivia
Alaska, with 8, is the US state with the most national park sites.
Canada is an Indian word meaning 'Big Village'.
Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers 30,500 acres (46 square miles), making it twice the size of the island of Manhattan, New York.
Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city in the US to put fluoride in their water.
Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee.
Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14, 1900.
In the Great Seal of the US the eagle grasps 13 arrows and an olive branch.
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway at New Orleans, Louisiana, is the world's largest bridge. It is almost 24 miles (about 38 kilometers) long.
Maine is the only state in the United States whose name has one syllable.
Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 6 to 8 inches a year because it's built on top of an underground reservoir. Wells are drawing out more and more water for the city's growing population of more than 15 million people.
Mexico City is the oldest capital city in the Americas.
More water flows over Niagara Falls every year than over any other falls on earth.
Most land filled trash retains its original weight, volume, and form for 40 years.
New Jersey, with 96, is the US state with the greatest number of hazardous waste sites.
St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest city in the US.
The 1st US zoo was built in Philadelphia, PA, in 1876.
The abbreviation 'ORD' for Chicago's O'Hare airport comes from the old name 'Orchard Field.'
The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean.
The border between Canada and the U.S. is the world's longest frontier. It stretches 3,987 miles (6,416 km).
The Fresh Kills Landfill site on Staten Island, New York, opened in 1948, is the world's largest. It covers 3,000 acres and receives up to 14,000 tons of garbage a day. It is scheduled to reach capacity and close by the year 2002. (Did it?)
The Great Lakes are Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
The Great Lakes are the most important inland waterway in North America. All the lakes, except Lake Michigan, which lies entirely in the United States, are shared by the United States and Canada and form part of the border between these countries.
The Great Lakes contain 6 quadrillion gallons of fresh water, one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water. The Great Lakes are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world.
The Great Lakes have a combined area of 94,230 square miles - larger than the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Vermont combined.
The Hollywood sign was first erected in 1923. Conceived as a real estate ad, it originally read Hollywoodland. The sign stands 50 feet tall, stretches 450 feet across, and weighs 450,000 pounds.
The largest body of fresh water in the world is Lake Superior.
The largest US city in area is Juneau, Alaska, which covers 3,108 square miles. Los Angeles covers only 458.2 square miles.
The Ohio River forms at the confluence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela.
The original name of Los Angeles was El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del rio Porciuncula, translating into: The Village of our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the Porciuncula River.
The San Diego Zoo in California has the largest collection of animals in the world.
The tallest monument built in the US, the Gateway Arch, in St. Louis, Missouri, is 630 feet tall.
The US city with the highest murder rate is Detroit, with 45.3 homicides per 100,000 people.
The water in the Great Salt Lake of Utah is more than four times as salty as any ocean.
Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956, FL
Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960, NJ
Bob Casale, 1961, HX and PA