Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
HAPPY 2003!
January Birthdays
2: Tony Toscano, 1959; Eileen Walter Toscano, 1959
3: Muriel Maas Froehlich, 1955 (L.I.)
8: David Teitel, 1968; Lisa Calma Fritz, 1968
9: Arlene Andrade Sahadachny, 1957 (FL)
15: JoAnn Gorman, 1960; Susan Spector, 1962 (CA); David Spector, 1966 (FL)
18: Robert Spector, 197? (HX)
27: Mary O'Shaughnessey Cleary, 1961 (L.I)
Belated Birthday Wishes
December 18 - Carol Wills Erlwein, 1959 (NY & FL)
January 13, 1968 - Eileen (Casale) and Jim Mahan (NV)
Trivia Quiz
Trivia Number 1: Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco are all considered:
- Commonwealths
- Principalities
- Confederations
- Republics
Trivia Number 2: In legend, Lady Godiva rode naked through this English town:
- Plymouth
- Leeds
- Birmingham
- Coventry
Trivia Number 3: The Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland are located on what sea?
- Adriatic
- Celtic
- Sargasso
- Baltic
Trivia Number 4: From a place in this country, you can spot both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans:
- Costa Rica
- Alaska
- Brazil
- Cuba
Trivia Number 5: Which country is incorrectly matched with its capital city?
- Denmark - Copenhagen
- Portugal - Lisbon
- Greece - Athens
- Belgium - Vienna
Trivia Number 6: What country was once known as New Holland?
- Zambia
- Canada
- Australia
- Nigeria
Trivia Answers
- Trivia 1: Principalities
- Trivia 2: Coventry
- Trivia 3: Baltic
- Trivia 4: Costa Rica
- Trivia 5: Belgium - Vienna
- Trivia 6: Australia
A Brief of St. Igatius Loyola R.C. Church, Hicksville, N.Y., USA
Births, deaths, and marriages are important dates to us all. However, to those that have celebrated these events at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Hicksville, NY they are all a part of a long history.
August 21, 1859 the cornerstone was laid for a 25 by 50 foot church that had the capacity of 100 persons. Thanks to the generosity of Henry and Elizabeth Pasker, who deeded two lots to the Church, the Parish of St. Ignatius Loyola had its first structure with a resident pastor. That pastor's name was Father Ignatius Theodore Goetz. This Church served the parishioners for 32 years. In 1891 it was moved to make way for a new edifice. It served as a Parish Hall for 15 more years until it was taken down to make way for the first school.
Interesting note, in 1872 the Sunday collections averaged between three and four dollars and Seat Money was often paid with a bushel of potatoes or vegetables enough to supply meals for a few days.
The Church grew by leaps and bounds and on July 4th 1891 the cornerstone was laid for a new Church measuring 40 x 96 feet with a spire 110 feet high. It had a seating capacity of 400. It was then that the Pastor, Father Lawrence Fuchs decided that the Church should have a new bell weighing 755 pounds to give a strong new voice to St. Ignatius for the Community.
Note the names of the donors; Henry C. Stolz, William Braun, Sebastian Braun, Valentine Lottermann and August Scheiber. Many of these families had a long history in Hicksville, there many be some decendents there today.
If you are a decendent of the original members of The Church, from present on back to 1859, the Hicksville Newsletter would like to hear your memories or passed on memories of St. Ignatius Loyola or as affectionately known by some "St. Iggy's", Let's hear from you.
Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960
News and Notes
Well, The Glass Menagerie Winter concert for 2002 is history, and the reviews are in. This was undoubtedly our best effort to date. For those of you who made it there, you know what a wonderful time it was. And for you who didn't make it, (and you know who you are), the next best thing is here. The concert CD's are now available at the incredibly reasonable price of $10.00. If anyone would like a copy for themselves or for gifts, please contact me via e-mail and order as many as you want.
Send me a check, money order, travelers cheque, cash, euros, whatever, for $10.00/disc and a Dollar for each disk for postage.
I will do my very best to get them out to you before Christmas, but if you really need them, you might want to consider 1 or 2 day delivery which would cost a bit more. Let me know, we'll work it out.
David Teitel, 1968,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Editors' note: This was received 12/19 but you may still contact David and he will tell you where to send your remittance.) - Helen Penner Ackerman, 1956 sends a link to an interesting article about Hicksville and cancer:
Memories - Summer of 1961
by Bob Casale
My thoughts drift back to the summer of 1961.
Registration for Troy State College in Alabama was finalized. During the latter part of August, I would journey south to start college. My thought was to get some needed cash for the school year, so I took temporary employment that summer at O.E. McIntyre, the mail order house on Cantiague Rock Road in Hicksville. The only problem was that they were only hiring temps to work the "GRAVEYARD SHIFT." It was less than exciting, but it was only temporary.
One evening, just after our break, someone discovered a cache of material that had been misplaced. This stuff was important and it was scheduled for production several days earlier, but the temporary misplacement screwed things up. They worked drastically to change several machines that collated items that were put into envelopes for mailing. My job would have been to move the material into position so it could be readied for the machines. Their efforts were envious, but the time for a shift change was approaching rapidly. The machines were readied just as the night shift ended, so my monstrous job was relegated to someone on the day crew. I was "SAVED BY THE BELL!"
At the end of most shifts, regardless of being tired, several of us would journey to the Empire Diner for breakfast. One morning, I walked in and said good morning to a waitress whose name I cannot remember. She stopped me in my tracks and said an eerie thing to me.
"Bobby," she said. "You're not going to believe this but there was a guy in here 15 minutes ago that was a "DEAD RINGER" for you." I found that hard to believe, but they say there is someone, somewhere, that is your clone.
The reason for the above is an introduction to words that have entered the English language via strange avenues. Those capitalized words have an origin and it's interesting, to say the least. Centuries ago, England was tiny and getting overpopulated, and they began running out of places to bury people.
It became necessary to dig up existing coffins. Once this was accomplished, they would take their bones away and reuse the graves. In reopening the coffins, they found that one of every twenty-five had scratch marks on the inside. It was then realized that they had been burying people alive.
So they began tying a string around the buried person's wrist that led up through the coffin to a bell that was hung near to the gravesite. The person inside the casket could ring the bell if he or she awoke. Someone, of course, would have to sit out in the graveyard to listen for any bells. Hence the "GRAVEYARD SHIFT."
In this way, they would know if someone were to be "SAVED BY THE BELL" or was indeed already a "DEAD RINGER."
Links - Updated and Reprinted
- Robin Jacobson ('71) invites you to check out the website for her small press, which lists info about current and upcoming publications, as well as literary competitions: http://www.truenorthpress.com
- http://antonnews.com/ A local L.I. newspaper on line.
http://www.news12.com A local L.I. TV station.
- http://www.hicksvillechamber.com
For more Hicksville history check out http://www.nassaucountyhistoricalsociety.org/
Nassau County has just recently re-assessed all the property in the county and has made this information available at a special web site: http://www.mynassauproperty.com If you know the address, you can find information about a particular
property -
http://www.rwhit.com Vicky Penner (1958) and Roger Whitaker
Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956, FL
Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960, NJ
Bob Casale, 1961, HX and PA