Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors: | |
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 | Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60 |
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 | Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61 |

To contact the editors, email
Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays.
The newsletter seems shorter than usual. People must be busy with holiday preparations. After removing 6 names from the list because they came back unknown and adding new members, our distribution is now 497.
December Birthdays
- ?: Anne Sullivan Kinsella, 1959 (HX) (need email address)
- 1: Kathy "Cookie" Koziuk Hannaman, 1960 (FL); Jim Wise, 1958 (TX)
- 3: Bob Casale, 1961 (HX & PA); Ruth Olsen Collins, 1956 (L.I.)
- 13: "Murry" Dalaimo (need new email address)
- 18: James Gorman, 1966; Carol Wills Erlwein, 1959 (NY & FL)
- 21: Susan Handwerk Ackerman, 1975
- 27: Marilyn Bowles Nejman, 1966
Belated Happy Birthday Wishes
- Paul L. Korman, November 26th.
December Anniversaries
- 12/5/1981 - Kathy "Cookie" (Koziuk) and Roy Hannaman (FL)
News, Notes and Memories
Was sorry to hear of the passing of coach Jaworski. I have a lot of memories of him as our baseball and football coach. The one memory I will never forget was when I broke my finger during football practice in my freshman year. Trying to console me (with the tip of my finger hanging on by a thread) as he drove me to the doctor he said, look at me Charlie I have broke almost all my fingers playing sports. Also when you have grandchildren you can tell them you broke it making the touchdown that won a big game. Of course as everyone knows I didn't go out for football after that.
Charlie Cava class of '55 Ocala, Florida
The article on Chet Jaworski was a FWD from John Ennis '50. I should have mentioned that in the FWD. Could you make a correction in your next Newsletter? I don't want classmates thinking I was a teacher at Hicksville High.
ArtArt is referring to the following:
Chet was coach at Hicksville when I was student, football, basketball, and baseball. The old days. Then he was asst principal when I taught there 61-68. I left Hicksville and saw him at the first Rangers/Islanders game (exhibition in Nassau coll.). Leo had tickets. We were damn near last row at the top! Ants would have looked bigger! Reason I'm sending this to you is that Chet played for Rhode Island in late 30's where fast break was 'invented.'
Art Lembke, 1949
Maybe one of you can answer a question for us. My husband & I were trying to remember a popular restaurant on Hempstead Tpk. I think it was in Levittown. There was Francesco's, Burelli's & that other one. I think it was Italian & it is no longer in business. I do remember going on a date there & getting steak & lobster. So maybe it was a steak & seafood restaurant. It was there many years.
Hope you can solve this one for us.
Mary Ann (Walkowski) Westervelt, 1976 -
My name is Bob Wesley (Gleason) and I finished schooling at Hicksville High on Division Ave in 1961. I have traveled the world as a professional entertainer, and now reside in Dannemora, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains. I have a Web site about our little town and you may find it interesting: http://home.earthlink.net/~junibob
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Richard Maus, class of 1956?
I remember him from Nicholai St. School 4th grade especially. He had a front desk and every time Mrs. Miller got upset, she would bang a ruler on Ritchie's desk.
Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956
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Hi folks. Someone had forwarded your newsletter to me and I was wondering if I could get on your distribution list. My name is Ira Woods and I graduated Hicksville High in '67. It's great to be able to connect to old friends and fond memories. If you need more information please let me know. Thanks!
All the best,
Ira Woods, 1967PS- I heard that someone who subscribes to the newsletter has been attempting to get a reunion together for those of us living on the West Coast. Would you know who this person is? I would like to contact him/her and discuss some ways we can make this happen.
Trivia Quiz
1. What animal does Julia imitate to make Joan Cusack happy in RUNAWAY BRIDE?
- Duckbill Platypus
- Ostrich
- Bunny Rabbit
- Puppy Dog
2. In the film ERIN BROCKOVICH, Julia makes a comment about a famous doughnut chain towards Ed's secretary? Which doughnut chain was it?
- Dunkin Donut
- Krispy Kreme
- Hostess
- Winchells
3. In PRETTY WOMAN, what does Vivian do to her boots, in the opening montage, before putting them on?
- Colors them with a black marker
- Buffs Them
- Colors them in with shoe polish
- Buys them
4. In THE MEXICAN, what song is playing in the car while Julia is driving by herself, before James Gandolfini kidnaps her?
- Night and Day
- These Boots Are Made For Walking
- The Lady Is A Tramp
- Grease
5. A type of symbiosis in which both partners benefit from living together?
- Hypha
- Budding
- Cilia
- Mutualism
6. A chemical that makes the walls ridged?
- Cellulose
- Chloroplast
- Chlorophyll
- Frond
7. A boundary that surrounds the cell membrane and separates the cell from the environment?
- Cellulose
- Gametophytes
- Cell Wall
- Rhizoid
8. In the Lois and Clark TV show what was Clark's middle name?
- Jerome
- Jerry
- James
- Joel
9. Who is the only Lois Lane to star opposite two Supermen?
- Terri Hatcher
- Margot Kidder
- Noel Neill
- Phyllis Coates
10. What character did Jack Larson, Jimmy Olsen of the '50s TV series, play in an episode of Lois & Clark?
- Perry White's Brother
- Jimmy Olsen's Grandfather
- Jimmy Olsen
- A News Vendor
Answers to Trivia Quiz
- A. Duckbill Platypus
- B. Krispy Kreme
- A. Colors them with a black magic marker
- B. These Boots Are Made For Walking
- D. Mutualism
- A. Cellulose
- C. Cell Wall
- A. Jerome
- C. Noel Neill
- C. Jimmy Olsen
Newsletter Spotlight
This month we continue the Gerard Dombrowsky Spotlight we left off with in October.
Suddenly, the building collapsed with the floors above the firefighters cascading down pinning them under mounds of rubble.
The painstaking task of extricating the trapped men ended with the successful removal of Jerry and five of his fellow firefighters.
The injuries to Jerry were serious and included a broken wrist, broken nose, crushed arm, muscle, and ligament and tendon damage. Additionally, he had a severed brachial artery, a very serious head injury and various cuts and abrasions all over his body. A dedicated team of surgeons spent the next several hours restructuring the nerves in his arms and setting all his broken bones.
Three months of hospital time were required while the mending continued. The extensive stay in the hospital was followed by daily physical therapy. The therapy was needed just to get him mobile once again. Jerry was advised he would never have complete use of his arm and they recommended him for retirement from the NYFD. Jerry, however, was determined to return to his job. He worked very hard and, after two years of rehabilitation, was reinstated to the department. Jerry felt comfortable knowing he would once again be part of the sustained effort at protecting the community he cared about.
A new program was established called Hospital Emergency Liaison Personnel (HELP). Jerry's duties were to visit fellow firefighters that were hospitalized. He would help the firefighter and his immediate family at coping with their injuries. Throughout the time he was working with HELP, jerry continued a regimen of physical therapy that allowed him to be returned to full, active duty as a firefighter.
Jerry continued to achieve. He became an EMT for the First Responder program, one of the first in the department to serve in this position. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1985 and then to Captain in 1990. In addition, Jerry volunteers as a fireman in his hometown of Ronkonkoma, Long Island.
After the events of September 11, 2001, Jerry suffered the loss of fellow firefighters and friends but continues to make a positive difference in the world.
He formed an on going committee in the NYFD to help widows and their families with chores and household repairs. He is also involved in many other volunteer efforts in both his hometown and his Brooklyn firehouse community.
Jerry has lived an exemplary life of service to his community and serves as an extraordinary example of a man who refused to give up on life. When speaking to Hicksville graduates, he shared with them his philosophy on life. He told graduates to always have a positive attitude and never give up. He also reminded them, "Life is precious. Enjoy your lives and live them to the fullest. Remember to give as much as you get out of life." Is there a better outlook on life?? I don't think so.
Partially reprinted from the UFSD Bulletin Board Summer 2003 VOL. II, Issue #38
Hicksville High School Alumni, Class of 1953, Celebrates 50th Anniversary
The Hicksville High School Class of 1953 gathered at the Split Rock Resort, Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania, on September 16th to 19th, 2003, to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. And celebrate we did!
We traveled from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, Virginia, Florida, Texas and California. Classmate, Don Rusch (brother of the late Ray Rusch, former HHS Principal) had been the organizing force behind class reunions every five or ten years at various northeast locations. At our 40th, Don was looking forward to 2003, our 50th reunion. Sadly, Don died on March 29, 1996. His widow, Sally, passed Don's records on to Roberta (Sipf) Obermeyer who along with Pat (Lenzner) Caruso began plans for our 50th reunion.
An initial letter was sent to all alumni on record, soliciting interest in a 50th reunion. A list of missing alumni was included requesting help in locating them. Contacting the surviving classmates was a time consuming process. Don's records provided a significant base, but were at least seven years old. The Internet and e-mail-unknown in 1953-provided much help in updating names and addresses. Of 195 classmates, we were able to locate 115, (55 on Long Island). We learned that at least 20 classmates died over the past fifty years. Forty-one classmates attended the reunion plus guests and five alumni from other classes from 1944 to 1956 for a total attendance of 77.
Planned to be relaxed and casual, there was no agenda for the three days except for dinner together each evening in a private dining room. After dinner, Steve Moddle was an excellent emcee as he presided over the informal reminiscences from some classmates. Ruben Callejas read two timely messages. When he finished, he asked if anyone knew the authors. Getting no response, he said the first was by Dr. Erie H. LeBarron, Superintendent of Schools and the second by Mabel R. Farley, our Principal. The readings were from our 1953 Comet yearbook. He asked how many years passed before we appreciated these fine mentors.
Bob and Joan Stiehler had visited with Sally Rusch in Virginia. Sally gave Don's memorabilia from our days at Hicksville High School to Bob to be given away at the 50th reunion. Among the items was a 1953 hardcover edition of the Comet Yearbook in mint condition. It was an emotional moment when it went to a classmate who did not have a yearbook. Other items were distributed via raffle tickets, i.e., HHS socks, hats, HHS letters.. Classmate, Marcella Yenick, a professional artist from Sag Harbor, donated a watercolor scene for the raffle. Other classmates brought copies of the Comet school newspaper from the fifties free to whoever wanted them.
A twenty-foot wall contained dozens of photos from parties, proms and beach days. Steve called members of the football team and the cheerleaders to come up for a photo session. The "cheerleaders" did a very brief routine accompanied by much whistling and laughter.
Pat Lenzner Caruso and Roberta Sipf Obermeyer received a standing ovation when presented with a plaque in appreciation of their many hours of work in planning and organizing our 50th Reunion. They graciously acknowledged the accolades including their husbands, Vinnie Caruso and Bob Obermeyer who assisted them. They said the obvious success was due to all who responded and was beyond their expectations.
Memories revived, addresses and phone numbers exchanged and friendships renewed sum up the best of our reunion to date. The torch was passed to Bob and Joan Stiehler to organize the next reunion for the Class of 1953 in 2005. Hopefully, those who could not attend this year's reunion will join us in 2005.
Denward W. Collins, Jr., Class of 1953
Dear Classmates… (Class of 1961+)
We know it's awhile until the reunion next May, but it's not too early to obligate or at least say, "I might make it." We are starting a listing of those who have said yes…some have already paid…. Here we go…
- Mike Bisaccio
- Bill Canham
- Bob Casale
- Linda D'Amato (Liparota)
- Pat Hunchick (Sadowski)
- Elaine Krauss (O'Neill)
- Lillian Manzo (Ramirez)
- Rob McCotter
- Mary O'Shaughnessey (Cleary)There are many suggesting they might be there but nothing positive yet. Drop a note to anyone on the reunion committee.
- Mike BisaccioThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Bill CanhamThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Bob CasaleThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Lillian ManzoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Mary O'ShaughnesseyThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pat Koziuk Driscoll, 1956, FL
Linda Piccerelli Hayden, 1960, NJ
Bob Casale, 1961, HX and PA