Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A very special thank you to all the veterans. Without you we would not be able to continue to celebrate Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

"Hey kids, what time is it?"

On Tuesday, June 5, 2001 Howdy Doody was joined by his long time sidekicks - Flub-A-Dub, Dilly Dally, Inspector John J. Fadoozle, Princess Summerfall Winterspring and Phineas T. Bluster - at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, per Associated Press.

Many of us remember watching them on that little black and white TV every afternoon before dinner. Their human friends, Buffalo Bob Smith (1917-1998) and Clarabell the Clown (Bob Keeshan, later Captain Kangaroo) are remembered fondly by many of us. I have a vague memory of someone telling me that Willard Scott also donned Clarabell's costume. Does anyone else remember this?

Those infant days of live TV brought some unplanned events into our homes. My grandmother and her friends watched wrestling. Well, they really got involved in their viewing ... they yelled, they jumped up and down, which usually made the rest of the family go out for a Carvel! I didn't enjoy wrestling then and I don't like it now but I did enjoy watching the announcer, Dennis James, doing the beer commercials. He actually drank the beer during the commercial and by the end of the show was often too drunk to speak clearly!


Memories and Comments

  • Does anyone remember the Mid Island Bowling Alley on Broadway Hicksville? The "in" place for bowling (sometimes) and fast cars (all the time). The place to be seen in your 409 Chevy, 63 Corvettes, GTO, 442 Olds, 413 Dodge Ramchargers, and 401 Fords etc..... I remember when you could drop the clutch at the South end of the bowling alley at the light on Broadway and go through all four gears by the time you come to (the then) 2nd police precinct on the West side of Broadway near the northern state parkway. Today there is no more Mid Island bowl, and your lucky to get your car out of first gear,( that's if you still drive a stick shift car).

    Charles Orrico, class of 1959

  • Its great to hear Eileen and Tony are still celebrating too - My HHS "sweetheart" and I will be married 41 yrs this Sunday 6/3, we too smile when we start remembering the Sweet Shop on Broadway Hicksville. Happy Anniversay to us all. Love the newsletter.

    Lynne Boardman/Walter Lehmann

  • This is so funny. Henry Ristow played baseball with my brother Niel - I think it was for the Connie Mack League - this was a real long time ago. Have you heard or talked to him? Is he on your mailing list? This really brought back memories. WOW~~~ Thanks - I haven't thought about these times much for the last 45 years. Thanks for these memories.

    Arlene(Chris)Andrade Kamen, '57


I have the sad task of reporting the passing of a friend and a HHS alum. Kevin (Doc) Russell, class of 67, died suddenly on the morning of June 6, 2001. He leaves behind a wife of 30 years, Fran, (nee Burnet HHS '69), and two daughters, one 20 and the other 16.

Kev and I were good friends in high school and for a few years there after. We drifted apart as some often do, but were reconnected this past winter by a mutual friend. I was just getting to know him again. Kev was one of about seven or eight of us that spent almost every free moment together from our high school days till nearly the end of college.

He will be deeply missed by his friends old and new and, of course, by his family. One of his best qualities was his laugh which was quick and genuine. He was sincere and upfront when he dealt with people. I loved him then, I love him now. went too soon, good-bye my friend.

David Teitel

News of Note

Gene Nye, '57, has spent his life in the NY theater; actor, director, playwright. Now he has written a novel. His book, "Behind the Port Authority", is available online at He has another coming out in a few months but did not mention the title.


  • Received the following information from Richie Gallagher who is a member of the reunion committee for the class of 1956:

    The 45th reunion will be on Saturday, November 10, 2001 at the K of C hall on Heitz Place in Hicksville, NY. It will be a buffet with beer, wine and soda on the tables. A cash bar will be available. The cost is $40 per person. The party will go from 8:00 pm to Midnight.

  • From Mary O'Shaughnessy Cleary, '61:

    Please let everyone know from the Class of 61 that I have not been able to put a reunion together. It has been a very busy year personally and I have not been able to get motivated enough to get it started. I know time is running out and if anyone wants to run with it let me know and I will help in any way I can. I am really sorry that I haven't been much of a help.

  • Does anyone know of reunion plans for the class of 1957? If so, please let us know.

Update on Peter Sirkin

Greetings again from the East Coast...

...and I am hoping that this will be my last communication until my feet are firmly planted back atop California soil! Yes, it is true! We will be leaving tomorrow afternoon, Friday, the 15th of June, after approximately 33 glorious days basking in the Florida sun (I have never been whiter!).

Seriously, we will be leaving from Miami airport at approximately 3:00PM, Florida time, and we should be arriving at John Wayne Airport at about 7:00PM, California time. Peter will be transported to the plane via ambulance and we will meet him there. His good friend and the owner of Lonestar Restaurants, Jamie Coulter, is sending his plane to take us home.

We will then be transporting Peter to St. Judes Rehabilitation in Fullerton (thank you Debbie Jusidman for the referral), where he will begin his next phase of recovery. Not sure of how long he will be there, but they anticipate anywhere from 2-3 weeks. He will also be having the skin graft on his foot at some point soon down the line. I know he is extremely excited about coming home, and will want to see all of you, but please remember how sick he has been, and if we can try not to overwhelm him on his first days back at rehab, he would appreciate it. He still isn't sleeping, and has a long haul ahead of him. Please feel free to call me at home 858-3133 or on my cell, 636-1966 for updates.

We are so grateful to all of you who stayed in touch, visited us, and supported us in so many ways throughout these past (almost) 5 weeks! I don't think I can ever truly express how much it has really meant to us. I want to thank all of you for all your love, prayers, and continuing support. I hope to see all of you when we return home to California.

Again, thanks, and I am off to pack!

With much love,

In Search Of

  • Hi everyone, Send me e-mail addresses for other friends from 1972-1974. I want to compile a book of where are they now. I need photos especially. I will send out a questionnaire and hope you all can fill it out and return to me. Just fun facts and catching up. Please let me know of any other classmates that you may have contact with

    Jeff White
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Arlene "Chris" Andrade Kamen '57 is searching for Judy Muller, Bette Goldman and Barbara Hessner.

Follow Up

There's an interesting side story to the article "Track men Show Well" written by Walter Pollack about the Port Washington Invitation.

We really didn't have much of a track team at the time. Our baseball teams were near the top or on top,always, in the late fifties and early sixties. Most guys who would have had successful track careers, opted to play baseball. That is one reason why Brad Jaworski wore two jerseys during the 1960 season...he was a terrific broad jumper and hop step and jumper...but was an excellent hardball player at the same time. He helped us out on many occasions by scoring points in various competition while he continued pumping out doubles and triples on the ball field. He was one of perhaps 6 or 7 guys that participated in the Port Invitation. They didn't want to give us a bus, so it was each man getting to Port Washington on his own. Now the side story starts.

Mr Bowers and Mr Earl decided they would drive me down to Port that Saturday morning. I can remember getting a late start from the high school because someone wasn't on time. Mr Bowers was moving along at a good pace with Mr Earl giving directions. I can remember getting off the expressway onto the service road and driving along for awhile. Mr Earl told Mr Bowers to make a right onto Lakeville Road and we wound up in Great Neck. I can remember them cutting across a back way that finally got us to the high school. I like to warm up for a half hour before a race, doing stretches, etc. I had about 15 total minutes and my heat in the 100 was called. I wasn't totally warmed but had to run. I won the heat but felt a strange sensation in my hamstring. About an hour later, I ran a heat in the 220 with my leg wrapped and coated with analgesic balm. I won the heat in the 220. The finals were scheduled for the afternoon. I went to a friends house (Fred Henry) who ran for Port Washington and just relaxed for a few hours. I won the 100 but wound up second in the 220...beaten by guess who??? Fred Henry. Do you think he sabotaged my lunch???

Bob Casale '61

Pat Koziuk '56
Linda Piccerelli '60
Bob Casale '61

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