Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of
Hicksville High School Hicksville, New York
The Editors:
Buffalo Bob Casale '61 Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden '60
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll '56 Bob (Gleason) Wesley '61
Contributing Editors: Bob Gillette & Walter Schmidt
Webmaster: Roger Whitaker

To contact the editors, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From the Editors:

Heartfelt thanks to all of you who sent a message to Jim Barksdale, CEO of Netscape. Linda and I were deeply touched by your support.

As you read this, the address book data base has been rebuilt, kinda! There are undoubtly errors. Also, there are about 60 fictitious names, mostly from Holly's original list. Please send a short note to us at the addresses at the end of this newsletter to report duplicates, updates, errors, changes or if you wish to unsubscribe.

Someday we will would like to do a special edition on "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" and New and Improved.
Pat and Linda



Wow, talk about a lesson in humility! Those photos of the 1973 graduation sure taught me one, by humiliation. When Steve Reden suggested the idea of putting the photos on Yahoo, it sounded great and so easy. Then I again had to learn just how much I don't know. Thanks for sticking with me through this learning experience. Hopefully, all is working smoothly now. I have added another album with photos sent by Tony and "Clem" (Carolyn Baldwin, '61) Moors. Thank you both. I did have to remove all punctation before Yahoo would upload the files so the titles are not the way any teacher would approve.



  • From June Olsen Cullen, '58

I loved Vicky's Home Ec story. I can still picture Miss Clark, and I'm sure she was Miss, not Mrs.! Humorless and high-strung is what I remember. It sure would have put her over the edge to have Vicky ace the exam!

  • Hi Linda,

I read about Tommy Woodruff having surgery. I had seen his name listed in but he never answered when people inquired about him. He was a friend of mine in high school, if you contact him please tell him Dana wishes him a speedy recovery and we are thinking about him.

You are doing a great job with the newsletter. Keep up the good work.

Happy New Year.

Your almost cousin,
Dana Hayden


>From Kathy (Cookie) Koziuk Hannaman, '60:

Are they still doing the daisy chain? I can remember helping my sister pick the daisies and braiding them for her graduation in 1956 - but for the life of me I can't remember if we had a daisy chain in 1960.

>From June Olsen Cullen, '58:

Is that last photo a daisy chain? I thought that tradition died years before, I remember it from classes before mine. It was beautiful!


  • Hi Pat...

Please post this with the next newsletter...

It was September 6, 1961, and a brilliant sun was coming up in the Eastern sky. The red and white 1956 Chevrolet made a right turn off Glenbrook Road onto the old, two lane, Newbridge Road. The car headed north toward the old train station with a driver and one passenger. The car passed Old Country Road and the road curved to the right and ended at Jerusalem Avenue. Just before Jerusalem, on the left hand side, was a cinder covered parking lot that was on the south side of the train tracks.

The old, quaint, train station was on a raised platform on the north side of the tracks. The building, though old, was in fairly good condition. The two people in the car exited and walked across the tracks and up the little incline to the platform. The younger of the two went into the station and purchased a one way ticket to Manhattan. He walked back to the spot where a man, slightly older, stood looking east to see if he could see the approaching train. He heard the whistle blowing in the distance and thought that the train was passing through Bethpage and would soon be into Hicksville. The two exchanged words and then just stood waiting as the train slowed at the curve and crawled into the station. They embraced and the young boy kissed the man, then stepped up and onto the train. As the train was pulling away, the two waved goodbye.

That was the day I was off to join the navy. It's a long time ago but the memory is etched in my brain. My father was much the same as other fathers with certain unique qualities. I inherited some of his qualities and try to live my life as he led his with a lot of respect and consideration for others. Many of you knew my dad from seeing him at track meets, at ball games and at our home on Edgewood Drive when he invited half the neighborhood for hamburgers and hot dogs. He was also the guy who probably drove half the kids in Hicksville to one place or another...whether it be to the roller rink in Levittown, the old
Hicksville movie or to some school function. My father was a designated driver and he loved doing it because it made him feel secure.

My dad lives in Las Vegas and has been sick for awhile. The doctors gave him approximately six months to live because cancer had invaded his body. I had reservations to fly to Vegas tomorrow to see's been awhile since we've been together.

My dad, Dave Casale, passed away in his sleep yesterday. Dad, I love you and am sorry I missed you...but I'll see you down the road...

Thanks....Warm Regards....
Bob Casale

  • From Hillary Vanscoy

I am a graduate of 63'and remember when the area just south of Northern State and the Expressway was a large field of corn. As a kid I used to bring home some for dinner quite often. I also remember when the area now occupied by Red Lobster, etc. was a field that was leveled to build a bowling alley (which we promptly used as an indoor playground prior to completion).

  • Thanks to Jeffrey White '73 for the following:

I can honestly say that my years at Hicksville High were some of the best years of my life. I reunited with 3 close friends at the mega reunion in Sept. We had not seen or spoken with each other in 27 years. It was like we never lost touch. And now we will not ever again. We are in constant concert by e-mail, snail mail and visiting. I have been blessed with a wonderful life but this has made it even more so. I also reunited by e-mail with 10 other classmates. It is great to see where everyone is and what has happened in their lives. I can't get enough.

Seeing names I had forgotten and the memories flood back. The theater productions, the orchestra, classes, the fun times, the parties and all our dreams we shared with each other. We pretty much all accomplished what we set out to do. I am only sorry for not keeping in touch with these dear friends. There's not a day that goes by now without receiving an e-mail from a high school friend. I run to check and see who has been added.

Even though I am in California and most of my friends are in New York it doesn't feel like any distance at all. We can keep up with our families and what's happening. I never get tired of hearing what they have to say. I look forward to my annual trip back to New York so we can all spend several days together. We may all look a little more mature but we are the same since the last day we saw each other in 1973. They have the same humor, personalities and compassion they did years ago. I am so proud of all of them and their lives. The 70's were a turbulent time but we all made it unscathed and intact. We were good kids and had great times together.

I thank God for giving me back the best friends I have ever had.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., class of 1973

P.S. Now there are a couple of more people I would like to find. If you know of their whereabouts please contact me.

  • Sally Sharp '74
  • Jane Lamberti '73
  • Diane Lobel '73
  • Naomi Grunt '73
  • Mark Kasman '74
  • Brian Smith '74
  • Penny Bartel '73
  • Diana Barnett '73
  • Dave Mazarus '73
  • John Wicks '73


Links, Etc.

  • Olga Yarish Jordan sent a copy of "The Hicksville Illustrated News" and I really enjoyed reading it. Subscriptions are available for 1 yr...$18, 2 yrs...$31, 3 yrs...$42 PLUS $20 per year for delivery out of Nassau County.

Send to:
132 East Second Street
PO Box 1578
Mineola, NY 11501
Phone: (516) 747-8282
Fax: (516) 742-5867


  • FROM: Dale Bennett '66

My wife (Linda Fichter '65) and I are active in the NorthWest Civic Association of Hicksville and have a web site at . We have been collecting copies of photos of our section of Hicksville to publish in our newsletter and on the web site under the banner "Looking Back in the NorthWest."

Do you have any photos to share? You know the ones that take us back to the "good ole days" ~ Fairway Farms, early Spiegel Houses, local farms, parties, community events, cars, trains, Jones Institute to name a few. We have started an archive of these photos on the web site. These times may be gone but not forgotten. Can you help us?

  • Carl (Chris) Calma 1976 wrote, "To all who knew and loved Dennis Calma (class of '73) I dedicate this space in his memory. We will always miss him."

  • In Memory of Jeanne Neumann Praus, class of 1956 who passed away December 1999 and Lee Sadler, class of 1956 who passed away January 2001.


  • If anyone is going to be near Menifee CA around Feb 15th check our Hicksville High's (Class of '73) own Jeff White in The Sound Of Music - details below. Come on folks, one of you must be traveling on business out that way - we need a Theater Critic and must support our own.


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Menifee CA is proud to present The Sound Of Music starring Kathy McGregor and Jeffrey White, Jessica Hayes, Suzie DeSaulniers, Brett Grunow, Meagan Nowicki, Sara-Rachel Grunow, Andrew Lawson, and introducing Annalise Lamothe as Gretl and Pat Proud, Dennis Beabout, Sissy Hayes, Jordan Manley, Irene Turner, Dan Schmolesky, Ruth Melsbach, Jenny Lawson, Ruth Melsbach with Blair Lamothe, Ernie Robbins, Bob Boettcher, Billie Boettcher, Melissa Lamothe, Rosemary Perry, Betty Rentie, Carol Soti, Dottie Robbins, Elizabeth van Manen, Faith Flemmons, and Liz Fernhaber.

February 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 @ 8:00 PM
February 17 & 24 @ 2:00 PM
Tickets - $5.00 general admission
Kids three and under - FREE!
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
2680 Newport Road
Menifee CA 92584

  • Back Issues of the newsletter are available. We started this newsletter in October after the sudden death of Holly Horton, in her memory. We did keep
    a copy of Holly's last issue. Just drop a note to Linda or Pat by clicking on their names, below.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Florida
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., New Jersey



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