Wayne Sternberger, Class of 1971
I graduated from Hicksville High School in June 1971. There are a few pictures of me from my time at HHS and HJHS, but they are few and far between. This was largely due to me taking pictures of everyone else. I had a couple of cameras, lots of film, and a basement darkroom. And, because this was long before the world was colorized, my photos were black and white. Fortunately for me, the memories are still in vivid color.
I was on the audio-visual squad in Jr. High and High School, so I was also behind the projector, on the PA system, and making copies of handouts and tests. I was at sporting events, pep rallies, dances, class elections, school board meetings, and other parts of our HHS existence. While we all witnessed the world changing, I had the photographic “evidence.” And I wanted to share some of that in the form of photos that I unearthed while sorting through more than 50 years of what I call collectibles and my wife (Shari Stockinger Sternberger, HHS ’71) would call clutter. These photos didn’t make it into the yearbook—for good reason—yet probably have meaning for many of us.
I suppose our parents expected school to provide academic and vocational preparation for our futures primarily. We were more likely to embrace school for the social and extracurricular activities. I want to share some of the memories I captured in the pictures I took. While they reflect a small, finite period in the history of HHS, I’m sure that HHS classmates of all ages can share the nostalgia.
Performing Arts – my umbrella for orchestra, band, chorus, and drama.
Teachers Arnold, Crucilla, & ButticeOne of my favorite shots encompasses most of the performing arts at once and captures Chuck Arnold (chorus), Joseph Crucilla (drama), and Thomas Buttice (orchestra) at a play rehearsal.
What follows are other Performing Arts photos, specifically those from music: the Stage Band, led by J. David Abt, at a concert, the marching band relaxing during an outdoor event, and miscellaneous photos. Next month, the plays will be highlighted! Take a look, and you may see someone you know or remember!
Teacher Abt & Stage Band
Marching Band at Outdoor Event
Miscellaneous Photos