First Computer Called the "ENIAC" (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Editor note...my dad went to school at Fort Belvoir in Virginia in the 1950's to learn this system. Then went back to the Army Pictorial Center in Astoria and installed ENIAC then created a computerized payroll system. The hardware was stored in the basement and was about as extensive as the hardware shown above.

First Olympics in 1896 featuring the First Marathon

The First Walmart (called Walton's) in 1962

1923 Ernest Hemingway's Passport

1968 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger 1975 Mr. Olympia

1958 Audrey Hepburn

1977 Bill Gates Mug Shot After Arrest For Driving Without a License

Steve Jobs & Bill Gates

A Young Bill Clinton Meeting JFK

Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein

Che Guiverra & Fidel Castro

Diane Keaton & Al Pacino during filming of The Godfather in 1972

Early Drawings created by Walt Disney

Hitler attending Goebbels wedding

Mount Rushmore under construction

Obama back in the day with his Hawaii basketball team

The original cast of Star Wars

Pablo Picasso & Bridgit Bardot

Queen Elizabeth during WWII service

Sean Connery

Sean Connery And in body builder pose