I had a note from Joe Starpoli, class of 1960...
Hey Bob,
I found the 1957 Babe Ruth League Opening Day roster book. Do you remember T. Pagano Furniture and MR. Aaron Chaffkin? Mr Chaffkin was our manager. We were both on the Pagano team in 1957. I played three years of Babe Ruth baseball and all on the same team.
Some old names...
Pete Anselmo
Gene Burke
Chris Polansky
Ray Sitler
I forwarded the Starpoli note to Steve Blust...his response...
Dear Bob:
It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun. It's great that you come up with all the trivia stuff. I kinda remember the old baseball teams. There was a team called Pan Am managed by Charley Morris who was a Pan Am Captain. I worked for Pan Am for over 40 years and was one of the last employee's to leave and close the doors. Now living in Tampa Fl in our community we have 4 Pan Am Captains which I used to send them their paychecks. We only met in Florida. To keep my mind active I do mediation with the 5th circuit court and can write a book of funny and in some case sad stories. It does keep me busy on Tuesdays with white shirt and tie.
I am very pleased to be in good health and getting ready to celebrate my big 70th (11/16/42). We have been in Florida going on 12 years and keep chasing the little white ball. I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia visiting my brother/sister in-law. We plan to head to Pinehurst NC and play some of the golf courses there.
Bob, I really enjoy the monthly newsletter and when I tell people about it they wish they had something similar. The pictures from the class of 1960 celebration were great. I am sorry I missed it and if there is something in the near future I will do my damnedest to get to it.
If you are ever in the Tampa area I would like to get together and talk about the good old days.
Best Regards,
Steve Blust 1960
Steve, Here's your team...
Tom Strati Nikitas
Larry Werkstell
Steve Blust
Hank Ristow
Hank Cierski
Tom Doherty
Len Grumo
Mike Rosenwasser
Larry Sakadinsky
Artie Clemenz
Rob McCotter
Holton Casale
Bill Holton
Bob Casale
Rich Simpson
Bud Juppe
Joe Starpoli
Tom DeBrocke
Tune In for the next episode....