Dutch Lane Elementary School third grade class photo (1952-53).  I think the teacher's name was Mrs. Bocheri (not sure of the spelling).  This was the year that Dutch Lane  school was opened.  I am in the far left hand corner with the bow tie.








Sixth grade (1956) at Dutch Lane School.  Mr. Abt was 
the teacher.  His brother was Hicksville Superintendent of Schools.   After 
spending a year in grade 5 at Nicholai St. School, students returned to 
Dutch Lane School in the new addition. I am sitting 2nd from the front in 
the 2nd column from the left hand side.









This is the 1960 Wrestling Team.  Mr. Roberts was the coach. 
I am 5th from the left hand side on the front row. 
Bob Siegel, 1962 (VA)








Class Photo Dutch Lane Elementary Kindergarten Class 1955 morning 
session with Miss Langdon

Left to right in First Row: ?, Jack Walsh, Steve Mallow[itz], ? , ?
, ? , Frank Flynn, Ken Kagen

Second Row:  ? , Wendy Eberhardt, Kathy Seif, Gail Roseman, ? , ? , 
Jim Rubins, Debbie Fields (standing), Marie Celentano

Back row sitting: Virginia Christenson, Karen Kozak, Kevin Bailey, 
Janet Murtha, Doug Young, ? , Margaret Quick, Jan Shenda, Miss Langdon

Please send additions/corrections to Jim Rubins    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Class Photo Dutch Lane First Grade 1956 Mrs. Tobaison

Front row seated:  ? , Chris Bauer, Jan Shenda, ?

Second row: ? , Gail Roseman, Kathy Seif, Margaret Quick, Karen Kozak, 
Wendy Eberhardt, Debbie Fieldson

Third row:  Marie Celentano, ? , Virginia Christensen, Susan,  ? , ? , 
Janet Murtha,

Fourth Row:  Jack Burke, Kevin Bailey, Doug Young, Jim Rubins, Ken 
Kegan, Steven Taylor, ? 
Additions/corrections to Jim Rubins '67   
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All three above submitted by Jim Rubins, '67 (CA)

Lee Avenue had a graduation day called Moving Up Day where all the 6th grader's "graduated" to junior high school. Below is the commencement brochure, members of the 6th grade class, and a picture of me and Marion Winant at the ceremony.

Bill Dylewski in San Diego



East Street School

This would be the HHS class of '69' - Jeff Rowohlt

Photo 1534 East St kindergarten 1957
Me 2nd from right. back row (bow tie) Nick D' Agostino left of teacher (tallest) Dennis Inkpen far left back row front row right: Jeannie Kaplan Diane Straub Sheryl Israel ? Fay Sue finkelman Jeannie Connolly Alice ? on end

Photo 1536 East St 2nd Grade 1959
Me 2nd from right. back row Patrick Dowling left of me in back row Thomas Flanagan Chris O'Neil Dennis Inkpen Girls: Sue Finkelman, Diane Straub, Roberta Giordano
- Tim Long

Photo 1532 east St 3rd grade 1960 Me back row on left (chequered shirt) John Fundus next to me Nick D'Agostino right of teacher Chris O'Neil next to him next row down Tim Long far right  Alex Gambereri 3rd from right Jeannie Connolly far right Fay next to her Denise Eisele 3rd row center Diane Straub 4th row center

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