I also remember Dugan's and Entemann's delivering bread and cakes to the house. The Bookmobile also toured the neighborhood twice a month. Also, the water retention basin for the Allied Homes always had just enough water in the winter to skate on.The little blurb and link stating that The Hicksville Newsletter was worth some money must have been a joke.  When Pat and I started we refused advertising and always hoped The Newsletter would turn out just as it has.  Thanks to everyone that works so hard every month to get it out on deadline.

Linda Piccerelli Hayden 1960

Hi Editors,

Attached is another photo.  This one is from Kindergarten, East Street School, '52-'53 before Woodland Ave. School was built.  That is me on far right, leaning against window with left hand in pocket.  It's a little tough trying to remember names in this one, but here goes:

On my right is Ken Wallace.

Next to him is Guy Van Wagenen.

Next to him, I think, is Charlie Schafer.

Sitting in front row, on left is Gordon Van Sise.

Next to him is Don Martin (?).

Sitting at table on right, second one from right, was one of my best friend Joe Havlick, who passed away a few years back.

I know that Steve Ragusa, Philip Ragone, Mike Mueller, Andy Koehler, Joanne Pani, Steve Walsh and few others from around the Briggs Street/Ketchum Ave. & Road area are in there.

It will be fun seeing if anyone recognizes themselves or others.

Next month, Woodland Ave. 6th grade.

If there is anything I can do, do not hesitate to contact me.

Semper Fidelis

Bill Walden

Many thanks to all 1960's classmates who sent in names of those pictured in the following photograph. If anyone can provide more detail about the picture, or if you can name the several names still missing, please do so for publication in the October issue. I'm not sure what school these students were attending. There is no teacher present in the picture. Thanks for your help.

The Gang at the Hicksville Newsletter

Mrs. Clapp's class 5-204-AM at Lee Avenue School in 1954. Several students are named...many are not. Can anyone help with more names??

First Row on Right, Front to Back: Sue Hodges * GGG

Second Row from Right,  Front to Back: Renee Abramowitz * Jo Elaine Carbe * Patty McKeon * Pete Anselmo * Salvatore Gramaglia

Middle Row: GGG * GGG * GGG * Bruce Teechfeld * Chris Coletta * Bill Dylewski

Fourth Row From Right,  GGG * Darlene Socherock * Marty Winkler * Douglas Arrington * Vin Coletta

Fifth Row From Right:  Arthur Cook * Frank Coletta * GGG * Judy Sadler *

Standing Left To Right: BBB * BBB * Mrs. Clapp * Fred Winkler * BBB


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