Newsletter and Website
Alumni and Friends
Hicksville Schools
Hicksville, New York

Latest Newsletter

  • July 2024: Volume 24 - Issue 10

    newHickLogoNewsletter for the Alumni and Friends of Hicksville High School - Hicksville, New York

    Dear Readers,
    We hope you enjoy our latest issue. If you log into the website, you can click on Features and then Biographies to submit your biography to the site! We have included an article about Senior Trips. We saw a lot of comments on Facebook, but we hesitate to use them without permission. We would love to continue the article, but please send your stories and photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m, along with your name and graduation year. Do you have pictures and memories of diners or delis? Do you have ideas for new stories? Please email us! Click Here for the Multi‑Year Reunion
     - Your HixNews Team

    Click here to continue reading July 2024: Volume 24 - Issue 10

Wayne SternbergerPIXville Plays
by Wayne Sternberger, Class of 1971

Editors' Note: Just in case you missed last month's edition, what follows is the history of PIXville in the words and pictures of Wayne Sternberger in what he has called Hicksville High School Behind the Camera.

I graduated from Hicksville High School in June 1971. There are a few pictures of me from my time at HHS and HJHS, but they are few and far between. This was largely due to me taking pictures of everyone else. I had a couple of cameras, lots of film, and a basement darkroom. And, because this was long before the world was colorized, my photos were black and white. Fortunately for me, the memories are still in vivid color.

I was on the audio-visual squad in Jr. High and High School, so I was also behind the projector, on the PA system, and making copies of handouts and tests. I was at sporting events, pep rallies, dances, class elections, school board meetings, and other parts of our HHS existence. While we all witnessed the world changing, I had the photographic “evidence.” And I wanted to share some of that in the form of photos that I unearthed while sorting through more than 50 years of what I call collectibles and my wife (Shari Stockinger Sternberger, HHS ’71) would call clutter. These photos didn’t make it into the yearbook—for good reason—yet probably have meaning for many of us.

I suppose our parents expected school to provide academic and vocational preparation for our futures primarily. We were more likely to embrace school for the social and extracurricular activities. I want to share some of the memories I captured in the pictures I took. While they reflect a small, finite period in the history of HHS, I’m sure that HHS classmates of all ages can share the nostalgia.


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